Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another one bites the dust!

Kitties, Kitties, Kitties...(shaking my head). We're becoming those women I remember seeing at Homecoming while I was a student who have a billion babies in tow and drive mini-vans! We're old mommas now!

Kenna's sitting next to me in one of her little chairs with a huge tin in front of her that I use to put an alarm clock on in our spare bedroom. She says that the alarm clock is her "puter". Boy, they sure mimic everything that we do!

Eli graduated from JBC with a missions degree and I graduated with a youth ministry degree--but lately I feel like we should have left with counseling diplomas. We have been doing so much "burden bearing" for people up here lately. I feel inadequate and completely out of my league but God must be doing something through us.

I haven't heard from Klepper--she must have vanished into thin air--anyway, it looks like Wednesday night is our only option if we want to see Fulty. Vanessa, you mentioned Thursday--can you do Wednesday instead? What about Byrd and Bets--Wednesday fine for you? I'll try phoning Klep again today or tomorrow. Byrd is your house still open for us to congregate?

I need to go
Let me know if Wednesday is going to work

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