Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Got the addresses! No worries! My cats, I have been deeply wounded by my mother-in-law, please pray for God's wisdom on my part and that I could let go of my anger. I just want to scream at her and maybe slap her in the face! Well, enough melodrama! Please just pray and let me know if you think I mistreat my husband and children. Thanks and Merry Christmas as always! V
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm sitting here at my parents' computer listening to Mariah Carey's Christmas music. I wish we could be back in the bathroom of our old Johnson Hall suite wearing just our shirts and panties, donning Santa hats and singing into hair brushes. There was always such a charge in air those weeks that followed Thanksgiving break. Those were special days my ladies...
Nowadays I find other wonderful ways to celebrate the holidays...like making cookies with 'little helpers', sweeping up broken ornaments, explaining that Baby Jesus had a very 'special Father' and, my personal favorite, playing 'reindeer games' with Mr. E with nothing but the Christmas lights on! (I knew you guys would love this one!)
Christmas is always such a nostalgic part of my year--not only do I have all the memories from when I was a child but you all are also part of the memory bank. You are my family as well and I would love to spend it with you all in a more cozy way than this silly blog. Know that I love you all and you are special to me.
Nowadays I find other wonderful ways to celebrate the holidays...like making cookies with 'little helpers', sweeping up broken ornaments, explaining that Baby Jesus had a very 'special Father' and, my personal favorite, playing 'reindeer games' with Mr. E with nothing but the Christmas lights on! (I knew you guys would love this one!)
Christmas is always such a nostalgic part of my year--not only do I have all the memories from when I was a child but you all are also part of the memory bank. You are my family as well and I would love to spend it with you all in a more cozy way than this silly blog. Know that I love you all and you are special to me.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Anybody got any ideas for healthy snacks for me and for my kids? I know how to be healthy but I appreciate other ideas from you all! Also, any recipes or ideas for a brunch that I am hosting on Friday. Merry Christmas my cats! I saw a picture frame at Kohl's that had the word CATS cut out so you could fill the letters in with pictures. I laughed outloud! MIss you all and hope to see you when the ice melts! V
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Another year older
Happy Birthday ByrdCat! We love you!
I had my 32 week appointment today. All is well. The doc said next appointment I can set a date- woohoo! That will be Dec. 23rd and then I think I have to go back every week until delivery and have an ultrasound, nonstress test and doctor visit- not looking forward to that because they take forever, but at least we are getting close to the end.
I had my 32 week appointment today. All is well. The doc said next appointment I can set a date- woohoo! That will be Dec. 23rd and then I think I have to go back every week until delivery and have an ultrasound, nonstress test and doctor visit- not looking forward to that because they take forever, but at least we are getting close to the end.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
What a Week!
Ok, cats. It's been a wild week for us. We just got home yesterday afternoon from the hospital and are trying to regroup.
Wednesday night we went to bed and then at 1:00 in the morning, Campbell woke up with a fever of 102. I called the pediatrician and the nurse on call said to take her into the emergency room right away. I took her in, and Steve stayed with the twins. The thing is, Steve's cell phone died earlier that day, and he'd left his charger in KY last weekend- so he had no phone and no way to charge his phone. I knew that whenever I found out anything at the hospital, I had no way to let him know. I got there and they immediately ran a bunch of tests: urine test-she had to be catheterized, started an IV, which didn't work in her arm or the right side of her head, but finally worked in the left side of her head, several blood tests, and a spinal tap. All the while I was alone in the middle of the night with her and no way to talk to Steve. Then they told us she had to be admitted for a minimum of 48 hours to wait for all of the cultures be be run and make sure she didn't have a systemic infection. This is all because she's under 2 months old and therefore has an underdeveloped immune system, so it's pretty much automatic with a fever over 100.5. I called my mom, who was supposed to be coming up the next night along with my grandma, grandpa, and aunt to meet Campbell and go to our Christmas show. She packed her bags and headed up right away.
We waited and passed the time at the hospital, and my mom watched the twins so Steve could come to the hospital. That night my grandparents and aunt stayed with the twins so my mom could sit with Campbell at the hospital and Steve and I could go to the dress rehearsal. The next day mom, the twins, my grandparents and my aunt came to visit us at the hospital. We went down to the cafeteria for lunch and my mom didn't eat because she said that her stomach was a little upset. That night she was too sick to go to the show so all of us went but her. It was catered by ChickfilA and as soon as the twins got their food, Adeline puked all over herself and Anderson, and unreal amount of vomit. My aunt took the two of them home, but my grandparents stayed. After the show, I stopped by the house to check on my mom and Adeline before returning to the hospital to stay the night with Campbell. I walked in the house and it smelled like puke, I could hear my grandma in the bathroom throwing up. Adeline and my mom had continued to throw up, and Anderson had lethal diarrhea. I got out of there as fast as I could. While we were at the hospital that night, Steve got sick and threw up so much he had to be taken downstairs to the ER and started on IV fluids because he was dehydrated as well as drugs they give chemo patients to stop the vomitting. My aunt also got sick that night at my house. I made Steve go home when he was released from the ER and made then come in and clean and disinfect the room for Campbell and me. The next morning my grandpa woke up sick. So all 7 people at my house were barfing their guts up, (as well as coping with the scoots) and I felt like I was in some horrible end of the world movie where everyone was dying around me and I was waiting to get it, too. I thought I lucked out, until the following evening. I got it, too- at the hospital. I was violently throwing up every few minutes, and trying to nurse Campbell who was still attached to an IV between puking sessions through the night. It was absolutely horrible, but we are all home now and trying to get well. No one at my house it throwing up now, (my grandparents are back in Indiana and still throwing up, though) we are just fighting nausea and not really ready for solid food, yet. If we never repeat this past week it will be way too soon!!!!
Wednesday night we went to bed and then at 1:00 in the morning, Campbell woke up with a fever of 102. I called the pediatrician and the nurse on call said to take her into the emergency room right away. I took her in, and Steve stayed with the twins. The thing is, Steve's cell phone died earlier that day, and he'd left his charger in KY last weekend- so he had no phone and no way to charge his phone. I knew that whenever I found out anything at the hospital, I had no way to let him know. I got there and they immediately ran a bunch of tests: urine test-she had to be catheterized, started an IV, which didn't work in her arm or the right side of her head, but finally worked in the left side of her head, several blood tests, and a spinal tap. All the while I was alone in the middle of the night with her and no way to talk to Steve. Then they told us she had to be admitted for a minimum of 48 hours to wait for all of the cultures be be run and make sure she didn't have a systemic infection. This is all because she's under 2 months old and therefore has an underdeveloped immune system, so it's pretty much automatic with a fever over 100.5. I called my mom, who was supposed to be coming up the next night along with my grandma, grandpa, and aunt to meet Campbell and go to our Christmas show. She packed her bags and headed up right away.
We waited and passed the time at the hospital, and my mom watched the twins so Steve could come to the hospital. That night my grandparents and aunt stayed with the twins so my mom could sit with Campbell at the hospital and Steve and I could go to the dress rehearsal. The next day mom, the twins, my grandparents and my aunt came to visit us at the hospital. We went down to the cafeteria for lunch and my mom didn't eat because she said that her stomach was a little upset. That night she was too sick to go to the show so all of us went but her. It was catered by ChickfilA and as soon as the twins got their food, Adeline puked all over herself and Anderson, and unreal amount of vomit. My aunt took the two of them home, but my grandparents stayed. After the show, I stopped by the house to check on my mom and Adeline before returning to the hospital to stay the night with Campbell. I walked in the house and it smelled like puke, I could hear my grandma in the bathroom throwing up. Adeline and my mom had continued to throw up, and Anderson had lethal diarrhea. I got out of there as fast as I could. While we were at the hospital that night, Steve got sick and threw up so much he had to be taken downstairs to the ER and started on IV fluids because he was dehydrated as well as drugs they give chemo patients to stop the vomitting. My aunt also got sick that night at my house. I made Steve go home when he was released from the ER and made then come in and clean and disinfect the room for Campbell and me. The next morning my grandpa woke up sick. So all 7 people at my house were barfing their guts up, (as well as coping with the scoots) and I felt like I was in some horrible end of the world movie where everyone was dying around me and I was waiting to get it, too. I thought I lucked out, until the following evening. I got it, too- at the hospital. I was violently throwing up every few minutes, and trying to nurse Campbell who was still attached to an IV between puking sessions through the night. It was absolutely horrible, but we are all home now and trying to get well. No one at my house it throwing up now, (my grandparents are back in Indiana and still throwing up, though) we are just fighting nausea and not really ready for solid food, yet. If we never repeat this past week it will be way too soon!!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Battery of an Officer
"A Silent But Deadly Weapon" American Police Beat November 2008: 72
"A West Virginia man who police said passed gas and fanned it toward a patrolman has been charged with battery of a police officer.
Jose A. Cruz, 34, of Clarksburg, was initially pulled over for driving without headlights. According to the criminal complaint, Cruz smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech, and failed three field sobriety tests before he was handcuffed and taken to a police station for a breathalyzer test.
According to police, as Patrolman T.E. Parsons prepared the machine, Cruz scooted his chair toward Parsons, lifted his leg and "passed gas loudly," the complaint said. Cruz, police say, then hand-fanned the gas toward the officer.
"The gas was very odorous and created contact of an insulting or provoking nature with Patrolman Parsons," the complaint alleged. He was also charged with driving under the influence, driving without headlights and two counts of obstruction. Cruz acknowledged passing gas, but said he didn't move his chair toward the officer not aim gas at the patrolman. He said he has an upset stomach at the time, but police denied his request to go to the bathroom."
"Butt Bandit"
"Mysterious 'Butt Bandit' Continues to Leave His Mark." American Police Beat November 2008: 38
"As far as bizarre vandalism goes, it doesn't get much worse than the elusive butt bandit. The mystery offender had been giving the good people of Valentine, Nebraska a good look at his hindquarters for more than a year.
The man moves from one business to another inthe town of 2,650, pressing his greasy rear against the storefront windows, which leaves an imprint.
Many storeowners and church employees have reportedly had to clean petroleum jelly and lotion off of the windows he's smeared with his butt cheeks.
Polis Chief Ben McBride says the case is the weirdest that he's ever seen.
After breaking for a few months last year, the Bandit resumed his activities last summer.
"People said he was done," McBride told the Associated Press. "Then he started back up this summer."
He reportedly imprinted several of the windows of a hotel during a recent escapade. It should be pointed out that the nickname is a little misleading: the guy doesn't actually steal anything."
Well it sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Fulty- I wish I could have caught up with you in Pigeon Forge, maybe next time! You can check out our festivities at my blog (I am lazy and don't want to type it again) http://theswartzfamily3.blogspot.com/
I have the first Sisterhood movie and Swartz always makes fun of me for owning it- but it is a fun movie to watch. And just so you all know, I now officially have an "outie." Oh the joys of pregnancy.
I have the first Sisterhood movie and Swartz always makes fun of me for owning it- but it is a fun movie to watch. And just so you all know, I now officially have an "outie." Oh the joys of pregnancy.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
2 movies you must see
OK kitties--I gotta put a plug in for a couple movies I've watched in the past week. You may roll your eyes put I was genuinly surprised at how good they were. You must see (in order)...drum roll...The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants--both 1 and 2! The premise may be a little cheesy but I really enjoyed watching a movie about a bunch of girlfriends. The movies ended up being a great pick-me-up during these rough last ten days of my life. So please rent them and let them bring a little smile to your heart and know that I love all my dear girlfriends.
A Very Politte Thanksgiving

A great time was had by all and we are back in the land of winter gearing up for the Christmas show. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Miss you!!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My Holiday Report Thus Far
As prescribed, i am taking a break from daily acts of random kindness and goodwill to be obedient and offer up a holiday report. :)
We got home from VA this past Monday. We were in VA for several days of extreme spoiling from Mom-Mom, who was her normal out of control self. We arrived to find a whole new art corner set aside in the corner of the living room, complete with every possible piece of Crayola known to man. Surprised are we? No. Then on top of it all on Saturday we girls had a shopping day so Daniel spent the day with the kids. I guess he got a little zealous and ended up taking them bowling, to Chic Fil A and then to Maggie Moo's icecream and to Books A Million. THEN on top of it all came home to eat french toast sticks for DINNER. Nothing else just sugar, cinnamon and bread. So, needless to say i am spending this week detoxing them, only for mom to be coming down for my birthday on Thursday to stay the weekend. Gotta love the holidays!
Today i took Ava and Atley ALONE to get both of their flu shots. This is always an adventure. My two little darlings could not be any more opposite. Ava asked to "check her number" as soon as we got there, mommy translation: check her weight. Atley would have nothing to do with the scale. From there, Ava spoke to every nurse wanting to know each of their names. Atley only grunted. (As a side note, currently i am having to remind him before we go in certain places that bears live outside and if growls or grunts at people that is where he going to begin living: outside! It generally works.) Anyway, so when the nurse came in Ava volunteered to go first and asked for her shot. She never even winced, smiled at her bandaid and pulled her pants up. Atley on the other hand went nuts, didn't want the snoopy bandaid OR the sticker and told the nurse, "That was rude! I am never coming back here again." Great moment.
One other story, today we went to the mall to pick up a pair of tennis shoes i ordered for Atley from Journeys. As we were walking in there was a See's Candies lady offering samples. I stopped to pick a piece from the basket. At some point in the our short conversation she called Atley "Hon." We were walking off as she said it. A few seconds later i felt Atley pull his hand out of mine and looked back to see him run up to the little old lady and say, "Excuse me. I am not your hon." She laughed and said to me, "I guess that is a good thing." To which he replied, "It's a good thing for you." Oh my. Little twit. I don't know where he gets that little streak.
Ava is turning more girl by the day. She keeps telling me she wants Santa to bring her a phone. She also is obsessed with wearing "wapstick," i.e., chapstick. It is so funny to hear her say it. She is also very good at throwing herself on the floor when annoyed or not receiving her sweet little wishes granted.
We got home from VA this past Monday. We were in VA for several days of extreme spoiling from Mom-Mom, who was her normal out of control self. We arrived to find a whole new art corner set aside in the corner of the living room, complete with every possible piece of Crayola known to man. Surprised are we? No. Then on top of it all on Saturday we girls had a shopping day so Daniel spent the day with the kids. I guess he got a little zealous and ended up taking them bowling, to Chic Fil A and then to Maggie Moo's icecream and to Books A Million. THEN on top of it all came home to eat french toast sticks for DINNER. Nothing else just sugar, cinnamon and bread. So, needless to say i am spending this week detoxing them, only for mom to be coming down for my birthday on Thursday to stay the weekend. Gotta love the holidays!
Today i took Ava and Atley ALONE to get both of their flu shots. This is always an adventure. My two little darlings could not be any more opposite. Ava asked to "check her number" as soon as we got there, mommy translation: check her weight. Atley would have nothing to do with the scale. From there, Ava spoke to every nurse wanting to know each of their names. Atley only grunted. (As a side note, currently i am having to remind him before we go in certain places that bears live outside and if growls or grunts at people that is where he going to begin living: outside! It generally works.) Anyway, so when the nurse came in Ava volunteered to go first and asked for her shot. She never even winced, smiled at her bandaid and pulled her pants up. Atley on the other hand went nuts, didn't want the snoopy bandaid OR the sticker and told the nurse, "That was rude! I am never coming back here again." Great moment.
One other story, today we went to the mall to pick up a pair of tennis shoes i ordered for Atley from Journeys. As we were walking in there was a See's Candies lady offering samples. I stopped to pick a piece from the basket. At some point in the our short conversation she called Atley "Hon." We were walking off as she said it. A few seconds later i felt Atley pull his hand out of mine and looked back to see him run up to the little old lady and say, "Excuse me. I am not your hon." She laughed and said to me, "I guess that is a good thing." To which he replied, "It's a good thing for you." Oh my. Little twit. I don't know where he gets that little streak.
Ava is turning more girl by the day. She keeps telling me she wants Santa to bring her a phone. She also is obsessed with wearing "wapstick," i.e., chapstick. It is so funny to hear her say it. She is also very good at throwing herself on the floor when annoyed or not receiving her sweet little wishes granted.
I suppose this weekend we will hit up Festival of Christmas Ridiculousness, cant miss that outstanding choreography and people dressed up for the outdoors all while singing indoors. And who would pass up a fresh warm cup of some kick ass wassail?
I think that is it for now. Oh we were preaccepted on an application to adopt from Ethiopia. We are considering that for number three. I think i wrote about that already. We are still praying about it. We will see.
Fulty, i am sorry we weren't in town to come eat with you guys! I SO wish we could have!!!
Okay i wanna hear reports!!!! Let it be known that I've been good all day!
Love you all!
I think that is it for now. Oh we were preaccepted on an application to adopt from Ethiopia. We are considering that for number three. I think i wrote about that already. We are still praying about it. We will see.
Fulty, i am sorry we weren't in town to come eat with you guys! I SO wish we could have!!!
Okay i wanna hear reports!!!! Let it be known that I've been good all day!
Love you all!
Monday, December 1, 2008
In need of a new blog...
Well Kittynesses--
I was tired of seeing my poor pitiful blog so I'm writing a new one. On a more positive and encouraging note I have never in my life received such an outpouring of compassion and kindness as I did last week. I probably received about 20 cards in the mail and we were even blessed with a meal tonight from complete strangers--an Indy friend of mine and her school bought us a dinner and I've never even met any of them. I'm brought to tears when I consider the kindness that has been shown to us. Overall I feel like my body is back to normal and for the most part healed but there is still a huge rent in my heart that will take some time to mend. Sometimes I just feel like crying...
Our life moves on. We put up our Christmas tree the other day and we have to keep our eyes on Dunk every minute--he is sneaky with our tree! I also got out all my nativity sets and showed them to Kenna tonight. I'm helping her to learn and memorize a section of Isaiah 9:6. I find that since I did not grow up learning all these important things about Jesus I really want to impress them upon my kids.
Well, my big Squeeze just got home. He said it's pretty slick outside. I would love a big dump of snow right now. I enjoy holing up in our house like a bunch of field mice.
One funny story about Kenna. This past Sunday her preschool class sang a couple of songs in front of the whole church. Kenna pranced up onto the stage, went right over to the microphone and proceeded to adjust it to fit her. Then she held onto to it so none of the other children could take it from her. When they started to sing she was the only one you could really hear. What a diva! Eli and I were beside ourselves and she was getting many chuckles from the crowd! Oh, have mercy.
Blog about your holidays! I miss hearing from you all.
Monday, November 24, 2008
From Lizzy
Dearest Cats
The news never got better this morning regarding my pregnancy. I'm scheduled for a d&c tomorrow and will be glad to have this all behind me. I appreciate all your love and encouragement. The crazy thing about this event in my life is the shocking amount of other women who have gone through the exact same thing. My heart goes out to those who may experience the same sad news in the future. Hopefully I can have encouraging words for them like I have received from so many others.
I love you all and wish you a thankful time with your families
Friday, November 21, 2008
still playing the waiting game
Hey Kitties...
Just got back from the doctor and did not receive the heart breaking news we were bracing ourselves for. I'm not out of the clear by any means but must wait until Monday to see how my blood levels look. The explanation is this: because of my history of completely irregular menstration cycles there is a chance that the baby really is only 4-5 weeks along. My hcg levels did not rise quite as much as they were hoping from Wednesday to today but my doctor is not ready to throw in the towel. Mondays test will tell us a lot more. If the hcg levels are still low then there is a good chance things are over. If they rise then I'll have another ultrasound after Thanksgiving.
Only time will tell.
Thanks for all your sweet words of encouragement.
I love you Cats and know that Baby Bear is nestled safe in God's palm
Thursday, November 20, 2008
sadness in my heart...
Kitties...my eyes are puffing from crying. Things don't look too promising for my little Baby Bear. I have more tests and a visit with my doctor tomorrow. I will let you know what I find out. Until then I would really covet your prayers for a miracle and/or comfort.
My Little Kittens in Training...

I'm working hard to raise some sassy little cats up here in snowy Ohio. Adeline has taken to stealing the glasses off my face and wearing them herself. She really thinks she's cute. She went as a bumble bee for Halloween, and when I asked her what a bumble bee says, she looked at me and said very clearly in a sweet little voice: "meow". I knew at that moment she was a natural cat at heart. I'm still looking for cat-cues from Campbell, but doesn't she look sweet in her little cat sleeper? I have no doubt she'll fit right in, too. Anderson is ornery as ever. He is so cute and quite the daddy's boy. Mommy will do in a pinch, but if Daddy is around, he is much preferred. He is really into reading, and never tires of any of his books. He also loves to dance, and any beat will do. (Including the constant beeping of the microwave coming from the back of the kitchen in the KFC where we ate on Saturday.) He really broke it down for everyone in the dining room that day, he sure can cut a rug.
Miss you all.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Since we're talking about it...
Well, since Bets and Fulty were talking about babies and pregnancies I thought I'd fill you guys in on my status. I went to the doctor last week and I have a due date of June 16th. However, after a quick examination and some discussion about my irregular cycles I was scheduled for an ultrasound appointment on Wednesday to have the baby measured and to get a better idea of when my due date might be. So it may be that Kenna will be sharing her 4th birthday with a little sister or brother. Other than that I am as healthy as a horse--just a little more tired at night and hungry through the day.
We got a van...Byrd has already harassed me! I've resigned to it and actually think it will be a lot better than bending over 8 months pregnant to ge tchildren in and out of a Taurus--plus, no sooner do we get the van and the Taurus starts acting up! I'll try to post a pic soon. Kenna was really excited and still gets excited about driving in it to places.
Kenna has been saying some exceptionally funny things lately--she's figuring out the world around her. The other day she pushed her stroller to me and there was a little plastic Grover wrapped up in a blanket in the stroller. She told me that it was her son--affectionately named, David Crowder. Then last night there was a little kernel of corn on the table and she was calling it her son as well--she's a strange little bird.
The other day we were talking about 'Baby Bear' (our inutereo name for the baby) and she told me that the baby was, "going to come from between my legs and I was going to squeeze real hard!"--this all happened a few weeks after we had watched a Reading Rainbow about babies and we had a little talk about how they come out of the mom's stomach through your bottom between your legs--and of course she remembered that! I'm kind of that mind that it's better to explain things the way they are to kids and not give cutesy little vague explanations.
She just bear-crawled out of the bathroom with no shirt on and her pants and undies down around her ankles--I wonder where she gets this stuff??
Well, other than that we are leading a normal existence up here in Indy-town. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. We'll be heading down to Johnson City to be with Eli's family the 26th of December (Betsy's b-day!).
Oh, Betsy... please!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Something else to look at
So I figured we have stared at that ugly orange long enough (not your face though Klep- you look beautiful). Klep- if you need some nice scarlet and gray, I have plenty of shirts here. Some of us have never grown fond of that orange. : ) I thought I would post something else for your viewing pleasure- my huge belly. I will spare you the skin shot- to me I look huge and not sure how I am going to make it 10 more weeks, but I know it is possible. 
I am down to going to the doctor every two weeks now. My next appointment is the day before Thanksgiving and they are going to do an ultrasound. I am excited to see this little baby again! Things at my last appointment were good- iron was okay and my blood pressure was great. I hope they are like that at my next appointment. I am in the nesting mode- wanting to get rid of everything in the house. I haven't taken any of the tags off any baby clothes- I am waiting until this next ultrasound just to be for sure we get a girl confirmation! Liz, I made that cheese soup yesterday- it was very good! But now I need to go do some dishes- oh joy! Hope everyone has a great week!
I am down to going to the doctor every two weeks now. My next appointment is the day before Thanksgiving and they are going to do an ultrasound. I am excited to see this little baby again! Things at my last appointment were good- iron was okay and my blood pressure was great. I hope they are like that at my next appointment. I am in the nesting mode- wanting to get rid of everything in the house. I haven't taken any of the tags off any baby clothes- I am waiting until this next ultrasound just to be for sure we get a girl confirmation! Liz, I made that cheese soup yesterday- it was very good! But now I need to go do some dishes- oh joy! Hope everyone has a great week!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
what have i become?
remember the days (basically the past 9 years) when we thought it so ridiculous how TN people are about their UT Vols? Sigh... and there i was at the UT homecoming game saturday (someone at school had free tickets!) singing Rocky Top right along with the rest of 'em!!!! aaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I guess it was inevitable when I decided to marry Eric Frazier, though!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sorry I haven't been on in a while; I've been reading the blog just not writing! Fulton, Campbell is a GORGEOUS baby!!! I want more videos, that was so cool! The best part was Coretha holding her miniature on her lap. :) Lizzy, congrats to you, too...I knew it was coming soon!! And I will say again...Duncan is absolutely precious - I kept oohing and aahing over his Halloween costume. Sigh. Did you make those costumes? Bets, glad all is well with your pregnancy, too. Brevin is quite the little man - getting all grown up. OK, is that all the child-bearing cats as of right now? Byrd? V? I am very excited to hopefully get to share the experience with Eric one day; for now, of course, it's just still not the right time.
I don't think I told you guys this yet: Eric got a new job besides his work study hours at Lee. He was an office assistant in the teacher ed department and they're all still saying how much they miss him...him always being the life of the party and all. I was praying for something more for him that gave him just a few more hours a week, paid more, and is more in his field and interests. Last year some professors were getting some big research project together and wanted Eric involved but then we never heard anything else. Then a month or so ago, they asked him to be one of the 'trainers' for this state-wide program called 'Wellness Steps'. It is gov't. funded to fight obesity and diabetes in adults and children. As long as their research proves its value, they continue to get funding.
So Eric started out just working with the adults twice a week; then the head guy pulled him aside and was so impressed with him that he offered him a job working in the after-school programs at some local elementary schools. he said , "now I don't know how you are with kids, but..." HA!! so now he does that, too, and they are so impressed with him and how he works with the kids and the people that the guy who is the head actually offered him a job to head the program up in Nashville!!! of course, that is not an option for right now, but definitely a possibility for future. who knows? at any rate, i know it is just another one of God's affirmations to Eric that he is doing the right thing perservering through school and that is was right for him to leave the business world to pursue this path even though it has been hard for him and for our family. I'm so proud of him and thankful for God's affirmations. And he's still doing his rock masonry on the side...he comes up with new professors all the time who want him to do some work. It's just small things here and there but every little bit helps us financially and plus he loves doing it.
as far as me...i just realized today this is my seventh year of teaching and I'm finally feeling like I"m starting to really get 'good', though there is always so much more to learn in this field. the school asked me to be the 'literacy leader' this year so I go to a lot of county-wide professional development things and we discuss literacy plans, etc. and report back to our schools. I enjoy it and I like the change of routine as well when I get to go somewhere besides Hunter Middle School! I've also enjoyed getting more of a grip on the lesson planning, my subject matter, and how things run so that I feel I get more chances to really focus on the kids and do what they needs me to for them. On average, my kids this year came in on a fifth grade reading level, so our task is to get them up to grade level and then up to seventh by the end of the year...or as high as we can!
I still am trying to figure out their motives behind some of the questions they ask...any insight into the twelve year old mind would be much appreciated. For example: I write an assignment on the board for homework and tack onto it "empty all the work from first quarter out of your folder and leave it at home." and a girl - one of average maturity and intelligence - says, "what if we already did that?" *&$#! what do you think? I said, "then put it all back in and then take it out again." duh. those types of questions are the most maddening to me. ? i mean, what are they really asking me?
Um...what else. Oh, about the cat retreat...bummer it won't work out. I was planning on it but it's ok, we'll do it in the spring. all this baby-making is throwing off our plans, people!! :)
the leaves are all changing down here and it's so pretty. yesterday i went downtown to get my hair done and driving into chattanooga and seeing the mountains with all the color and the sun on them was glorious. i'm starting to really like this town. my hairdresser ( a friend of a friend at school) asked me if I take vitamins. I said no and she said i need to get a hair, skin, and nails vitamin because she noticed she pulled out way too much hair when she shampooed my hair. now I've alway snoticed that i pull a lot out in the shower and after I pick it out but i just figured it was because it's long and dark so i notice more. but recently i have noticed it worse...so i don't know why i'm suddenly balding. a couple possibilities: practically half my diet is sugar :( i don't exercise regularly, i'm stressed with my job, i don't get enough sleep. hmmm...that should do it, i think. so, i'm working on fixing these bad habits. i used to be so good about that stuff and it has gradually fallen apart and it depresses me slightly. you know that powerless feeling you get sometimes about certain things...like, things that you're not really powerless about? i feel that in regards to my body nowadays. i haven't told anyone that but you cats. it's something i'm dealing with right now. it's not a matter of vanity, it's health at this point.
well, gotta go do butt loads of dishes and make some dinner for my man. love you cats and i'm so glad we have our blog to suffice in each other's absence. :)
meow -
I don't think I told you guys this yet: Eric got a new job besides his work study hours at Lee. He was an office assistant in the teacher ed department and they're all still saying how much they miss him...him always being the life of the party and all. I was praying for something more for him that gave him just a few more hours a week, paid more, and is more in his field and interests. Last year some professors were getting some big research project together and wanted Eric involved but then we never heard anything else. Then a month or so ago, they asked him to be one of the 'trainers' for this state-wide program called 'Wellness Steps'. It is gov't. funded to fight obesity and diabetes in adults and children. As long as their research proves its value, they continue to get funding.
So Eric started out just working with the adults twice a week; then the head guy pulled him aside and was so impressed with him that he offered him a job working in the after-school programs at some local elementary schools. he said , "now I don't know how you are with kids, but..." HA!! so now he does that, too, and they are so impressed with him and how he works with the kids and the people that the guy who is the head actually offered him a job to head the program up in Nashville!!! of course, that is not an option for right now, but definitely a possibility for future. who knows? at any rate, i know it is just another one of God's affirmations to Eric that he is doing the right thing perservering through school and that is was right for him to leave the business world to pursue this path even though it has been hard for him and for our family. I'm so proud of him and thankful for God's affirmations. And he's still doing his rock masonry on the side...he comes up with new professors all the time who want him to do some work. It's just small things here and there but every little bit helps us financially and plus he loves doing it.
as far as me...i just realized today this is my seventh year of teaching and I'm finally feeling like I"m starting to really get 'good', though there is always so much more to learn in this field. the school asked me to be the 'literacy leader' this year so I go to a lot of county-wide professional development things and we discuss literacy plans, etc. and report back to our schools. I enjoy it and I like the change of routine as well when I get to go somewhere besides Hunter Middle School! I've also enjoyed getting more of a grip on the lesson planning, my subject matter, and how things run so that I feel I get more chances to really focus on the kids and do what they needs me to for them. On average, my kids this year came in on a fifth grade reading level, so our task is to get them up to grade level and then up to seventh by the end of the year...or as high as we can!
I still am trying to figure out their motives behind some of the questions they ask...any insight into the twelve year old mind would be much appreciated. For example: I write an assignment on the board for homework and tack onto it "empty all the work from first quarter out of your folder and leave it at home." and a girl - one of average maturity and intelligence - says, "what if we already did that?" *&$#! what do you think? I said, "then put it all back in and then take it out again." duh. those types of questions are the most maddening to me. ? i mean, what are they really asking me?
Um...what else. Oh, about the cat retreat...bummer it won't work out. I was planning on it but it's ok, we'll do it in the spring. all this baby-making is throwing off our plans, people!! :)
the leaves are all changing down here and it's so pretty. yesterday i went downtown to get my hair done and driving into chattanooga and seeing the mountains with all the color and the sun on them was glorious. i'm starting to really like this town. my hairdresser ( a friend of a friend at school) asked me if I take vitamins. I said no and she said i need to get a hair, skin, and nails vitamin because she noticed she pulled out way too much hair when she shampooed my hair. now I've alway snoticed that i pull a lot out in the shower and after I pick it out but i just figured it was because it's long and dark so i notice more. but recently i have noticed it worse...so i don't know why i'm suddenly balding. a couple possibilities: practically half my diet is sugar :( i don't exercise regularly, i'm stressed with my job, i don't get enough sleep. hmmm...that should do it, i think. so, i'm working on fixing these bad habits. i used to be so good about that stuff and it has gradually fallen apart and it depresses me slightly. you know that powerless feeling you get sometimes about certain things...like, things that you're not really powerless about? i feel that in regards to my body nowadays. i haven't told anyone that but you cats. it's something i'm dealing with right now. it's not a matter of vanity, it's health at this point.
well, gotta go do butt loads of dishes and make some dinner for my man. love you cats and i'm so glad we have our blog to suffice in each other's absence. :)
meow -
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
You guessed it!
Can't pull anything over on you Cats!
You guessed it--I'm preggy-piggy again. The cool thing is how it all played out. I kinda had a Betsy moment. Let me explain...I had been trying for many months and nothing was coming about. I thought that I was going to have to take Clomid again like I did with K&D. So I made an appointment for a Monday. Well, on the Saturday before the appointment I decided to take another test (it was like day 46!) just so I could go into the doc and say I had just had a negative test on Saturday so it was OK to proceed. Well, as it turned out the test was a big fat + ! Funny how once you make an appointments you always end up preggy. So I'm really excited to have gotten pregnant on my own. Yeah for me!
So, on a completely unrelated topic...What do you guys make of this election (or is that too personal a question even for the Cats)? I don't know what to make of it and I'm still trying to sort through all of it in my head. Any resolutions on your hearts?
Well, my little K needs some snuggling and reading time. Can't miss such a dear appointment.
You guessed it--I'm preggy-piggy again. The cool thing is how it all played out. I kinda had a Betsy moment. Let me explain...I had been trying for many months and nothing was coming about. I thought that I was going to have to take Clomid again like I did with K&D. So I made an appointment for a Monday. Well, on the Saturday before the appointment I decided to take another test (it was like day 46!) just so I could go into the doc and say I had just had a negative test on Saturday so it was OK to proceed. Well, as it turned out the test was a big fat + ! Funny how once you make an appointments you always end up preggy. So I'm really excited to have gotten pregnant on my own. Yeah for me!
So, on a completely unrelated topic...What do you guys make of this election (or is that too personal a question even for the Cats)? I don't know what to make of it and I'm still trying to sort through all of it in my head. Any resolutions on your hearts?
Well, my little K needs some snuggling and reading time. Can't miss such a dear appointment.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
She's here!

Well, Campbell Kennsington Politte was born yesterday, November 3 at 12:13 in the afternoon via C-Section. It went very well and she is healthy and perfect. She was 19 inches long and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. We are still at the hospital and will be until Thursday at the earliest. She passed her hearing screening today and has registered 0 everytime on the jaundice meter. She is nursing very well and is already much better at it than the twinkies ever were. Stevie P is still the cutest little dad, and I just love seeing men with their little daughters, there isn't much more precious than that in my book. Anderson doesn't mind Campbell, but really isn't that interested. But Adeline is enamored with her new little sister and just loves to touch and kiss her. It's so beautiful to watch a 13 month-old have such wonderful little maternal instincts.
I am feeling pretty good, as much as you would expect one day after a c-section. Just keep the drugs comin', right????!!!
Miss you all, and congratulations Lizzie!
1 guess, a cancellation and a congratulation!
Ok...business first. I'll be the stick-in-the-mud and officially cancel the Cat weekend in November. We heard from everyone but Fulty (for obvious reasons) and Kleppy. Jenney, I hope you're not disappointed and I hope you don't think we're completely flaky--especially since you canceled your Women's Retreat. Can you still go to it? We simply must make it a priority in the spring and those of you with small babies are more than welcome to bring them! We would not expect you to part with them at such a tender young age.
Speaking of babies--there was a little boy in my BSF class today named Campbell and I couldn't help but think of our dear Fulty and her new addition. CONGRATS Fulty--I saw pics on Coretha's Facebook and I think she looks like you. Such cute little lips. The Twinkies looked cute too! Do you mind us calling them the 'Twinkies'?
And last but not least--I have a little guessing game for you Cats. You get one guess to figure out what these three things have in common:
1. I have to take a hiatus from mountain biking--Bummer!
2. We may have to get a van--Eh...
3. Eli has the wonderful responsibility of cleaning Murph's litter boxes right now--NICE!
Post with your responses and we'll see who's paying attention to the Cat Blog ;)
btw--Hope you all voted!
Speaking of babies--there was a little boy in my BSF class today named Campbell and I couldn't help but think of our dear Fulty and her new addition. CONGRATS Fulty--I saw pics on Coretha's Facebook and I think she looks like you. Such cute little lips. The Twinkies looked cute too! Do you mind us calling them the 'Twinkies'?
And last but not least--I have a little guessing game for you Cats. You get one guess to figure out what these three things have in common:
1. I have to take a hiatus from mountain biking--Bummer!
2. We may have to get a van--Eh...
3. Eli has the wonderful responsibility of cleaning Murph's litter boxes right now--NICE!
Post with your responses and we'll see who's paying attention to the Cat Blog ;)
btw--Hope you all voted!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Kermit and Fozzie Bear
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hey Cats,
I will not be able to do anything in November, the spring would work better for me! Bets===bring that newborn!!! I just finished our Halloween parties at Jumpstart and yes dressed in my infamous cat attire! I got a cat-call this morning from some moving guys! Makes you feel kinda good when you are pushing thirty! All is well here, just so busy all the time and Imiss you all dearly. This morning I was meowing at Eliana with my cats ears on and she meowed back!!! I died and had a proud cat-mom moment! Liz- we are having a party tomorrow night and I am making you cheese soup, I am so excited! My son still will not poop in the potty and I am about to go crazy! I think if he is not pooping by January I am going to make him poop his pants! I'm scared that he won't care and Iwill be stuck with poop pants all the time! Well, I love you all and have a great Halloweener!
I will not be able to do anything in November, the spring would work better for me! Bets===bring that newborn!!! I just finished our Halloween parties at Jumpstart and yes dressed in my infamous cat attire! I got a cat-call this morning from some moving guys! Makes you feel kinda good when you are pushing thirty! All is well here, just so busy all the time and Imiss you all dearly. This morning I was meowing at Eliana with my cats ears on and she meowed back!!! I died and had a proud cat-mom moment! Liz- we are having a party tomorrow night and I am making you cheese soup, I am so excited! My son still will not poop in the potty and I am about to go crazy! I think if he is not pooping by January I am going to make him poop his pants! I'm scared that he won't care and Iwill be stuck with poop pants all the time! Well, I love you all and have a great Halloweener!
Happy Halloween!
Hello Ladies,
I will go with whatever happens regarding our trip in November. As far as the spring goes, I don't know if I will be able to make it with a newborn in the house. Kind of depends on how things are going I guess. For Liz- I am due on Feb. 1, so I am assuming they will do the c-section the last week of January. Things are well here. We made a trip up to Ohio during fall break. Brevin had a great time playing with his Nana and Papa. At the end of the week we went camping with them and he really enjoyed that too. He has finally started pooping in the potty- praise God! I resorted to making him clean up his poopy pants all by himself when he went in his pants and it took two times and he hasn't gone in his pants since. I had my test for diabetes a few weeks ago and didn't hear anything so I guess that means I passed! Yippee! I went to the blood doctor yesterday because they monitor my blood since I am on the blood thinner. Apparently, my platelets are low and they think I could be developing antibodies to them. So they wanted to do a few more tests on the blood they drew. I checked to make sure they didn't need more blood before I left and they said they have enough. I get about a mile from home and they call and say, actually they don't have enough. Well, I had Mia finally asleep and I really didn't want to turn around and go back since it was their mistake. I figured if it was life-threatening they would have told me. So they are seeing me again in a week to do that test and check my levels again. I told Swartz last night- this is the last baby- I am sick of going to doctors and taking all this medicine! Anyways, if I am developing the antibodies they said they will just change me to a different medication. I will be 27 weeks on Sunday and I am trying to enjoy feeling the baby move in my stomach and giving Brevin 1-on-1 attention since I know that will be changing quickly! Well, I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Only Because Liz Made Me Feel Guilty...
So i am doing my duty and obeying our Liz-butt to chime in and say that i agree with Liz. I feel like if we are going to make the effort to get together it should be at a time when we can all actually attend. I talked to Ness the other day on the phone and she seemed to feel the same way. BUT if we plan something for the Spring me must ALL do our very best, come hell or highwater, to BE THERE! No half-assin'. Should i be more blunt?
Anyhoo, on to the latest. Um, Atley and Ava are either best friends or worst enemies depending upon the second. Thankfully they are most best friends. They are mostly opposites who manage to work it out well enough to really enjoy each other. They are pretty stinkin hilarious. The other day they were pushing baby strollers down the hall taking them to the dr. One had a sore throat and the other kept "spillin" (throwing up). Atley is amazing us at four years old. He is still SO into soccer even though the season is over. He and Daniel are always outside playing. The other day in the van we passed by a field where some people were playing and he said, "Dad that was a corner kick!" I think we are going to get him some more lessons at an indoor league here in town soon. It is just so good for him.
Ava is mother to all, as well as slightly baby obssessed. She loves to talk on the phone! She will go on and on and on with anyone who will listen. Yesterday she told my mom that last night there was a boy outside her window crying. He came inside and put grass in her mouth and she had Daniel come in and get him and take him back outside. Strange. Then a couple night ago she woke up yellin that there was a wiener dog in her room. It was her brown cowboy boots. Ugh. So now every night she asks if there are any animals in her room. I say, "No, just shoes."
Atley asked for a brother the other day. I asked him what country we should go to get one. He said, "the store." He obviously doesn't quite get it yet. We will be explaining to him about his adoption soon. He is probably ready. As far as where our next one is coming from, we are not quite sure. We heavily considered fostering but have several legitimate hesitancies. Not because we are afriad, but only because of the line of work we are already in. We are just not sure it is the wisest thing for our family right now. We are still considering Ethiopia though. But dont' feel heavily led in any direction right now. I am wanting to want another one but not all the way there yet. A and A are just so fun right now that i am not sure if i am ready. Plus, affordability is always an issue in adoption too. But, we will see what the good Lord wants. Heck, somebody could call in the next hour for all we know.
I am head to VA this weekend for Halloween. I have been a single mother sort of this week. Daniel has been gone every night not home until after bedtime. He will not be done with his night job of running light for the CAK muscial until Sunday and i am done. So i am headin home to my mamma for a hair do and some spoilin. THank the good Lord for mothers!
P.S. I think if we do have a cat retreat in the spring. We need to invite our dear cub Ryan Molden.
Be good!
Anyhoo, on to the latest. Um, Atley and Ava are either best friends or worst enemies depending upon the second. Thankfully they are most best friends. They are mostly opposites who manage to work it out well enough to really enjoy each other. They are pretty stinkin hilarious. The other day they were pushing baby strollers down the hall taking them to the dr. One had a sore throat and the other kept "spillin" (throwing up). Atley is amazing us at four years old. He is still SO into soccer even though the season is over. He and Daniel are always outside playing. The other day in the van we passed by a field where some people were playing and he said, "Dad that was a corner kick!" I think we are going to get him some more lessons at an indoor league here in town soon. It is just so good for him.
Ava is mother to all, as well as slightly baby obssessed. She loves to talk on the phone! She will go on and on and on with anyone who will listen. Yesterday she told my mom that last night there was a boy outside her window crying. He came inside and put grass in her mouth and she had Daniel come in and get him and take him back outside. Strange. Then a couple night ago she woke up yellin that there was a wiener dog in her room. It was her brown cowboy boots. Ugh. So now every night she asks if there are any animals in her room. I say, "No, just shoes."
Atley asked for a brother the other day. I asked him what country we should go to get one. He said, "the store." He obviously doesn't quite get it yet. We will be explaining to him about his adoption soon. He is probably ready. As far as where our next one is coming from, we are not quite sure. We heavily considered fostering but have several legitimate hesitancies. Not because we are afriad, but only because of the line of work we are already in. We are just not sure it is the wisest thing for our family right now. We are still considering Ethiopia though. But dont' feel heavily led in any direction right now. I am wanting to want another one but not all the way there yet. A and A are just so fun right now that i am not sure if i am ready. Plus, affordability is always an issue in adoption too. But, we will see what the good Lord wants. Heck, somebody could call in the next hour for all we know.
I am head to VA this weekend for Halloween. I have been a single mother sort of this week. Daniel has been gone every night not home until after bedtime. He will not be done with his night job of running light for the CAK muscial until Sunday and i am done. So i am headin home to my mamma for a hair do and some spoilin. THank the good Lord for mothers!
P.S. I think if we do have a cat retreat in the spring. We need to invite our dear cub Ryan Molden.
Be good!
OK Cats...what's going to happen?
So are we doing the November weekend trip or not. I get the feeling that everyone may feel 'eh' about it. Is it because if we're not all able to come that makes it a little less special? That's kind of the way I feel. What do you all think--please be honest and don't say what you think we all want to hear. Should we postpone until the spring?
Things have been fairly interesting up here. I'll be able to tell more soon but for now Duncan is pretty much walking and has certainly found that he has opinions and desires that he wishes to make very clear to us. Kenna is doing well too. She's really into spotting letters in random places--whether it be on signs while we're driving in the car or abstractly creating them in the cracks of asphalt or the crust of her sandwich. I'm amazed at the inner workings of her little mind.
For the past two weeks Eli has been in Detective School. It's kind of like an intro class to detective work. It doesn't mean that he is a detective but should be apply for a position it should look good on his resume. He has been gone from 8:00-4:30pm each day and I really like feeling like a normal family. I love having him home in the evenings even though it has been hard for him to adjust to it. The other day Kenna asked where he was and I told her he was at Detective School. She thought about it for a minute and then asked, "Does he sing there?"--I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the thought of a bunch of rough and tough police officers sitting around singing songs. I think she asked this because she sings at BSF and we call it 'Bible school'.
Well, it's time we all got back on the post board.
Let us hear what you think about the November weekend and about whatever else is going on in your little Cat lives. Sounds like Fulty will have a baby here soon--if she doesn't already?!?! Bets, I still don't know when you're due. Vanessa, how was the Corn Extravaganza? Byrd, how many mothers are you crazy-cats up to now with TRH? Kleppy, anything new with you and Eric?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I just made Lizzy's cheese soup tonight and it was a hit. I knew it would be. I added some diced green pepper because I needed to use it before it went bad and I topped it with green onions and shredded cheddar, and it was delightful. Thank you, Liz. Also, I polished off most of a pumpkin cheesecake today while Steve was out with the men's ministry playing paintball. Oops. Well, the babies had a few bites, and there were already two pieces gone before I started on it. I know, I know, I'm diabetic, but there was only 1/4 cup of sugar in the whole pie (not counting whatever was in the store-bought graham cracker crust.) I'm good all the time, it was a moment of weakness! Don't judge me.
Are any of the cats alive? I check everyday, and there are no new posts. It's very depressing.
In other news, I am having regular contractions and could go into active labor anytime, now. Campbell will be here soon! I had an ultrasound yesterday and they say she weighs 6 lbs 15 oz. My back is killing me, but other than that, I'm good!
Hope you all are alive and well.
In other news, I am having regular contractions and could go into active labor anytime, now. Campbell will be here soon! I had an ultrasound yesterday and they say she weighs 6 lbs 15 oz. My back is killing me, but other than that, I'm good!
Hope you all are alive and well.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cheese Soup
Sorry it has taken me a couple days to get this to you. I woke up yesterday and discovered that I have strep throat :( I have not been this sick in a long time. The kids have been pretty good for me but it's all I can do to keep them fed and maintained. Luckily Eli was home yesterday for the worst of it.
Anyway...Cheese Soup
2 cans chicken broth
1 can cream of celery or cream of chicken soup
1 soup can of water
4 potatoes
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped carrots
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup cooked chopped broccoli
1 lb Velveeta cheese-cubed
Garlic powder to taste
pepper to taste
Boil potatoes, carrots, celery and onions in broth and water until tender. Add cream of celery soup and turn stove to simmer. Steam broccoli until tender. Add to soup. Add cheese and seasoning and heat thoroughly until cheese has mixed in.
NOTE: I like to add a little more vegetables than what this recipe calls for--especially the broccoli.
Anyway...Cheese Soup
2 cans chicken broth
1 can cream of celery or cream of chicken soup
1 soup can of water
4 potatoes
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped carrots
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup cooked chopped broccoli
1 lb Velveeta cheese-cubed
Garlic powder to taste
pepper to taste
Boil potatoes, carrots, celery and onions in broth and water until tender. Add cream of celery soup and turn stove to simmer. Steam broccoli until tender. Add to soup. Add cheese and seasoning and heat thoroughly until cheese has mixed in.
NOTE: I like to add a little more vegetables than what this recipe calls for--especially the broccoli.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lizzie's Recipe
I can't find my copy of your cheese soup recipe, I think it was Cathy Wheeler's? I want to make it next week, could you post it?
I can't find my copy of your cheese soup recipe, I think it was Cathy Wheeler's? I want to make it next week, could you post it?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hey, I just got back from our mom's bible study at church, and one of the leaders told her story today. I hadn't gotten to know her really well, yet, but it turns out that she and her husband bought a big house when they moved here based on the belief that God is calling them to start a ministry to pregnant teenagers who've been kicked out of their houses. They want to open a maternity house, and their description of what they want to do reminded me a lot of the Restoration House. I told here that I want to hook her up with you, that I thought you could be a very valuable resource for where to start and what needs to be considered. She is very interested in talking with you about it. They've already bought the house and fixed it up, and they really have a heart for reaching out to pregnant teens.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads up that you might be hearing from her soon. I told her the website to check out. What contact info can I give her for you? (phone or email- whatever you prefer, etc.) She's very sweet and she is about our age. Her name is Sarah Strausbaugh (sp?). Also very ambitious, a real go-getter. I think she could benefit from your endless wisdom.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads up that you might be hearing from her soon. I told her the website to check out. What contact info can I give her for you? (phone or email- whatever you prefer, etc.) She's very sweet and she is about our age. Her name is Sarah Strausbaugh (sp?). Also very ambitious, a real go-getter. I think she could benefit from your endless wisdom.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i'm back in...
OK, I'm back in. I had realized that was the same weekend of our women's retreat at church, but I think I just need to bow out this time for the time with Cats. :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Well sounds like the plan for a get together is slowly falling apart. It seems the count is as follows:
Anyssa-most likley
Jenney-likley not
So where do we stand? Do we go ahead or do we try to find another weekend? If we are going to spend money and make a lot of effort i feel like it should be for a time when we can all or majority of us, get together. Does that make sense? I don't know...please everyone add your thoughts and/or suggestions.
Anyssa-most likley
Jenney-likley not
So where do we stand? Do we go ahead or do we try to find another weekend? If we are going to spend money and make a lot of effort i feel like it should be for a time when we can all or majority of us, get together. Does that make sense? I don't know...please everyone add your thoughts and/or suggestions.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Most likely
Hey ladies,
I think I will be able to make it for the Cat weekend as long as the doctor gives me the okay (I have an appt on Monday). Are we thinking just Friday evening to Sunday afternoon? Also, like Fulty said would there be a more central location like Lexington or Nashville that would work better for everyone? Of course the Knoxville cats may not enjoy me if we have to stop every half hour for me to pee. I didn't think I was going to make it home from south knoxville last night without stopping : ) Anyways I am looking forward to it!
I think I will be able to make it for the Cat weekend as long as the doctor gives me the okay (I have an appt on Monday). Are we thinking just Friday evening to Sunday afternoon? Also, like Fulty said would there be a more central location like Lexington or Nashville that would work better for everyone? Of course the Knoxville cats may not enjoy me if we have to stop every half hour for me to pee. I didn't think I was going to make it home from south knoxville last night without stopping : ) Anyways I am looking forward to it!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It hurts to laugh...
Oh, Cats. It's been a pleasure reading your funny stories, but honestly, everytime I laugh I pull something in the ol' uterus area that feels like lightning bolts are hitting me in the abdomen. It's not comfortable. I get the same sensation when I try and roll over in bed. I'm seriously considering not making it a 3-year pregnancy run. 2's enough in one sitting, don't you think?
Well, I think I need to be honest with myself. I really don't see this coming together for me. Especially now that the c-section has been scheduled for Nov. 3. She won't even be 2 weeks old at the time of our get-together. I just don't think it's feasible to make a trip to Cincinnati that soon after a surgery, or with that young of a baby. (And Steve won't be able to keep the twins that weekend, and I have no family close enough for that sort of thing, either.) I'd really love to do it, and I will be so sad to miss out, but I just don't think it's a good idea for me to count on being able to something like that 11 days after she's born. Please don't hate me.
It also turns out that Steve's parents will more than likely be here that weekend, anyway. They are going to come right after my parents leave, and my parents will be here for a week after Campbell's born.
However, maybe this will make it easy for all of you. With me out of the picture, you could choose a different central location that would be a shorter trip for you all. You won't have to come so far north.
Again, I hate to miss it. Maybe if I'd quit having babies every other week we could plan things around my schedule more easily. I'll see what I can do about that.
Miss you all,
Well, I think I need to be honest with myself. I really don't see this coming together for me. Especially now that the c-section has been scheduled for Nov. 3. She won't even be 2 weeks old at the time of our get-together. I just don't think it's feasible to make a trip to Cincinnati that soon after a surgery, or with that young of a baby. (And Steve won't be able to keep the twins that weekend, and I have no family close enough for that sort of thing, either.) I'd really love to do it, and I will be so sad to miss out, but I just don't think it's a good idea for me to count on being able to something like that 11 days after she's born. Please don't hate me.
It also turns out that Steve's parents will more than likely be here that weekend, anyway. They are going to come right after my parents leave, and my parents will be here for a week after Campbell's born.
However, maybe this will make it easy for all of you. With me out of the picture, you could choose a different central location that would be a shorter trip for you all. You won't have to come so far north.
Again, I hate to miss it. Maybe if I'd quit having babies every other week we could plan things around my schedule more easily. I'll see what I can do about that.
Miss you all,
Slavic Friend Scores
Well, I survived my first Chuck E Cheese experience. It could have been a lot worse. We went to celebrate my Latvian friend's son's birthday. While there I made a Ukrainian friend--I most be deficient in my East Slavic friend count. You all better check your Slavic friend scores--I hear that low numbers lead to significant health problems!
Since Mandy presented us with some hilarious Ava/Ately stories I thought I might share one of my own. Lately I've been explaining to Kenna that when she gets older there will be things that she will be able to do that she can't really do now: crochet a scarf, help mommy clean the bathroom, shave her legs, etc. Well, the other day she needed help wiping after using the potty and when I came in I discovered that she pulled out way too much paper. I started rolling it back up and explained that her bottom was too little to need so much paper. She promptly replied, "Mommy, when my bottom gets bigger I will use more paper!"
Now seriously--who ever wanted a bigger bottom so they had more to wipe and could use more paper! The things kids think of...
Since Mandy presented us with some hilarious Ava/Ately stories I thought I might share one of my own. Lately I've been explaining to Kenna that when she gets older there will be things that she will be able to do that she can't really do now: crochet a scarf, help mommy clean the bathroom, shave her legs, etc. Well, the other day she needed help wiping after using the potty and when I came in I discovered that she pulled out way too much paper. I started rolling it back up and explained that her bottom was too little to need so much paper. She promptly replied, "Mommy, when my bottom gets bigger I will use more paper!"
Now seriously--who ever wanted a bigger bottom so they had more to wipe and could use more paper! The things kids think of...
This Day...
Okay Cats, i know this is like two posts and two comments in one day but i have three stories i MUST share:
1. This morning the kids were playing unusually like angels with each other so i was able to get quite a bit done in transitioning our summer to fall wardrobes from drawers to rubbermaid tubs. Anyhow, so there were two coathangers laying out on the bed. Atley and Ava ran in the room, Atley picks up the coathangers and says, and i kid you not, "Ava lets play hookers!" Indeed.
2. We were at the zoo, our favorite free hangout. Zoo pass = best purchase ever. Anyhow, so we were on our way down to the playground and we passed a group of Sr. Citizen ladies about the same time that we passed the bronze statue of a turtle. Atley says, "A tortoise!" One of the little old ladies stops and says, "A tortoise?" Well, Atley wasn't paying enough attention to notice who said it so he says, "Hey, who said that?" Ava says, "I think it was one of them grannies." We all keep walking...
3. We finally get down to the playground at the zoo, play for awhile and decide to go over to the picnic tables to eat lunch. I get everyone's lunch all layed out, which we know is about like unpacking from vacation, and Ava, timely child that she is, says, "I'm starting to pee pee!" Now the bathroom is back up at the top of the hill, a good 75 yards winding AROUND the playground into an upscale port-a-potty trailer. Needless to say, i was less than impressed. I am not packing up the spread and tracking all or our rears up the hill! So what do i do in my Byrd-like ingenuity? I look around, make sure no one is watching and take my little pumpkin back behind the hen house, drop her pants and let her pop a squat in the soil. I'm not ashamed! Serves 'em right for not thinking of a better zoo layout! Hope we weren't caught on tape!
Now what should we do tomorrow?
1. This morning the kids were playing unusually like angels with each other so i was able to get quite a bit done in transitioning our summer to fall wardrobes from drawers to rubbermaid tubs. Anyhow, so there were two coathangers laying out on the bed. Atley and Ava ran in the room, Atley picks up the coathangers and says, and i kid you not, "Ava lets play hookers!" Indeed.
2. We were at the zoo, our favorite free hangout. Zoo pass = best purchase ever. Anyhow, so we were on our way down to the playground and we passed a group of Sr. Citizen ladies about the same time that we passed the bronze statue of a turtle. Atley says, "A tortoise!" One of the little old ladies stops and says, "A tortoise?" Well, Atley wasn't paying enough attention to notice who said it so he says, "Hey, who said that?" Ava says, "I think it was one of them grannies." We all keep walking...
3. We finally get down to the playground at the zoo, play for awhile and decide to go over to the picnic tables to eat lunch. I get everyone's lunch all layed out, which we know is about like unpacking from vacation, and Ava, timely child that she is, says, "I'm starting to pee pee!" Now the bathroom is back up at the top of the hill, a good 75 yards winding AROUND the playground into an upscale port-a-potty trailer. Needless to say, i was less than impressed. I am not packing up the spread and tracking all or our rears up the hill! So what do i do in my Byrd-like ingenuity? I look around, make sure no one is watching and take my little pumpkin back behind the hen house, drop her pants and let her pop a squat in the soil. I'm not ashamed! Serves 'em right for not thinking of a better zoo layout! Hope we weren't caught on tape!
Now what should we do tomorrow?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just Do It...
I am officially saying that we need to name the cat weekend to be Nov 14-16th and just do it. If everybody tries their best to make it a priority then we can do our very best to make it work. As many cats as possible!!! I talked to Anyssa and she said that unless the volleyball team makes it to Nationals she is in. She was also pretty doubtful that they would make it to Nationals. I think i can get us a really good deal at a Marriot unless someone else has a better idea. We have a man in our church who can give us a friends and family rate. I am also going to check for a house or something to rent for the weekend through another lil connection i have. So PLEASE everyone lets help each other out and send a comment saying yes i can or no i can't in the next couple days.
Now onto other things. What is everyone going to be for Halloween? Atley is going to be Thomas the Tank and Ava decided, in her words, she wants to be "Stinkerbell." I told her she doesn't need a costume to be Stinkerbell. She is truly the most ridiculous child! We went to two restaurants this weekend and she fell out of her chair flat on her back in both places. Caused TWO big scenes. I am just waiting for our first broken bone or set of stitches.
Atley had his last soccer game this weekend. Around 2nd quarter a bee flew up his shorts and stung him. With him being adopted i was a little worried not knowing his family history well enough to know if there was a chance of an allergy. But thankfully one of the moms had a chewable Benadryl and we go that in him. At first it was really swollen but i had read this article saying that if you put a penny on it the copper takes out the sting. Sure enough, i put a penny on the sting with some ice and in ten minutes it just looked like a little pin dot on his leg and he played the rest of the game. So remember bee sting and a penny!
Okay well that is all for now. If you are reading this leave a comment immediately about your status on the cat weekend!
I am officially saying that we need to name the cat weekend to be Nov 14-16th and just do it. If everybody tries their best to make it a priority then we can do our very best to make it work. As many cats as possible!!! I talked to Anyssa and she said that unless the volleyball team makes it to Nationals she is in. She was also pretty doubtful that they would make it to Nationals. I think i can get us a really good deal at a Marriot unless someone else has a better idea. We have a man in our church who can give us a friends and family rate. I am also going to check for a house or something to rent for the weekend through another lil connection i have. So PLEASE everyone lets help each other out and send a comment saying yes i can or no i can't in the next couple days.
Now onto other things. What is everyone going to be for Halloween? Atley is going to be Thomas the Tank and Ava decided, in her words, she wants to be "Stinkerbell." I told her she doesn't need a costume to be Stinkerbell. She is truly the most ridiculous child! We went to two restaurants this weekend and she fell out of her chair flat on her back in both places. Caused TWO big scenes. I am just waiting for our first broken bone or set of stitches.
Atley had his last soccer game this weekend. Around 2nd quarter a bee flew up his shorts and stung him. With him being adopted i was a little worried not knowing his family history well enough to know if there was a chance of an allergy. But thankfully one of the moms had a chewable Benadryl and we go that in him. At first it was really swollen but i had read this article saying that if you put a penny on it the copper takes out the sting. Sure enough, i put a penny on the sting with some ice and in ten minutes it just looked like a little pin dot on his leg and he played the rest of the game. So remember bee sting and a penny!
Okay well that is all for now. If you are reading this leave a comment immediately about your status on the cat weekend!
Cosmic signs
I'm listening to a Michael W. Smith song on KLOVE at the moment. I have never in my fourteen years of being a Christian cared much for Mr. Smith and his cheesy songs--but this one is different. It makes me want to get to heaven and worship. I think I'm getting more sentimental and mooshy as I age.
Why do the kids always congregate around me while I am on the computer? Duncan has pooped his pants and Kenna has never ending questions and chatterings to share with me at this very moment! Sigh...
This afternoon I discovered that I put my underwear on inside-out this morning. I wonder if this is some kind of cosmic sign??
Anyway--I'm gathering that if we Cats are to do anything it would have to be in November--the 14-16th precisely--and then there are a lot of things that hinge on that for each one of us.
I don't know what to do. Any ideas?
Well--better go clean up some poopoo
Why do the kids always congregate around me while I am on the computer? Duncan has pooped his pants and Kenna has never ending questions and chatterings to share with me at this very moment! Sigh...
This afternoon I discovered that I put my underwear on inside-out this morning. I wonder if this is some kind of cosmic sign??
Anyway--I'm gathering that if we Cats are to do anything it would have to be in November--the 14-16th precisely--and then there are a lot of things that hinge on that for each one of us.
I don't know what to do. Any ideas?
Well--better go clean up some poopoo
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What a day
Well, we had nice plans today to get some work done around the house but that went out the door when I had to spend 2 hours in the Labor and Delivery triage. I had some pink and brown spotting this morning when I went to the bathroom and so I called the on-call nurse and she told me to go in. I figured it was nothing, but thought it would be good to get checked anyway. So they hooked me up to the heartbeat and contraction monitor. Luckily, I nothing showed up that looked like contraction activity and the nurse checked my cervix and she said it was closed. So all good signs, not sure what the spotting was from, but hopefully it will go away. So if you could just pray that things will continue to progess smoothly for us I would be grateful. In other news, I got some awesome sun dresses and cute clothes from Kohl's and Target for like $1 and $2. I love shopping for girls' clothes! : )
Friday, October 3, 2008
hey cats!
The weekends this fall are crazy. We will be in k-ville two weekends in a row. The weekend of Oct 17 for Tuck and Carissa's wedding, Scottie is a groomsmen. Also, I will be in town the following weekend for a baby shower for my friend Hope. It will be difficult for me to travel this fall, with those two trips, but if I can Nov. would be better, but don't count on me when making your decision.
The weekends this fall are crazy. We will be in k-ville two weekends in a row. The weekend of Oct 17 for Tuck and Carissa's wedding, Scottie is a groomsmen. Also, I will be in town the following weekend for a baby shower for my friend Hope. It will be difficult for me to travel this fall, with those two trips, but if I can Nov. would be better, but don't count on me when making your decision.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Oh! but if you do the rice, only use 1 1/2 cups uncooked instant brown rice! (It was 2 1/2 for the pasta.)
Chicken Broccoli Rotini
Tried this yesterday and it was really good. Very easy.
1 tbsp. veg. oil 1/4 tsp. paprika
4 chicken breast halves 1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 can cream of chicken 2 1/2 cups uncooked rotini pasta (corkscrew)
1 1/2 cups water 2 cups fresh or frozen broccoli florets
1 finely copped green onion (opt.)
1. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until well-browned on both sides. Remove chicken from skillet.
2. Stir soup, water, paprika, black pepper, and rotini in skillet. Heat to a boil.
3. Stir in brocolli and green onion. Reduce heat to low. Add chicken back in. Sprinkle chicken with additional paprika and pepper. Cover and cook 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
This can also be made with instant brown rice, but Steve hates rice, so I haven't tried that, yet. If you do the rice, add it when you add the broccoli instead of when the pasta was added. You'll have to start checking the chicken at 5 minutes instead of 10 because the rice cooks faster than the pasta.
Anyway, it was very good and the twins even liked it. Found it in a magazine.
1 tbsp. veg. oil 1/4 tsp. paprika
4 chicken breast halves 1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 can cream of chicken 2 1/2 cups uncooked rotini pasta (corkscrew)
1 1/2 cups water 2 cups fresh or frozen broccoli florets
1 finely copped green onion (opt.)
1. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until well-browned on both sides. Remove chicken from skillet.
2. Stir soup, water, paprika, black pepper, and rotini in skillet. Heat to a boil.
3. Stir in brocolli and green onion. Reduce heat to low. Add chicken back in. Sprinkle chicken with additional paprika and pepper. Cover and cook 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
This can also be made with instant brown rice, but Steve hates rice, so I haven't tried that, yet. If you do the rice, add it when you add the broccoli instead of when the pasta was added. You'll have to start checking the chicken at 5 minutes instead of 10 because the rice cooks faster than the pasta.
Anyway, it was very good and the twins even liked it. Found it in a magazine.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ok...well there are a couple delinquent Cats that I have not heard from. You know who you are!!
A summary of the Cats who have responded...
I'm not sure the actual dates of fall break for you Knox people (can someone provide them)--It appears that Bets will be traveling to Ohio but Klepper is available. If we do something in October Fulty is more likely to join us with her friend. I would gladly welcome Deanna--we could all use another Cat-like person in our lives. Here is my availibility: I could do something the weekend of October 25 or Nov 15. My guess is that once I've heard from everyone we will pick a date that catches most of us--a Cat-quorem, if you will.
Byrd, we need to hear from you and if you could talk to Anyssa-dearest that would be lovely.
Vanessa, what are your weekends like?
A funny story--I'm bird-sitting tonight--a friendly favor for my Latvian friend. Eli just got home and I had him convinced that I had bought two birds as pets without consulting him. He about laid a golden egg...if you know what I mean! I should have played it out longer but I could sense his anger rising! He was just about to cross the line of, "LIZ, WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING?"
Oh, the things we do for our Latvian friends.
This time last year I was in the throws of labor. I want another baby...I always enjoy being preggy and delivering--I know it's sick and weird, but I do!
Au Revoir
A summary of the Cats who have responded...
I'm not sure the actual dates of fall break for you Knox people (can someone provide them)--It appears that Bets will be traveling to Ohio but Klepper is available. If we do something in October Fulty is more likely to join us with her friend. I would gladly welcome Deanna--we could all use another Cat-like person in our lives. Here is my availibility: I could do something the weekend of October 25 or Nov 15. My guess is that once I've heard from everyone we will pick a date that catches most of us--a Cat-quorem, if you will.
Byrd, we need to hear from you and if you could talk to Anyssa-dearest that would be lovely.
Vanessa, what are your weekends like?
A funny story--I'm bird-sitting tonight--a friendly favor for my Latvian friend. Eli just got home and I had him convinced that I had bought two birds as pets without consulting him. He about laid a golden egg...if you know what I mean! I should have played it out longer but I could sense his anger rising! He was just about to cross the line of, "LIZ, WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING?"
Oh, the things we do for our Latvian friends.
This time last year I was in the throws of labor. I want another baby...I always enjoy being preggy and delivering--I know it's sick and weird, but I do!
Au Revoir
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
from the Cleveland Cat
about getting together...totally. the farther out we can get it on the calendar, the better. i'm on fall break the week after next, so if we could come up on a friday and then back on a sunday, that'd be best - i can probably take a personal day that friday if it works best for all cats or i can be in knoxville by 3:30 at the earliest. whenever in nov. or dec. is fine with me...i'm the only one without children or giving birth anytime soon so i'm flexible. :)
and anyssa should totally come!!!
i actually feel as though i have something worthwhile to contribute to one of the 'child/motherhood' discussions. byrd, you were mentioning your feelings right now about balancing TRH and ministering to your family. all of you know my mom and how she will do anything for anybody. since i've grown up, she has realized this about herself and has changed it. however, from the perspective of a child whose mother always seemed to be helping everyone else...it got old after a while. i can name a string of families/women who were an absolute mess that mom tried so hard to help. she spent time with them, counseled them, etc. and though i couldn't name it until i was older, it bugged me. it left me sometimes with a feeling of, "but what about us? what about me?" and i know my dad had a major issue with it...he felt like she put everyone and everything at church before him and us. now mom did SO MUCH for us and this is by no means an extreme case. but in fact, I remember one time within the last year that this issue arose...i can't put my finger on what the circumstances were but i remember eric and i and all fam were home and were ready to do something or go somewhere and were waiting on her, but she was off helping some wayward person or messed up family and all those feelings of "but what about us!? WE need you right now!" arose to the surface. It was the attitude of 'well, my family will understand' that bugged me. i hope that all makes sense and i definitely don't want anyone to think less of my mom...she is an amazing mother but this has been a struggle for her.
i don't know if i explained that well. she just gave so much and bent over backward for these people - trying to make it all work for everyone, but it just doesn't. someone gets left out...and it stunk when it was us. you know, when she'd be home later than she was supposed to be, or she wouldn't be home to make dinner on time because she was off doing this and that, or how she couldn't do things like have the garage sale we'd been talking about doing together forever because she was off helping someone else hold their garage sale. she definitely was self-sacrificing, but what happened was that by sacrificing so much of herself, she was sacrificing part of what we needed from her. there, i think i've finally figured out what i've been trying to say. :)
hope that helped from a kid's perspective. but, holy cow, that 'balancing' issue will have me stumped until the day I die, i'm sure.
love you cats -
and anyssa should totally come!!!
i actually feel as though i have something worthwhile to contribute to one of the 'child/motherhood' discussions. byrd, you were mentioning your feelings right now about balancing TRH and ministering to your family. all of you know my mom and how she will do anything for anybody. since i've grown up, she has realized this about herself and has changed it. however, from the perspective of a child whose mother always seemed to be helping everyone else...it got old after a while. i can name a string of families/women who were an absolute mess that mom tried so hard to help. she spent time with them, counseled them, etc. and though i couldn't name it until i was older, it bugged me. it left me sometimes with a feeling of, "but what about us? what about me?" and i know my dad had a major issue with it...he felt like she put everyone and everything at church before him and us. now mom did SO MUCH for us and this is by no means an extreme case. but in fact, I remember one time within the last year that this issue arose...i can't put my finger on what the circumstances were but i remember eric and i and all fam were home and were ready to do something or go somewhere and were waiting on her, but she was off helping some wayward person or messed up family and all those feelings of "but what about us!? WE need you right now!" arose to the surface. It was the attitude of 'well, my family will understand' that bugged me. i hope that all makes sense and i definitely don't want anyone to think less of my mom...she is an amazing mother but this has been a struggle for her.
i don't know if i explained that well. she just gave so much and bent over backward for these people - trying to make it all work for everyone, but it just doesn't. someone gets left out...and it stunk when it was us. you know, when she'd be home later than she was supposed to be, or she wouldn't be home to make dinner on time because she was off doing this and that, or how she couldn't do things like have the garage sale we'd been talking about doing together forever because she was off helping someone else hold their garage sale. she definitely was self-sacrificing, but what happened was that by sacrificing so much of herself, she was sacrificing part of what we needed from her. there, i think i've finally figured out what i've been trying to say. :)
hope that helped from a kid's perspective. but, holy cow, that 'balancing' issue will have me stumped until the day I die, i'm sure.
love you cats -
Friday, September 26, 2008
Zucchini Casserole
This is a new recipe I tried the other day and was pleasantly surprised. Duncan really went to town on the zucchinis--the only way I've managed to get him to eat them. Kenna did alright with it too.
1 pound ground beef
1 onion--chopped
1 green pepper--chopped
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp chili powder
2 large zucchinis
2 large tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
brown the beef with the onion and green pepper. Arrange on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Sprinkle seasonings over beef mixture. Alternate layers of tomatoes and zucchinis.
Bake @ 350 for 45 minutes. Towards the end of the time pull the dish out and mix in the mozzarella cheese and return to oven to melt.
1 pound ground beef
1 onion--chopped
1 green pepper--chopped
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp chili powder
2 large zucchinis
2 large tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
brown the beef with the onion and green pepper. Arrange on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Sprinkle seasonings over beef mixture. Alternate layers of tomatoes and zucchinis.
Bake @ 350 for 45 minutes. Towards the end of the time pull the dish out and mix in the mozzarella cheese and return to oven to melt.
It sounds like we all really miss each other and it seems ridiculous that we haven't made a better effort to get together. So I want to propose the idea of maybe getting together soon. I know that we are all busy with children, jobs, ministries, birthing babies and everything else the world throws at us but please consider carving out some time. I was wondering if Cincinnati might be a good middle ground for everyone. I'd also like to extend the invite to Anyssa Blackburn. I always enjoy her company--perhaps the Knox Cats could carpool, Vanessa and I could hitch a ride together and that would leave Fulty to come down from the land of Llamas or Alpacas or whatever the flip funny animals they farm up there.
Could we do it or is everyone really swamped this Fall? Let's chat about it and brainstorm. If an effort isn't made it will never happen. What does November look like other than the fact that Fulty will be welcoming a new one
I appreciated the post from V--I do wish that Corn Day could have worked out especially sense Fall seems to be the season for Cats. I'll be making Vegetable Soup tomorrow night, V--oh, and tell Scotty KiserBuns that I heard a George Michael song the other day and thought of him. Also, can't wait for another little Kiserbun--we are currently working towards squeezer #3. I'm hoping Clomid will not be the way we have to go.
Well, please let me know what you guys think
It sounds like we all really miss each other and it seems ridiculous that we haven't made a better effort to get together. So I want to propose the idea of maybe getting together soon. I know that we are all busy with children, jobs, ministries, birthing babies and everything else the world throws at us but please consider carving out some time. I was wondering if Cincinnati might be a good middle ground for everyone. I'd also like to extend the invite to Anyssa Blackburn. I always enjoy her company--perhaps the Knox Cats could carpool, Vanessa and I could hitch a ride together and that would leave Fulty to come down from the land of Llamas or Alpacas or whatever the flip funny animals they farm up there.
Could we do it or is everyone really swamped this Fall? Let's chat about it and brainstorm. If an effort isn't made it will never happen. What does November look like other than the fact that Fulty will be welcoming a new one
I appreciated the post from V--I do wish that Corn Day could have worked out especially sense Fall seems to be the season for Cats. I'll be making Vegetable Soup tomorrow night, V--oh, and tell Scotty KiserBuns that I heard a George Michael song the other day and thought of him. Also, can't wait for another little Kiserbun--we are currently working towards squeezer #3. I'm hoping Clomid will not be the way we have to go.
Well, please let me know what you guys think
Byrd--Chicken soup
Use any variety of vegetables you want--cabbage, peas, onion, carrots, celery, stewed tomatoes,
dash of garlic
dash of salt and pepper
1 lg. can of tomato juice
1 sm can of tomato sauce
cook boneless chicken breasts and break into chunks
add the chicken when the veggies are just about finished
I have also used ground turkey instead of chicken, it is really good as well. I sometimes also add egg noodles, gives a different taste though.
If you like it more soupy add a little water
Enjoy! V
Use any variety of vegetables you want--cabbage, peas, onion, carrots, celery, stewed tomatoes,
dash of garlic
dash of salt and pepper
1 lg. can of tomato juice
1 sm can of tomato sauce
cook boneless chicken breasts and break into chunks
add the chicken when the veggies are just about finished
I have also used ground turkey instead of chicken, it is really good as well. I sometimes also add egg noodles, gives a different taste though.
If you like it more soupy add a little water
Enjoy! V
Hey Cats,
I miss you all dearly,especially this time of year. I always think of PowderPuff football and the time we carved a pumpkin to look like a cat. Fall was always such a fun time when we were in school. Fulty already had Christmas decorations up and the campus was so beautiful. We have a huge apple tree in our backyard, which I am excited to pick apples with Gabe and teach him about God's creation. Liz--I have had my fall decor out and ready since Sept. 1 and plan to add more for Halloween and then again Thanksgiving.
Byrd, Scott struggles alot with his job with knowing when to just be with his family! I think he calls it establishing healthy boundaries. It is now more than ever a struggle, because he is the boss and ultimately the buck stops with him. I am sure that is how it is with you and Daniel, there really is not another person to call, or be "on call" but you all! You guys are TRH! I think part of the reason Jesus' ministry was so effective was because He led by example. You are teaching mothers how to be healthy parents, part of that is establishing good boundaries and making sure you children know that when you are with them ,unless there is a terrible emergency they have your attention. Could the mothers call some of the TRH mentors when they need help or are struggling? I am not sure how everything works, but I want you to not come to resent what you do on some level! I am confident of He who began a good work in you will complete, and am confident of His unfailing love. I will be praying for you!
On another note, Scott and I have decided we want to add one more Kiserbun to the family. Don't be surprised to receive an e-mail in the next month or two with an announcement. I want to have all my babies by 30, so here we go!! Anybody got any name suggestions??Fulty--I like your name for the new baby, sounds very distinguished! Liz, are you ready for number three?? Well, I love and miss you all dearly and think of you often! God is so kind to give us such meaningful friendships on earth to sustain us during this often lonesome journey! I praise God for His provision! V-Cat
I miss you all dearly,especially this time of year. I always think of PowderPuff football and the time we carved a pumpkin to look like a cat. Fall was always such a fun time when we were in school. Fulty already had Christmas decorations up and the campus was so beautiful. We have a huge apple tree in our backyard, which I am excited to pick apples with Gabe and teach him about God's creation. Liz--I have had my fall decor out and ready since Sept. 1 and plan to add more for Halloween and then again Thanksgiving.
Byrd, Scott struggles alot with his job with knowing when to just be with his family! I think he calls it establishing healthy boundaries. It is now more than ever a struggle, because he is the boss and ultimately the buck stops with him. I am sure that is how it is with you and Daniel, there really is not another person to call, or be "on call" but you all! You guys are TRH! I think part of the reason Jesus' ministry was so effective was because He led by example. You are teaching mothers how to be healthy parents, part of that is establishing good boundaries and making sure you children know that when you are with them ,unless there is a terrible emergency they have your attention. Could the mothers call some of the TRH mentors when they need help or are struggling? I am not sure how everything works, but I want you to not come to resent what you do on some level! I am confident of He who began a good work in you will complete, and am confident of His unfailing love. I will be praying for you!
On another note, Scott and I have decided we want to add one more Kiserbun to the family. Don't be surprised to receive an e-mail in the next month or two with an announcement. I want to have all my babies by 30, so here we go!! Anybody got any name suggestions??Fulty--I like your name for the new baby, sounds very distinguished! Liz, are you ready for number three?? Well, I love and miss you all dearly and think of you often! God is so kind to give us such meaningful friendships on earth to sustain us during this often lonesome journey! I praise God for His provision! V-Cat
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First Birthday
Dearest Byrd-cat
Thanks for the sentiments that I think we all feel. I don't know how we could be expected to feel any other way--considering that we're not deity! There have been many times that I have not answered the phone calls of certain people I feel I'm 'ministering' to simply because my human and often selfish feelings at the time are, "I can not be there for you right now--I can not be all things for ALL people!" A balance between personal life and ministry life is a must. I am by no means as entrenched as you or Fulty are in ministry but I do have to set my limits--which is not always easy. I really appreciate what Fulty had to say--our kids will start to see when we choose their needs over the needs of others. We want them to see us help other people but we don't want to error on the side of them feeling pushed out because of the constant neediness of others.
I really struggle with this on the flip side--there are some days where I feel too entrenched with my children and would love an outlet like what you have. I have expressed these feelings before. But I always come back to--this is our season of childrearing and our children need us more than we will ever know. So fight for that time with them! Ask God for uninterupted time. Our sovereign God can certainly make it all work out smoothly :)
A funny story to end on...The other day Kenna was wearing a pair of pants that were a little too big for her. I told her to come over to me because her "britches were falling down." In her sassiness she replied, "My bitches AREN'T falling down!" I laughed despite of her sassy tongue. I probably shouldn't use the word 'britches' anymore. What am I going to do with her when she is a teenager? Byrd, Ava and Kenna are going to give us the time of our lives when they hit those teenage years! Have mercy...
Thanks for the sentiments that I think we all feel. I don't know how we could be expected to feel any other way--considering that we're not deity! There have been many times that I have not answered the phone calls of certain people I feel I'm 'ministering' to simply because my human and often selfish feelings at the time are, "I can not be there for you right now--I can not be all things for ALL people!" A balance between personal life and ministry life is a must. I am by no means as entrenched as you or Fulty are in ministry but I do have to set my limits--which is not always easy. I really appreciate what Fulty had to say--our kids will start to see when we choose their needs over the needs of others. We want them to see us help other people but we don't want to error on the side of them feeling pushed out because of the constant neediness of others.
I really struggle with this on the flip side--there are some days where I feel too entrenched with my children and would love an outlet like what you have. I have expressed these feelings before. But I always come back to--this is our season of childrearing and our children need us more than we will ever know. So fight for that time with them! Ask God for uninterupted time. Our sovereign God can certainly make it all work out smoothly :)
A funny story to end on...The other day Kenna was wearing a pair of pants that were a little too big for her. I told her to come over to me because her "britches were falling down." In her sassiness she replied, "My bitches AREN'T falling down!" I laughed despite of her sassy tongue. I probably shouldn't use the word 'britches' anymore. What am I going to do with her when she is a teenager? Byrd, Ava and Kenna are going to give us the time of our lives when they hit those teenage years! Have mercy...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thoughts & Happenings
Hey Cats,
So most of us are moms, and you will likely understand or at least be able to empathize with the following thoughts because you are also moms involved in ministry.
Okay, so i know that Jesus was like ministry is a lifestyle, it is who you are all the time, no distinctions, try not to grow weary in doing good. Also, that we must minister to our own families. But don't you just sometimes wish he would have kids so we could get some clearer words and thoughts on things?
I LOVE TRH. I love what i do, i love how we have chosen to live our lives. However, I don't love that lately I am having trouble just being with my kids. I will be at the park or on the way to the zoo, looking forward to a day out with my children and receive 4 messages from a mom in need of something. Today i honestly got angry because i didn't want to deal with it. Now granted, she was breaking the rules by calling and expecting me to answer as there are phone policies set into place on my days off. However, it wasn't about that. It was more about me wanting to be selfish and just be with MY KIDS and be THEIR MOM and not some other person. I wanted to isolate myself as a mother and not be a "professional" or "minister" today, so to speak. BUT i also want to live like Jesus and be patient and offer all of myself to who he wants me to be as His. So what? It isn't really about the action or lack of action here, it is more about the conflicted feeling. I want to not feel conflicted when this happens. I want to feel like i can be MOM and only MOM on some days without being TRH Family Advocate. Am i making any sense.
Now, i know in my heart of hearts, that feeling that way is okay, but i just wonder if any of you have felt that way or if Jesus felt that way. Surely he got aggravated with ministering to needy people all the time. He did withdraw from time to time by himself.
Okay, just needed to get that out there.
In other matters, I love Fall! I was outside all morning with my kids and i didn't even come close to breaking a sweat. This is probably also due to the fact i was a lot fatter last fall, but all the same, i love the season. I always think of Ness and Carmi in the fall too.
Speaking of Ness, Catarina, will you please post your mother's chicken vegetable soup recipe? I want to make it next week. I always think of visits to Carmi in the fall too, how we got to Prin's house at like 10 at night and she had DiMaggio's and soup ready for us unfailingly!
Oh, love you cats!!!
Be good.
So most of us are moms, and you will likely understand or at least be able to empathize with the following thoughts because you are also moms involved in ministry.
Okay, so i know that Jesus was like ministry is a lifestyle, it is who you are all the time, no distinctions, try not to grow weary in doing good. Also, that we must minister to our own families. But don't you just sometimes wish he would have kids so we could get some clearer words and thoughts on things?
I LOVE TRH. I love what i do, i love how we have chosen to live our lives. However, I don't love that lately I am having trouble just being with my kids. I will be at the park or on the way to the zoo, looking forward to a day out with my children and receive 4 messages from a mom in need of something. Today i honestly got angry because i didn't want to deal with it. Now granted, she was breaking the rules by calling and expecting me to answer as there are phone policies set into place on my days off. However, it wasn't about that. It was more about me wanting to be selfish and just be with MY KIDS and be THEIR MOM and not some other person. I wanted to isolate myself as a mother and not be a "professional" or "minister" today, so to speak. BUT i also want to live like Jesus and be patient and offer all of myself to who he wants me to be as His. So what? It isn't really about the action or lack of action here, it is more about the conflicted feeling. I want to not feel conflicted when this happens. I want to feel like i can be MOM and only MOM on some days without being TRH Family Advocate. Am i making any sense.
Now, i know in my heart of hearts, that feeling that way is okay, but i just wonder if any of you have felt that way or if Jesus felt that way. Surely he got aggravated with ministering to needy people all the time. He did withdraw from time to time by himself.
Okay, just needed to get that out there.
In other matters, I love Fall! I was outside all morning with my kids and i didn't even come close to breaking a sweat. This is probably also due to the fact i was a lot fatter last fall, but all the same, i love the season. I always think of Ness and Carmi in the fall too.
Speaking of Ness, Catarina, will you please post your mother's chicken vegetable soup recipe? I want to make it next week. I always think of visits to Carmi in the fall too, how we got to Prin's house at like 10 at night and she had DiMaggio's and soup ready for us unfailingly!
Oh, love you cats!!!
Be good.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Things that remind me of my Cats
Hello Friends
I have to tell you about some little things that reminded me of some dear Cats of mine.
The other day I was at the grocery and I passed by a huge pile of gourds and dried corn in the produce aisle--I immediately thought of V and wondered if she has furnished her home with the appropriate fall decor. Then I was outside putting my groceries in the trunk of my car and a beautiful white butterfly fluttered in my face. I instantly thought of Fulty and her fear of our lovely winged insect friends. And I also thought of Fulty last night at dinner as I feasted on a chicken leg--complete with bone, skin, ligaments and fat! I love how I can go through my days and think of my dear strange Kitties and all their unique details of character and personality. We are all truly one-of-a-kind aren't we--just the way God designed us to be. I can't even imagine what peculiar little things remind you guys of me.
Well, the fam and I are off to Irish Fest tonight. We really don't know if 'McAllister' is an Irish name or Scotch so we celebrate both heritages when given the chance. We'll drink a Guiness for all of you and dance a jig! I hope it goes well though--I hear thunder in the distance, Kenna hasn't had a nap and Eli is fighting a digestional issue. I feel my toes curled over the edge of a deep precipice--any number of small disasters could send us all over the edge! I hope I make it back alive.
Well, gotta get going.
Glad to hear the Birthday party went well for the twinks. We're doing Dunk's mid October. I think we may do a Cowboy theme unless another creative sweep comes across me.
I have to tell you about some little things that reminded me of some dear Cats of mine.
The other day I was at the grocery and I passed by a huge pile of gourds and dried corn in the produce aisle--I immediately thought of V and wondered if she has furnished her home with the appropriate fall decor. Then I was outside putting my groceries in the trunk of my car and a beautiful white butterfly fluttered in my face. I instantly thought of Fulty and her fear of our lovely winged insect friends. And I also thought of Fulty last night at dinner as I feasted on a chicken leg--complete with bone, skin, ligaments and fat! I love how I can go through my days and think of my dear strange Kitties and all their unique details of character and personality. We are all truly one-of-a-kind aren't we--just the way God designed us to be. I can't even imagine what peculiar little things remind you guys of me.
Well, the fam and I are off to Irish Fest tonight. We really don't know if 'McAllister' is an Irish name or Scotch so we celebrate both heritages when given the chance. We'll drink a Guiness for all of you and dance a jig! I hope it goes well though--I hear thunder in the distance, Kenna hasn't had a nap and Eli is fighting a digestional issue. I feel my toes curled over the edge of a deep precipice--any number of small disasters could send us all over the edge! I hope I make it back alive.
Well, gotta get going.
Glad to hear the Birthday party went well for the twinks. We're doing Dunk's mid October. I think we may do a Cowboy theme unless another creative sweep comes across me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
a success....
Well, I've kept 2 babies alive for a year, so I guess that makes this a success story. We had a great little (50+ people) birthday party last Friday night for Adeline and Anderson and they made out like bandits. It was like a second baby shower, so many toys and clothes! They are just too cute and amaze me everyday.
We had our last ultrasound (I think) yesterday. It was only because of the diabetes, they have to monitor the baby's growth. She weighs 4 lbs 11 oz (which is bigger than Anderson was when we brought him home!) and we have 6 weeks left. This has gone by so quickly, I can't believe we're bringing home another baby in just a few weeks! Where did the time go? I don't know if I told you all yet, but her name is Campbell Kennsington, and from the ultrasound it looks like she has great big chipmunk cheeks and lots of hair. I don't think she'll look anything like Adeline.
Anyway, things are going well up here in northern Ohio. We are going to the second to last Cleveland Indians game of the season this weekend. The weather is really cooling off and we are excited for fall. It's been really nice not working the last couple of weeks, I'm enjoying my time at home. I think of you all often and hope you are doing well. Love reading your posts and knowing whats going on in your crazy lives. Miss you, catties.
We had our last ultrasound (I think) yesterday. It was only because of the diabetes, they have to monitor the baby's growth. She weighs 4 lbs 11 oz (which is bigger than Anderson was when we brought him home!) and we have 6 weeks left. This has gone by so quickly, I can't believe we're bringing home another baby in just a few weeks! Where did the time go? I don't know if I told you all yet, but her name is Campbell Kennsington, and from the ultrasound it looks like she has great big chipmunk cheeks and lots of hair. I don't think she'll look anything like Adeline.
Anyway, things are going well up here in northern Ohio. We are going to the second to last Cleveland Indians game of the season this weekend. The weather is really cooling off and we are excited for fall. It's been really nice not working the last couple of weeks, I'm enjoying my time at home. I think of you all often and hope you are doing well. Love reading your posts and knowing whats going on in your crazy lives. Miss you, catties.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Congrats Bets!
Congratulations Betsy!!
We're excited for you to have a cute little pink girl. What is the official due date?
I think it's neat that out of all us Cats we all have had both a girl and a boy. Seems like a lot of my other friends have duplicate sexes. We can all relate now to what it's like to have both a boy and a girl. Fun times.
Right now my girl and boy should be called Sassy Britches and Pterodactyl! They are a hand full in their very own ways.
Not much has been going on with us. I'm busy with the usual--kids, house, youth group and BSF. As it turns out, Eli's mom and grandma are coming into town the same weekend as Corn Day so it looks like I won't be coming to Carmi, V :( Eli tried really hard to arrange the airplane tickets on other days but it was best for them to come in on Saturday. SO, perhaps another year.
WEll, I can't be on here long. THe kids are squirrely.
We're excited for you to have a cute little pink girl. What is the official due date?
I think it's neat that out of all us Cats we all have had both a girl and a boy. Seems like a lot of my other friends have duplicate sexes. We can all relate now to what it's like to have both a boy and a girl. Fun times.
Right now my girl and boy should be called Sassy Britches and Pterodactyl! They are a hand full in their very own ways.
Not much has been going on with us. I'm busy with the usual--kids, house, youth group and BSF. As it turns out, Eli's mom and grandma are coming into town the same weekend as Corn Day so it looks like I won't be coming to Carmi, V :( Eli tried really hard to arrange the airplane tickets on other days but it was best for them to come in on Saturday. SO, perhaps another year.
WEll, I can't be on here long. THe kids are squirrely.
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's a.....
GIRL!!! Well, we had our big appointment today and the tech said it was a girl. Apparently she saw 3 lines- I guess that is how you tell it is a girl. So we will hope she is right- the doctor told me she has never got one wrong so I am hoping we won't be the first! Everything looked good so that was a relief. Well, I need to attend to my son. He has managed to get sick- of course, since we are going to Ohio this weekend. But I should count my blessings because this is the first time he has been really sick since last year on his birthday. Thanks for the recipes Liz, I will try to post some of our favorites later.
Love you all!
Love you all!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Chicken Pot Pie
This is another favorite in our house. The kids love it and we usually have some leftover for lunches. Great served with salad and some fruit.
2 Pie crusts--Buy it if you don't want to make it
3-4 cooked chicken breasts--or leftover chicken from a whole chicken
1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables--cooked slightly
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 can milk
salt and pepper.
I usually run the chicken through a food processor just to make it a little smaller size for the kids but don't pulverize it. Or you can cut it up small.
Mix the cut chicken, cooked veggies, cream of chicken soup, half a can of milk, salt and pepper in a large mixing bowl.
Place the bottom crust in a pie plate. Throw the chicken mixture in the crust and place the top crust. Crimp edges and throw in the oven. Very easy and good.
Bake 375 for 35-40 minutes or so--whatever the crust box says to do for pies.
2 Pie crusts--Buy it if you don't want to make it
3-4 cooked chicken breasts--or leftover chicken from a whole chicken
1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables--cooked slightly
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 can milk
salt and pepper.
I usually run the chicken through a food processor just to make it a little smaller size for the kids but don't pulverize it. Or you can cut it up small.
Mix the cut chicken, cooked veggies, cream of chicken soup, half a can of milk, salt and pepper in a large mixing bowl.
Place the bottom crust in a pie plate. Throw the chicken mixture in the crust and place the top crust. Crimp edges and throw in the oven. Very easy and good.
Bake 375 for 35-40 minutes or so--whatever the crust box says to do for pies.
Portuguese Chicken
Ok...well here are a couple recipes that Eli and I really like and aren't too hard to pull together.
This first recipe is by far Eli's favorite. A great soupfor a cold day with some crusty bread and cheese. Keep in mind that Eli and I like all sorts of foods so you may not like our tastes--but we love this recipe. Plus, it doesn't take too long to make--30-45 including prep of the vegetables.
Portuguese Chicken (A Rachel Ray recipe)
4 potatoes--peeled and cut into large bites
4 carrots--peeled and cut in large bites
3 ribs celery--cut in large bites
1 large onion--cut in large chunks
1 cup of white cooking wine--you can find this in the vinegar/cooking section...adds flavor!
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbl olive oil
2 cups chicken broth
1 package of Johnsonville New Orleans seasoned sausages
2-3 cooked chicken breast--cut in chunks. I either boil some breasts or use leftover chicken from a whole chicken that I have roasted.
1 can tomato sauce
1/4 cup dry parsley
Place potatoes, carrots, celery and onion in a large pot. Add cooking wine, sugar, salt, olive oil, chicken broth and tomato sauce. Cover and bring to boil. Once at boil reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender.
While vegetables cook heat the sausage in a skillet then cut them up. When veggies are tender add the sausage and chicken. Cook everything together for another 10-15 minutes.
This first recipe is by far Eli's favorite. A great soupfor a cold day with some crusty bread and cheese. Keep in mind that Eli and I like all sorts of foods so you may not like our tastes--but we love this recipe. Plus, it doesn't take too long to make--30-45 including prep of the vegetables.
Portuguese Chicken (A Rachel Ray recipe)
4 potatoes--peeled and cut into large bites
4 carrots--peeled and cut in large bites
3 ribs celery--cut in large bites
1 large onion--cut in large chunks
1 cup of white cooking wine--you can find this in the vinegar/cooking section...adds flavor!
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbl olive oil
2 cups chicken broth
1 package of Johnsonville New Orleans seasoned sausages
2-3 cooked chicken breast--cut in chunks. I either boil some breasts or use leftover chicken from a whole chicken that I have roasted.
1 can tomato sauce
1/4 cup dry parsley
Place potatoes, carrots, celery and onion in a large pot. Add cooking wine, sugar, salt, olive oil, chicken broth and tomato sauce. Cover and bring to boil. Once at boil reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender.
While vegetables cook heat the sausage in a skillet then cut them up. When veggies are tender add the sausage and chicken. Cook everything together for another 10-15 minutes.
Hello my kitties!
Sounds like everyone is doing well! Fulty and Bets I am so excited for you upcoming little ones, Fulty you sooner than Bets. Giving me baby fever!!! All is well in the land of corn, you know not much happens that we are not soon informed about in the Carmi Times. I started working last week, and it is really nice working part-time, but quite the change with pre-school. I am adjusting to actually being at home again and cooking. Bets- there are very limited eating out places in Carmi, so I too am trying to cook. Liz--got any recipes for me!! I tried your homemade spaghetti, with stewing tomatoes, very good!!I would love for you all to come for Corn Day, it would be so much fun!! I am planning to be in Knoxville the weekend of October fourth, Byrd/Bets can you do lunch on that Friday the third?? We could meet at Northshore, I will probably stay in Maryville. Well, gotta go before my children kill each other. Love you all!
Sounds like everyone is doing well! Fulty and Bets I am so excited for you upcoming little ones, Fulty you sooner than Bets. Giving me baby fever!!! All is well in the land of corn, you know not much happens that we are not soon informed about in the Carmi Times. I started working last week, and it is really nice working part-time, but quite the change with pre-school. I am adjusting to actually being at home again and cooking. Bets- there are very limited eating out places in Carmi, so I too am trying to cook. Liz--got any recipes for me!! I tried your homemade spaghetti, with stewing tomatoes, very good!!I would love for you all to come for Corn Day, it would be so much fun!! I am planning to be in Knoxville the weekend of October fourth, Byrd/Bets can you do lunch on that Friday the third?? We could meet at Northshore, I will probably stay in Maryville. Well, gotta go before my children kill each other. Love you all!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hello, my feline friends. It sounds like things are going well in the lives of cats, everywhere. I have more of the same news. We just returned from a much-needed vacation to Lake of the Ozarks with 24 of Steve's family, (all in one house). We had a great time and did lots of shopping (I got a new Coach purse for a steal at the outlet mall) The twins were great, and quite a hit. Steve's family threw them a little 1st birthday party while we were there, and that was really nice. We are having another big party next Friday night for them, which should be fun.
Adeline is toddling all over the place, and Anderson is trying, but is much more wobbly. I dressed them in these really cute outfits today that someone from church got them as a baby shower present. I've been waiting, hoping that they would fit them at the right season. They are really fall/winter outfits, but they are 9-12 months size. It just hasn't been warm enough to wear them, and I was worried that when it finally is, they would be too small to wear. Well, today is a rainy, fall-type day, so I took the tags off and dressed them. It's hillarious! They are still swimming in the clothes. They can't find their hands because the sleeves are so long, and they're walking on the pant legs, too! They look like I might as well have dressed them in my clothes! Poor kids are still wearing 3-6 months in some clothes and they're a week and a half away from being a year old!
Well, next week I will be unemployed! I am so excited as it has really become difficult to keep up with my responsibilities at church, as well as chase 2 one year-olds around and be 30+ weeks pregnant. I will be free to help Steve in the worship ministry, too, which is really where I want to be serving.
Well, I need to go, my children are trying to kill themselves on the fireplace. Why is that thing so tempting?
Love you all!
Adeline is toddling all over the place, and Anderson is trying, but is much more wobbly. I dressed them in these really cute outfits today that someone from church got them as a baby shower present. I've been waiting, hoping that they would fit them at the right season. They are really fall/winter outfits, but they are 9-12 months size. It just hasn't been warm enough to wear them, and I was worried that when it finally is, they would be too small to wear. Well, today is a rainy, fall-type day, so I took the tags off and dressed them. It's hillarious! They are still swimming in the clothes. They can't find their hands because the sleeves are so long, and they're walking on the pant legs, too! They look like I might as well have dressed them in my clothes! Poor kids are still wearing 3-6 months in some clothes and they're a week and a half away from being a year old!
Well, next week I will be unemployed! I am so excited as it has really become difficult to keep up with my responsibilities at church, as well as chase 2 one year-olds around and be 30+ weeks pregnant. I will be free to help Steve in the worship ministry, too, which is really where I want to be serving.
Well, I need to go, my children are trying to kill themselves on the fireplace. Why is that thing so tempting?
Love you all!
Okay ladies, in an effort to not go out to eat so much, I have decided to cook more often. The only problem is- I seem to make the same things over and over. So I thought I would turn to all my domesticated cats. Do you have any great recipes that your family likes to eat- crock pot, casseroles, etc. Anything at all! We seem to have hamburgers a lot and that is getting boring. Liz- I have already made the tortellini soup a few times- we love it! So just throw your great recipes out there!
In other news- there are many times I think my baby is trying to kick its way out. I have felt this one move so much earlier than Brevin. It is so neat! We find out (hopefully) on the 15th if we are having a boy or girl so I will try to post as soon as we get home. Brevin has started MDO- apparently he likes to hit other kids- great! I know he does it out of frustration sometimes, but other times I don't think he differentiates playing with his friends and wrestling with his dad. He is definitely all boy- but there are no excuses for hitting so we have been doing a lot of talking about that in the last few weeks. Liz, your stories were cracking me up- the penis story had me rolling. Sometimes Brevin doesn't get his tucked all the way in after going to the bathroom and the tip will be sticking out- always good for a laugh. Mandy- I hope you enjoyed the beach. Fulty- I hope you are surviving and making it through these last few weeks. Ness- hope all is well in corn land- we still need pics of the house. Klep- glad to hear you made it up Mt. LeConte! I do remember our trip and playing charades. I saw Deena at church one Sunday after they moved back and go to talk to her for awhile, but I haven't seen her since. Love you all!
In other news- there are many times I think my baby is trying to kick its way out. I have felt this one move so much earlier than Brevin. It is so neat! We find out (hopefully) on the 15th if we are having a boy or girl so I will try to post as soon as we get home. Brevin has started MDO- apparently he likes to hit other kids- great! I know he does it out of frustration sometimes, but other times I don't think he differentiates playing with his friends and wrestling with his dad. He is definitely all boy- but there are no excuses for hitting so we have been doing a lot of talking about that in the last few weeks. Liz, your stories were cracking me up- the penis story had me rolling. Sometimes Brevin doesn't get his tucked all the way in after going to the bathroom and the tip will be sticking out- always good for a laugh. Mandy- I hope you enjoyed the beach. Fulty- I hope you are surviving and making it through these last few weeks. Ness- hope all is well in corn land- we still need pics of the house. Klep- glad to hear you made it up Mt. LeConte! I do remember our trip and playing charades. I saw Deena at church one Sunday after they moved back and go to talk to her for awhile, but I haven't seen her since. Love you all!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Byrd will be proud of me!
I know that you're at the beach and you could care less about what I put on my fee--but I thought you may like to know that you're young and inexperienced fashion apprentice bought some shoes that you would be proud of.
The ones on the far left I got first. I was really tempted to go with another shoe that was black, practical and conventional but I thought, "I can't let Byrd down--I must raise my fashion bar!" The other two I got for $6 each!! I got three pairs of shoes for under $30--amazing! I never find such deals.
Now, a new fashion question. When it gets cold can I wear trouser socks with the two shoes on the left? What can I wear with the green shoe? It is canvas and casual--just a simple colored thin sock? I'm so clueless and I hate cold feet.
A funny story for all...
Dunk was crawling around the house with nothing on but a dirty diaper the other day. I changed his diaper and then went in with him to the couch to give him a bottle. As I'm sitting there watching him drink his bottle I look down and discover his penis pointing straight up at my face (remember--he's not wearing a thing!). I screamed and discovered that I had some how forgotten to put his new diaper on!!! I started laughing hysterically and called Eli in to see the my precarious position. We got the boy wrapped up in a clean diaper and carried on with his bottle. Whew...
Hope you all are well.
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