Well...I'm staging an intervention. Duncan is addicted to having a pacifier in order to fall asleep and it's time to stop because it interferes with MY sleep. He partially wakes in the middle of the night and needs his pacifier to go back to sleep. I laid him down for nap today and didn't give it to him. After over an hour of him crying and my nerves tiptoeing far too close to the brink of insanity he finally wore himself out.
A question for the Mother-Cats: Should a six month boy be able to sleep through the night (8-11 hours) without needing to eat? Kenna was able to sleep 10-12 hours at night at a much earlier age. I can't figure out if I'm an enabler or he really needs to eat. Any thoughts from my Kitties with boys????
Kenna is outside and had some snot on her nose. I told her to get the tissue out of her pocket and wipe her nose...she used her sleeve instead--yuck! She's playing mother & baby (the girl version of cowboys & Indians) with her stuffed Spider Monkey--a strange site.
Well, as always, the dishes beckon me :(