Sorry I have been such a slacker lately. We had a great vacation at the beach. Very relaxing and enjoyable. I had a drs appointment the day after we got back and they were able to hear a heartbeat after a long time of trying. I have another appointment on Aug. 20 and then a month after that will be the big ultrasound. We have been painting our living room the last couple of days. It looks much better. It is amazing what a paint job will do. Well I need to go- you can read more about our vacation at
Love you all- Betsy
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
i just wrote a stinkin' huge post...and it got messed up and not posted. so i'll have to post again later. i love you cats! - klep
Monday, July 21, 2008
In need of Light
Hey Kitties...
Do any of you get overwhelmed with the darkness that is present in this world? I do and I am currently in need of some more Light. I say all this because Eli and I have been discussing a situation that is currently going on involving some children that have been sexually abused. Such immoral, debase and despicable things have happened to such innocent children. Then this morning I was on Myspace tracking down some of our teenage girls to pass on some youth group information and I was so burdened with the darkness that was present on their pages. And these were all girls that live in Christian homes! It is vogue to be depressed, sarcastic and dark. I don't remember being like this as a teenager. What is going on? Please tell me it won't be this way for our children. Does anyone else worry about such things?
My heart just feels heavy with the evil and darkness that is very much a part of our world. It's hard being an adult!!
Well, on a lighter side. It's 2:02 in the afternoon and I'm still in my shirt I slept in and have yet to put on a bra--at least I put some shorts on this morning! Duncan has officially rejected all baby food and wishes to only eat our table food. He has grown up so much just in the last week or so. He can put himself in a sitting position, pull up, drink from a cup and now wants table food. Kenna just ate some cherries for lunch and she looks like Heath Ledger's 'Joker' character. I suppose I ought to wash her face off--it's kinda creepy.
It was good to hear from Fulty--I hope things slow down for you soon. Have they started looking for someone else to fill the position?
Bets--how's the pregnancy? We don't hear much from you anymore.
Vanessa--sounds like things are good for you in Carmi. Are things at the church well?
Well, I better go--stuff to do.
Do any of you get overwhelmed with the darkness that is present in this world? I do and I am currently in need of some more Light. I say all this because Eli and I have been discussing a situation that is currently going on involving some children that have been sexually abused. Such immoral, debase and despicable things have happened to such innocent children. Then this morning I was on Myspace tracking down some of our teenage girls to pass on some youth group information and I was so burdened with the darkness that was present on their pages. And these were all girls that live in Christian homes! It is vogue to be depressed, sarcastic and dark. I don't remember being like this as a teenager. What is going on? Please tell me it won't be this way for our children. Does anyone else worry about such things?
My heart just feels heavy with the evil and darkness that is very much a part of our world. It's hard being an adult!!
Well, on a lighter side. It's 2:02 in the afternoon and I'm still in my shirt I slept in and have yet to put on a bra--at least I put some shorts on this morning! Duncan has officially rejected all baby food and wishes to only eat our table food. He has grown up so much just in the last week or so. He can put himself in a sitting position, pull up, drink from a cup and now wants table food. Kenna just ate some cherries for lunch and she looks like Heath Ledger's 'Joker' character. I suppose I ought to wash her face off--it's kinda creepy.
It was good to hear from Fulty--I hope things slow down for you soon. Have they started looking for someone else to fill the position?
Bets--how's the pregnancy? We don't hear much from you anymore.
Vanessa--sounds like things are good for you in Carmi. Are things at the church well?
Well, I better go--stuff to do.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
i survived
well, sorry i haven't posted in a million years. i've had a roller coaster of a time the last couple of weeks. steve's sister and her family of 5 were here for 9 days, which was fun, but very tiring. we had to do something big everyday, and my poor little children were at there wits' end everyday. not to mention being pretty pregnant at this point in the very hot summer. as soon as they left, i went into vbs mode and worked 41 hours (i'm a 20 hour employee) that week preparing. i was completely in charge of vbs this year for the first time. then we actually had vbs this past week, which required another 41 hours of my time. in the last 2 weeks, i haven't touched the nasty load of dishes in my sink or eaten a single meal at home. my family was falling apart. but vbs is over and i'm hoping to get back to some semblance of normalcy soon.
will post more later. love you all.
will post more later. love you all.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Hi Cats!
I just returned from a fun afternoon of swimming at the Carmi pool with the fam! Not too much excitement around here, except I lost my child for about thirty minutes last Friday. He decided to walk to DiMaggio's pizza from my mom's house which is just behind the pizza place. I lived one of my worst nightmares for about thirty minutes, but thankful he was found. I love my mother dearly, but I might hurt her if the closing on our house does not come soon. Other than that I am enjoying going to yard sales on a regular basis and only filling my car up for gas once in three weeks. I miss all of you! Jenney did you make all those cakes?? Bets-how are you feeling? Mandy, hang in there, did you all get the bunk beds??
I just returned from a fun afternoon of swimming at the Carmi pool with the fam! Not too much excitement around here, except I lost my child for about thirty minutes last Friday. He decided to walk to DiMaggio's pizza from my mom's house which is just behind the pizza place. I lived one of my worst nightmares for about thirty minutes, but thankful he was found. I love my mother dearly, but I might hurt her if the closing on our house does not come soon. Other than that I am enjoying going to yard sales on a regular basis and only filling my car up for gas once in three weeks. I miss all of you! Jenney did you make all those cakes?? Bets-how are you feeling? Mandy, hang in there, did you all get the bunk beds??
Friday, July 18, 2008
Dunkin' Duncan
We went to the YMCA with the Bruno's last night and I decided to dunk Duncan. He did really well and towards the end of our swim he was beginning to anticipate dunk when I would start counting to three. I'm telling you all this because I wanted to post a blog titled 'Dunkin Duncan'--in the words of Kleppy--Hardy Har Har!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Just Because...
I am not posting for any reason except that i am tired of loading this page and seeing Jenney's big fat nasty blasted hand every time the page loads!
Hiss. Spit.
Hiss. Spit.
Monday, July 14, 2008
cabbage patch hand
I Got stung by a wasp the other day while watering my flowers (they had built a nest on the front of the window box and I didn't see it). It stung me on the middle knuckle on my pinkie and it swelled up and didn't go down for four days. Thankfully, I got my wedding rings off just in time or I'd have had to get them cut off. Yes, I cried like a little girl but my hero (Eric) was there to rescue me and fix me up. :) Enjoy the pics (one normal hand, one wasp-stung hand).
At least now I know what my hands would look like if I ever gain 100 pounds.
Oh, Byrd - last I heard your sister was marrying that other dude! What the heck happened?! And...holy cow! Losing 50 pounds is quite an accomplishment - good for you, it sounds like you've been working your butt off @ the Rush....literally! (hardy har har)
I've been meaning to put some pics on for a while now...Liz - that picture of Duncan on the swing is so cute, I wanted to reach into the computer and eat him up!!! AAAhhhh!!!
The Kermit cake was amazing, too, much more difficult than my star patterns on cake molds! The first one (the bear) was for my friend Steph's baby shower, the flower was for a 7=year old little girl in the apartment complex here. It was fun...but that'll be it for cake making for me until next summer, I'm sure!
I mean to take some pics of my apartment at some point so you all can see where we live!
Update on Officer
Hello All,
Byrd, hang in there with the Ava! I'll keep in you in my thoughts today. Try not to get puked on--that will only make it worse--but you probably know that already :)
Thought you might like to know that Fishburn is doing remarkably well. They took him off of the coma inducing medications and have him under general anesthesia (the same medications you get when you have surgery). In order to see how his brain is functioning they have pulled him out of the general anesthesia enough to ask him questions and check his ability to move his body parts. Amazingly enough yesterday the doctors asked him to hold up two finger and he did! Barring unforeseen issues they think he's at least going to live and it looks like he'll probably regain function of his body. But there are still a lot of unknowns--like his speech and mental capacity. But, by truly is a miracle that he is still alive. Eli was explaining to me all the support and care he received within the first few moments of getting shot. One officer was a trained EMT--not to mention the fact that he was raced to the hospital escorted by 5 lights and sirens police cruisers and a helicopter. If this had happened in a smaller city or in a more rural area he would have died. So this is all good news and has helped some in the morale of Eli, the other officers and certainly their loved ones--including me!
I'm trying to get the house picked up and orderly because the Bruno's are flying into the States today. They will be staying here at our house for a week before heading off to do some other things.
If you haven't seen the Curious George movie that came out a year or so ago you should. Kenna and I watched it the other day and it was cute. I laughed out loud many times.
My garden is looking good. It's a little behind some of the other gardens in our neighborhood--but I guess that's ok because we'll still get things later in the summer.
Well, I should get back to cleaning the house.
Byrd, hang in there with the Ava! I'll keep in you in my thoughts today. Try not to get puked on--that will only make it worse--but you probably know that already :)
Thought you might like to know that Fishburn is doing remarkably well. They took him off of the coma inducing medications and have him under general anesthesia (the same medications you get when you have surgery). In order to see how his brain is functioning they have pulled him out of the general anesthesia enough to ask him questions and check his ability to move his body parts. Amazingly enough yesterday the doctors asked him to hold up two finger and he did! Barring unforeseen issues they think he's at least going to live and it looks like he'll probably regain function of his body. But there are still a lot of unknowns--like his speech and mental capacity. But, by truly is a miracle that he is still alive. Eli was explaining to me all the support and care he received within the first few moments of getting shot. One officer was a trained EMT--not to mention the fact that he was raced to the hospital escorted by 5 lights and sirens police cruisers and a helicopter. If this had happened in a smaller city or in a more rural area he would have died. So this is all good news and has helped some in the morale of Eli, the other officers and certainly their loved ones--including me!
I'm trying to get the house picked up and orderly because the Bruno's are flying into the States today. They will be staying here at our house for a week before heading off to do some other things.
If you haven't seen the Curious George movie that came out a year or so ago you should. Kenna and I watched it the other day and it was cute. I laughed out loud many times.
My garden is looking good. It's a little behind some of the other gardens in our neighborhood--but I guess that's ok because we'll still get things later in the summer.
Well, I should get back to cleaning the house.
The End of My Rope...
Okay i need to rant! Why can't my daughter just freakin lay still so she wont puke? She is puking then acting like life is normal, bouncin around until she pukes again...continue the pattern. I am about to absolutely lose my mind! This child is driving me crazy! She puked in the bowl i was feeding her goldfish from then wanted the goldfish to eat as soon as she was done eating! She doesn't watch TV, she doesn't lay still and i am going on about 4 hours sleep which you all know from personal experience is iffy on all fronts!
Please pray for my sanity.
Okay i need to rant! Why can't my daughter just freakin lay still so she wont puke? She is puking then acting like life is normal, bouncin around until she pukes again...continue the pattern. I am about to absolutely lose my mind! This child is driving me crazy! She puked in the bowl i was feeding her goldfish from then wanted the goldfish to eat as soon as she was done eating! She doesn't watch TV, she doesn't lay still and i am going on about 4 hours sleep which you all know from personal experience is iffy on all fronts!
Please pray for my sanity.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Come Lord Jesus, Come!
"Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know."--Job
Seriously, no sooner did I get off the computer after writing my last blog and the Lord placed his Word before me. I did not seek this passage out by doing a word search on "justice". It just so happened that 2 Thessalonians 1:11 was next on my list of passages to read on the topic of prayer. Providentially, this passage (1:6-10) was right before and I read it to get the context of 1:11. Could God work anymore immediate and bold? I find myself as humbled as Job.
"God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power on the day he comes to be glorified in the holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed."
Seriously, no sooner did I get off the computer after writing my last blog and the Lord placed his Word before me. I did not seek this passage out by doing a word search on "justice". It just so happened that 2 Thessalonians 1:11 was next on my list of passages to read on the topic of prayer. Providentially, this passage (1:6-10) was right before and I read it to get the context of 1:11. Could God work anymore immediate and bold? I find myself as humbled as Job.
"God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power on the day he comes to be glorified in the holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed."
Too Close To Home
Dearest Cats,
I'm sitting home alone tonight while Eli is at one of our local hospitals showing support to a fellow officer who was shot tonight. He was one of Eli's academy friends and they work the same shift on the near East side together. He was shot in the chest (his vest protected him) but he was also shot in the head. He is in surgery and they won't know the outcome until some time from now. I want this man to live for two reasons: One, he has a wife and his young life can surely not be over yet. Two, if he dies it makes it that much more likely that something could happen to my dear Eli. By his living through this it seems like maybe Eli will be OK too. I know this makes no sense but these are my thoughts right now. As with all incidents involving the injury of law abiding people--the wanted-for-homicide bastard that shot this officer walked away with a mere shoulder wound. Where is the justice? I guess that's only for God to know!
Pray for Officer Fishburn and his wife.
Pray also for my Eli.
I'm sitting home alone tonight while Eli is at one of our local hospitals showing support to a fellow officer who was shot tonight. He was one of Eli's academy friends and they work the same shift on the near East side together. He was shot in the chest (his vest protected him) but he was also shot in the head. He is in surgery and they won't know the outcome until some time from now. I want this man to live for two reasons: One, he has a wife and his young life can surely not be over yet. Two, if he dies it makes it that much more likely that something could happen to my dear Eli. By his living through this it seems like maybe Eli will be OK too. I know this makes no sense but these are my thoughts right now. As with all incidents involving the injury of law abiding people--the wanted-for-homicide bastard that shot this officer walked away with a mere shoulder wound. Where is the justice? I guess that's only for God to know!
Pray for Officer Fishburn and his wife.
Pray also for my Eli.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I Know I am Delinquent...
Hi Cats! Sorry for my delinquency! I know i am guilty of the very thing that i fuss and gripe over; not posting. However, it does seem that it is getting harder to come up for air in these summer months. TRH is taking over the planet it seems.
All is well and there are some crazy things that may be on the horizon for our fam. I will tell you about them as they come. I don't have time right now to go into a bunch of detail. Mostly we have been spending our days either in crisis mode with our families or just trying to chill out either at a local splash pad or the pool; trying to avoid any further drama. Admittedly, i do keep wishing for a vacation but a broken A.C. a few weeks ago wiped out that possibility along with several others. But hey at least the house isn't 84 degrees anymore.
Atley and Ava are in really fun stages. They mostly play well together and say the funniest things. Ava is becoming a bit of a bossy pants but that is expected. Atley will be 4 this September and i just can't believe it! He could go to kindergarten next year! Isn't that nuts? I don't think i am going to send him though, not because i don't think he is developmentally ready, but because being the youngest boy in the grade doesn't seem like the best spot for him.
My dad and Jill came down for the 4th and we had a lot of fun. It is nice to feel like i am gaining back lost time with him. We are very close these days. Not to mention that i talk with my stepmom like every day. We just really click and she has never had any family so it is good.
In other new developments, my sister is dating a very native Nigerian man that she met in her apartment complex before she moved to the condos across from my house. His name is Samson and he is a nursing student at UT. I don't know if it will head anywhere or not but it is interesting to say the least. His accent is really thick and he is extremely shy.
Oh yeah and my current weight loss grand total is 50lbs. I have been mooching off of Kristin Smith's membership to The Rush and try to work out really hard at least 4 times a week. It is hard to find the time but has been so great to do something for myself.
So i suppose that is a little update as to where we are. Please be praying for us as there are some big possibilities on the horizon for us. If you want to give me a call i will gladly chat with you about it.
Love you cats!
All is well and there are some crazy things that may be on the horizon for our fam. I will tell you about them as they come. I don't have time right now to go into a bunch of detail. Mostly we have been spending our days either in crisis mode with our families or just trying to chill out either at a local splash pad or the pool; trying to avoid any further drama. Admittedly, i do keep wishing for a vacation but a broken A.C. a few weeks ago wiped out that possibility along with several others. But hey at least the house isn't 84 degrees anymore.
Atley and Ava are in really fun stages. They mostly play well together and say the funniest things. Ava is becoming a bit of a bossy pants but that is expected. Atley will be 4 this September and i just can't believe it! He could go to kindergarten next year! Isn't that nuts? I don't think i am going to send him though, not because i don't think he is developmentally ready, but because being the youngest boy in the grade doesn't seem like the best spot for him.
My dad and Jill came down for the 4th and we had a lot of fun. It is nice to feel like i am gaining back lost time with him. We are very close these days. Not to mention that i talk with my stepmom like every day. We just really click and she has never had any family so it is good.
In other new developments, my sister is dating a very native Nigerian man that she met in her apartment complex before she moved to the condos across from my house. His name is Samson and he is a nursing student at UT. I don't know if it will head anywhere or not but it is interesting to say the least. His accent is really thick and he is extremely shy.
Oh yeah and my current weight loss grand total is 50lbs. I have been mooching off of Kristin Smith's membership to The Rush and try to work out really hard at least 4 times a week. It is hard to find the time but has been so great to do something for myself.
So i suppose that is a little update as to where we are. Please be praying for us as there are some big possibilities on the horizon for us. If you want to give me a call i will gladly chat with you about it.
Love you cats!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Pictures as promised!
Ok...I know this is a lot of pictures. But don't we all like to see each others pictures!
Look at the face on this kid. It says, 'ornery' all over it!
This is Kenna on her new tricyle.
This is the Kermit cake that I decorated. Klepper--are you proud of me?
Here the kids are sporting their 4th of July apparel.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A Fun Holiday Weekend
Hey Cats!
Hope everyone's 4th went well. Ours was great. Eli's been with the department long enough now that he can get some holidays off if he asks for them. He got to be with us for the 4th and for Kenna's Birthday the following day. We spent the 4th with some friends and then headed down town for fire works. Immediately following the fire works we headed down to Bloomington to spend the night with my parents and celebrate Kenna's 3rd birthday with them.
We had a really great day with Kenna, Duncan and my parents. Nothing too big or flashy--just a day full of cinnamon rolls for breakfast, playing at a play ground, ice cream from the local Chocolate Moose, a good afternoon nap, a steak dinner, a Kermit the Frog Birthday cake (decorated by yours truly) and some presents that delighted the pants off my daughter. My parents got her a Red Radio Flyer tricycle--she adores it.
One of my favorite moments was during her time of opening her gifts. Eli and I got her a David Crowder cd--she really likes the song "Everything Glorious". The chorus came on and she started singing, " you make everyting dorious, you make everyting dorious...and I am yours..."--then she had to stop opening her gifts and dance. I wanted to cry with joy and happiness--it was one of the most precious, sincere, living-in-the-moment moments I have witnessed in a long time. This birthday for her made me realize that she is at such a wonderful age--old enough to understand what's going on but not old enough to be preoccupied about getting presents and herself. Everything we did or gave to her was a sincere surprise to her and she delighted in every moment. I've discovered that I may no longer be at an age where I lay awake the night before my birthday full of anticipation and excitement. Those days are long gone. But I now find myself looking forward to enjoying these times with my children--anticipating their delight, planning things that I know they will enjoy and seeing the look of excitement on their faces. If I feel this way with my own children imagine what God must feel like with us. He is good!
It would be really cool if we could all get together at V's for Corn Day! Vanessa, get us the dates and hopefully we can work something out.
Grace and Peace
I have some photos but they aren't uploading for some reason. I'll try again tomorrow.
Hope everyone's 4th went well. Ours was great. Eli's been with the department long enough now that he can get some holidays off if he asks for them. He got to be with us for the 4th and for Kenna's Birthday the following day. We spent the 4th with some friends and then headed down town for fire works. Immediately following the fire works we headed down to Bloomington to spend the night with my parents and celebrate Kenna's 3rd birthday with them.
We had a really great day with Kenna, Duncan and my parents. Nothing too big or flashy--just a day full of cinnamon rolls for breakfast, playing at a play ground, ice cream from the local Chocolate Moose, a good afternoon nap, a steak dinner, a Kermit the Frog Birthday cake (decorated by yours truly) and some presents that delighted the pants off my daughter. My parents got her a Red Radio Flyer tricycle--she adores it.
One of my favorite moments was during her time of opening her gifts. Eli and I got her a David Crowder cd--she really likes the song "Everything Glorious". The chorus came on and she started singing, " you make everyting dorious, you make everyting dorious...and I am yours..."--then she had to stop opening her gifts and dance. I wanted to cry with joy and happiness--it was one of the most precious, sincere, living-in-the-moment moments I have witnessed in a long time. This birthday for her made me realize that she is at such a wonderful age--old enough to understand what's going on but not old enough to be preoccupied about getting presents and herself. Everything we did or gave to her was a sincere surprise to her and she delighted in every moment. I've discovered that I may no longer be at an age where I lay awake the night before my birthday full of anticipation and excitement. Those days are long gone. But I now find myself looking forward to enjoying these times with my children--anticipating their delight, planning things that I know they will enjoy and seeing the look of excitement on their faces. If I feel this way with my own children imagine what God must feel like with us. He is good!
It would be really cool if we could all get together at V's for Corn Day! Vanessa, get us the dates and hopefully we can work something out.
Grace and Peace
I have some photos but they aren't uploading for some reason. I'll try again tomorrow.
Friday, July 4, 2008
I am alive and in the land of corn and coal! All is well in the bustling metropolis of Carmi! We bought a house last night, it is awesome and I am so excited! It has a pool and a garage! We are moving on up in the high society life! Scott just finished his first week at BCH and so far loves it! I am quickly getting involved in possibly job opportunities and such! It is so strange to drive less than a mile to go anywhere. We have not put gas in our cars since we moved! Please keep praying for a smooth transition and would love it if you all could come for a visit this fall for CORN DAY!!! Our new house has plenty of room and it would be so much fun! I love you all and miss you dearly!
I am alive and in the land of corn and coal! All is well in the bustling metropolis of Carmi! We bought a house last night, it is awesome and I am so excited! It has a pool and a garage! We are moving on up in the high society life! Scott just finished his first week at BCH and so far loves it! I am quickly getting involved in possibly job opportunities and such! It is so strange to drive less than a mile to go anywhere. We have not put gas in our cars since we moved! Please keep praying for a smooth transition and would love it if you all could come for a visit this fall for CORN DAY!!! Our new house has plenty of room and it would be so much fun! I love you all and miss you dearly!
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