So are we doing the November weekend trip or not. I get the feeling that everyone may feel 'eh' about it. Is it because if we're not all able to come that makes it a little less special? That's kind of the way I feel. What do you all think--please be honest and don't say what you think we all want to hear. Should we postpone until the spring?
Things have been fairly interesting up here. I'll be able to tell more soon but for now Duncan is pretty much walking and has certainly found that he has opinions and desires that he wishes to make very clear to us. Kenna is doing well too. She's really into spotting letters in random places--whether it be on signs while we're driving in the car or abstractly creating them in the cracks of asphalt or the crust of her sandwich. I'm amazed at the inner workings of her little mind.
For the past two weeks Eli has been in Detective School. It's kind of like an intro class to detective work. It doesn't mean that he is a detective but should be apply for a position it should look good on his resume. He has been gone from 8:00-4:30pm each day and I really like feeling like a normal family. I love having him home in the evenings even though it has been hard for him to adjust to it. The other day Kenna asked where he was and I told her he was at Detective School. She thought about it for a minute and then asked, "Does he sing there?"--I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the thought of a bunch of rough and tough police officers sitting around singing songs. I think she asked this because she sings at BSF and we call it 'Bible school'.
Well, it's time we all got back on the post board.
Let us hear what you think about the November weekend and about whatever else is going on in your little Cat lives. Sounds like Fulty will have a baby here soon--if she doesn't already?!?! Bets, I still don't know when you're due. Vanessa, how was the Corn Extravaganza? Byrd, how many mothers are you crazy-cats up to now with TRH? Kleppy, anything new with you and Eric?
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