about getting together...totally. the farther out we can get it on the calendar, the better. i'm on fall break the week after next, so if we could come up on a friday and then back on a sunday, that'd be best - i can probably take a personal day that friday if it works best for all cats or i can be in knoxville by 3:30 at the earliest. whenever in nov. or dec. is fine with me...i'm the only one without children or giving birth anytime soon so i'm flexible. :)
and anyssa should totally come!!!
i actually feel as though i have something worthwhile to contribute to one of the 'child/motherhood' discussions. byrd, you were mentioning your feelings right now about balancing TRH and ministering to your family. all of you know my mom and how she will do anything for anybody. since i've grown up, she has realized this about herself and has changed it. however, from the perspective of a child whose mother always seemed to be helping everyone else...it got old after a while. i can name a string of families/women who were an absolute mess that mom tried so hard to help. she spent time with them, counseled them, etc. and though i couldn't name it until i was older, it bugged me. it left me sometimes with a feeling of, "but what about us? what about me?" and i know my dad had a major issue with it...he felt like she put everyone and everything at church before him and us. now mom did SO MUCH for us and this is by no means an extreme case. but in fact, I remember one time within the last year that this issue arose...i can't put my finger on what the circumstances were but i remember eric and i and all fam were home and were ready to do something or go somewhere and were waiting on her, but she was off helping some wayward person or messed up family and all those feelings of "but what about us!? WE need you right now!" arose to the surface. It was the attitude of 'well, my family will understand' that bugged me. i hope that all makes sense and i definitely don't want anyone to think less of my mom...she is an amazing mother but this has been a struggle for her.
i don't know if i explained that well. she just gave so much and bent over backward for these people - trying to make it all work for everyone, but it just doesn't. someone gets left out...and it stunk when it was us. you know, when she'd be home later than she was supposed to be, or she wouldn't be home to make dinner on time because she was off doing this and that, or how she couldn't do things like have the garage sale we'd been talking about doing together forever because she was off helping someone else hold their garage sale. she definitely was self-sacrificing, but what happened was that by sacrificing so much of herself, she was sacrificing part of what we needed from her. there, i think i've finally figured out what i've been trying to say. :)
hope that helped from a kid's perspective. but, holy cow, that 'balancing' issue will have me stumped until the day I die, i'm sure.
love you cats -
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Zucchini Casserole
This is a new recipe I tried the other day and was pleasantly surprised. Duncan really went to town on the zucchinis--the only way I've managed to get him to eat them. Kenna did alright with it too.
1 pound ground beef
1 onion--chopped
1 green pepper--chopped
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp chili powder
2 large zucchinis
2 large tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
brown the beef with the onion and green pepper. Arrange on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Sprinkle seasonings over beef mixture. Alternate layers of tomatoes and zucchinis.
Bake @ 350 for 45 minutes. Towards the end of the time pull the dish out and mix in the mozzarella cheese and return to oven to melt.
1 pound ground beef
1 onion--chopped
1 green pepper--chopped
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp chili powder
2 large zucchinis
2 large tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
brown the beef with the onion and green pepper. Arrange on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Sprinkle seasonings over beef mixture. Alternate layers of tomatoes and zucchinis.
Bake @ 350 for 45 minutes. Towards the end of the time pull the dish out and mix in the mozzarella cheese and return to oven to melt.
It sounds like we all really miss each other and it seems ridiculous that we haven't made a better effort to get together. So I want to propose the idea of maybe getting together soon. I know that we are all busy with children, jobs, ministries, birthing babies and everything else the world throws at us but please consider carving out some time. I was wondering if Cincinnati might be a good middle ground for everyone. I'd also like to extend the invite to Anyssa Blackburn. I always enjoy her company--perhaps the Knox Cats could carpool, Vanessa and I could hitch a ride together and that would leave Fulty to come down from the land of Llamas or Alpacas or whatever the flip funny animals they farm up there.
Could we do it or is everyone really swamped this Fall? Let's chat about it and brainstorm. If an effort isn't made it will never happen. What does November look like other than the fact that Fulty will be welcoming a new one
I appreciated the post from V--I do wish that Corn Day could have worked out especially sense Fall seems to be the season for Cats. I'll be making Vegetable Soup tomorrow night, V--oh, and tell Scotty KiserBuns that I heard a George Michael song the other day and thought of him. Also, can't wait for another little Kiserbun--we are currently working towards squeezer #3. I'm hoping Clomid will not be the way we have to go.
Well, please let me know what you guys think
It sounds like we all really miss each other and it seems ridiculous that we haven't made a better effort to get together. So I want to propose the idea of maybe getting together soon. I know that we are all busy with children, jobs, ministries, birthing babies and everything else the world throws at us but please consider carving out some time. I was wondering if Cincinnati might be a good middle ground for everyone. I'd also like to extend the invite to Anyssa Blackburn. I always enjoy her company--perhaps the Knox Cats could carpool, Vanessa and I could hitch a ride together and that would leave Fulty to come down from the land of Llamas or Alpacas or whatever the flip funny animals they farm up there.
Could we do it or is everyone really swamped this Fall? Let's chat about it and brainstorm. If an effort isn't made it will never happen. What does November look like other than the fact that Fulty will be welcoming a new one
I appreciated the post from V--I do wish that Corn Day could have worked out especially sense Fall seems to be the season for Cats. I'll be making Vegetable Soup tomorrow night, V--oh, and tell Scotty KiserBuns that I heard a George Michael song the other day and thought of him. Also, can't wait for another little Kiserbun--we are currently working towards squeezer #3. I'm hoping Clomid will not be the way we have to go.
Well, please let me know what you guys think
Byrd--Chicken soup
Use any variety of vegetables you want--cabbage, peas, onion, carrots, celery, stewed tomatoes,
dash of garlic
dash of salt and pepper
1 lg. can of tomato juice
1 sm can of tomato sauce
cook boneless chicken breasts and break into chunks
add the chicken when the veggies are just about finished
I have also used ground turkey instead of chicken, it is really good as well. I sometimes also add egg noodles, gives a different taste though.
If you like it more soupy add a little water
Enjoy! V
Use any variety of vegetables you want--cabbage, peas, onion, carrots, celery, stewed tomatoes,
dash of garlic
dash of salt and pepper
1 lg. can of tomato juice
1 sm can of tomato sauce
cook boneless chicken breasts and break into chunks
add the chicken when the veggies are just about finished
I have also used ground turkey instead of chicken, it is really good as well. I sometimes also add egg noodles, gives a different taste though.
If you like it more soupy add a little water
Enjoy! V
Hey Cats,
I miss you all dearly,especially this time of year. I always think of PowderPuff football and the time we carved a pumpkin to look like a cat. Fall was always such a fun time when we were in school. Fulty already had Christmas decorations up and the campus was so beautiful. We have a huge apple tree in our backyard, which I am excited to pick apples with Gabe and teach him about God's creation. Liz--I have had my fall decor out and ready since Sept. 1 and plan to add more for Halloween and then again Thanksgiving.
Byrd, Scott struggles alot with his job with knowing when to just be with his family! I think he calls it establishing healthy boundaries. It is now more than ever a struggle, because he is the boss and ultimately the buck stops with him. I am sure that is how it is with you and Daniel, there really is not another person to call, or be "on call" but you all! You guys are TRH! I think part of the reason Jesus' ministry was so effective was because He led by example. You are teaching mothers how to be healthy parents, part of that is establishing good boundaries and making sure you children know that when you are with them ,unless there is a terrible emergency they have your attention. Could the mothers call some of the TRH mentors when they need help or are struggling? I am not sure how everything works, but I want you to not come to resent what you do on some level! I am confident of He who began a good work in you will complete, and am confident of His unfailing love. I will be praying for you!
On another note, Scott and I have decided we want to add one more Kiserbun to the family. Don't be surprised to receive an e-mail in the next month or two with an announcement. I want to have all my babies by 30, so here we go!! Anybody got any name suggestions??Fulty--I like your name for the new baby, sounds very distinguished! Liz, are you ready for number three?? Well, I love and miss you all dearly and think of you often! God is so kind to give us such meaningful friendships on earth to sustain us during this often lonesome journey! I praise God for His provision! V-Cat
I miss you all dearly,especially this time of year. I always think of PowderPuff football and the time we carved a pumpkin to look like a cat. Fall was always such a fun time when we were in school. Fulty already had Christmas decorations up and the campus was so beautiful. We have a huge apple tree in our backyard, which I am excited to pick apples with Gabe and teach him about God's creation. Liz--I have had my fall decor out and ready since Sept. 1 and plan to add more for Halloween and then again Thanksgiving.
Byrd, Scott struggles alot with his job with knowing when to just be with his family! I think he calls it establishing healthy boundaries. It is now more than ever a struggle, because he is the boss and ultimately the buck stops with him. I am sure that is how it is with you and Daniel, there really is not another person to call, or be "on call" but you all! You guys are TRH! I think part of the reason Jesus' ministry was so effective was because He led by example. You are teaching mothers how to be healthy parents, part of that is establishing good boundaries and making sure you children know that when you are with them ,unless there is a terrible emergency they have your attention. Could the mothers call some of the TRH mentors when they need help or are struggling? I am not sure how everything works, but I want you to not come to resent what you do on some level! I am confident of He who began a good work in you will complete, and am confident of His unfailing love. I will be praying for you!
On another note, Scott and I have decided we want to add one more Kiserbun to the family. Don't be surprised to receive an e-mail in the next month or two with an announcement. I want to have all my babies by 30, so here we go!! Anybody got any name suggestions??Fulty--I like your name for the new baby, sounds very distinguished! Liz, are you ready for number three?? Well, I love and miss you all dearly and think of you often! God is so kind to give us such meaningful friendships on earth to sustain us during this often lonesome journey! I praise God for His provision! V-Cat
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First Birthday
Dearest Byrd-cat
Thanks for the sentiments that I think we all feel. I don't know how we could be expected to feel any other way--considering that we're not deity! There have been many times that I have not answered the phone calls of certain people I feel I'm 'ministering' to simply because my human and often selfish feelings at the time are, "I can not be there for you right now--I can not be all things for ALL people!" A balance between personal life and ministry life is a must. I am by no means as entrenched as you or Fulty are in ministry but I do have to set my limits--which is not always easy. I really appreciate what Fulty had to say--our kids will start to see when we choose their needs over the needs of others. We want them to see us help other people but we don't want to error on the side of them feeling pushed out because of the constant neediness of others.
I really struggle with this on the flip side--there are some days where I feel too entrenched with my children and would love an outlet like what you have. I have expressed these feelings before. But I always come back to--this is our season of childrearing and our children need us more than we will ever know. So fight for that time with them! Ask God for uninterupted time. Our sovereign God can certainly make it all work out smoothly :)
A funny story to end on...The other day Kenna was wearing a pair of pants that were a little too big for her. I told her to come over to me because her "britches were falling down." In her sassiness she replied, "My bitches AREN'T falling down!" I laughed despite of her sassy tongue. I probably shouldn't use the word 'britches' anymore. What am I going to do with her when she is a teenager? Byrd, Ava and Kenna are going to give us the time of our lives when they hit those teenage years! Have mercy...
Thanks for the sentiments that I think we all feel. I don't know how we could be expected to feel any other way--considering that we're not deity! There have been many times that I have not answered the phone calls of certain people I feel I'm 'ministering' to simply because my human and often selfish feelings at the time are, "I can not be there for you right now--I can not be all things for ALL people!" A balance between personal life and ministry life is a must. I am by no means as entrenched as you or Fulty are in ministry but I do have to set my limits--which is not always easy. I really appreciate what Fulty had to say--our kids will start to see when we choose their needs over the needs of others. We want them to see us help other people but we don't want to error on the side of them feeling pushed out because of the constant neediness of others.
I really struggle with this on the flip side--there are some days where I feel too entrenched with my children and would love an outlet like what you have. I have expressed these feelings before. But I always come back to--this is our season of childrearing and our children need us more than we will ever know. So fight for that time with them! Ask God for uninterupted time. Our sovereign God can certainly make it all work out smoothly :)
A funny story to end on...The other day Kenna was wearing a pair of pants that were a little too big for her. I told her to come over to me because her "britches were falling down." In her sassiness she replied, "My bitches AREN'T falling down!" I laughed despite of her sassy tongue. I probably shouldn't use the word 'britches' anymore. What am I going to do with her when she is a teenager? Byrd, Ava and Kenna are going to give us the time of our lives when they hit those teenage years! Have mercy...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thoughts & Happenings
Hey Cats,
So most of us are moms, and you will likely understand or at least be able to empathize with the following thoughts because you are also moms involved in ministry.
Okay, so i know that Jesus was like ministry is a lifestyle, it is who you are all the time, no distinctions, try not to grow weary in doing good. Also, that we must minister to our own families. But don't you just sometimes wish he would have kids so we could get some clearer words and thoughts on things?
I LOVE TRH. I love what i do, i love how we have chosen to live our lives. However, I don't love that lately I am having trouble just being with my kids. I will be at the park or on the way to the zoo, looking forward to a day out with my children and receive 4 messages from a mom in need of something. Today i honestly got angry because i didn't want to deal with it. Now granted, she was breaking the rules by calling and expecting me to answer as there are phone policies set into place on my days off. However, it wasn't about that. It was more about me wanting to be selfish and just be with MY KIDS and be THEIR MOM and not some other person. I wanted to isolate myself as a mother and not be a "professional" or "minister" today, so to speak. BUT i also want to live like Jesus and be patient and offer all of myself to who he wants me to be as His. So what? It isn't really about the action or lack of action here, it is more about the conflicted feeling. I want to not feel conflicted when this happens. I want to feel like i can be MOM and only MOM on some days without being TRH Family Advocate. Am i making any sense.
Now, i know in my heart of hearts, that feeling that way is okay, but i just wonder if any of you have felt that way or if Jesus felt that way. Surely he got aggravated with ministering to needy people all the time. He did withdraw from time to time by himself.
Okay, just needed to get that out there.
In other matters, I love Fall! I was outside all morning with my kids and i didn't even come close to breaking a sweat. This is probably also due to the fact i was a lot fatter last fall, but all the same, i love the season. I always think of Ness and Carmi in the fall too.
Speaking of Ness, Catarina, will you please post your mother's chicken vegetable soup recipe? I want to make it next week. I always think of visits to Carmi in the fall too, how we got to Prin's house at like 10 at night and she had DiMaggio's and soup ready for us unfailingly!
Oh, love you cats!!!
Be good.
So most of us are moms, and you will likely understand or at least be able to empathize with the following thoughts because you are also moms involved in ministry.
Okay, so i know that Jesus was like ministry is a lifestyle, it is who you are all the time, no distinctions, try not to grow weary in doing good. Also, that we must minister to our own families. But don't you just sometimes wish he would have kids so we could get some clearer words and thoughts on things?
I LOVE TRH. I love what i do, i love how we have chosen to live our lives. However, I don't love that lately I am having trouble just being with my kids. I will be at the park or on the way to the zoo, looking forward to a day out with my children and receive 4 messages from a mom in need of something. Today i honestly got angry because i didn't want to deal with it. Now granted, she was breaking the rules by calling and expecting me to answer as there are phone policies set into place on my days off. However, it wasn't about that. It was more about me wanting to be selfish and just be with MY KIDS and be THEIR MOM and not some other person. I wanted to isolate myself as a mother and not be a "professional" or "minister" today, so to speak. BUT i also want to live like Jesus and be patient and offer all of myself to who he wants me to be as His. So what? It isn't really about the action or lack of action here, it is more about the conflicted feeling. I want to not feel conflicted when this happens. I want to feel like i can be MOM and only MOM on some days without being TRH Family Advocate. Am i making any sense.
Now, i know in my heart of hearts, that feeling that way is okay, but i just wonder if any of you have felt that way or if Jesus felt that way. Surely he got aggravated with ministering to needy people all the time. He did withdraw from time to time by himself.
Okay, just needed to get that out there.
In other matters, I love Fall! I was outside all morning with my kids and i didn't even come close to breaking a sweat. This is probably also due to the fact i was a lot fatter last fall, but all the same, i love the season. I always think of Ness and Carmi in the fall too.
Speaking of Ness, Catarina, will you please post your mother's chicken vegetable soup recipe? I want to make it next week. I always think of visits to Carmi in the fall too, how we got to Prin's house at like 10 at night and she had DiMaggio's and soup ready for us unfailingly!
Oh, love you cats!!!
Be good.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Things that remind me of my Cats
Hello Friends
I have to tell you about some little things that reminded me of some dear Cats of mine.
The other day I was at the grocery and I passed by a huge pile of gourds and dried corn in the produce aisle--I immediately thought of V and wondered if she has furnished her home with the appropriate fall decor. Then I was outside putting my groceries in the trunk of my car and a beautiful white butterfly fluttered in my face. I instantly thought of Fulty and her fear of our lovely winged insect friends. And I also thought of Fulty last night at dinner as I feasted on a chicken leg--complete with bone, skin, ligaments and fat! I love how I can go through my days and think of my dear strange Kitties and all their unique details of character and personality. We are all truly one-of-a-kind aren't we--just the way God designed us to be. I can't even imagine what peculiar little things remind you guys of me.
Well, the fam and I are off to Irish Fest tonight. We really don't know if 'McAllister' is an Irish name or Scotch so we celebrate both heritages when given the chance. We'll drink a Guiness for all of you and dance a jig! I hope it goes well though--I hear thunder in the distance, Kenna hasn't had a nap and Eli is fighting a digestional issue. I feel my toes curled over the edge of a deep precipice--any number of small disasters could send us all over the edge! I hope I make it back alive.
Well, gotta get going.
Glad to hear the Birthday party went well for the twinks. We're doing Dunk's mid October. I think we may do a Cowboy theme unless another creative sweep comes across me.
I have to tell you about some little things that reminded me of some dear Cats of mine.
The other day I was at the grocery and I passed by a huge pile of gourds and dried corn in the produce aisle--I immediately thought of V and wondered if she has furnished her home with the appropriate fall decor. Then I was outside putting my groceries in the trunk of my car and a beautiful white butterfly fluttered in my face. I instantly thought of Fulty and her fear of our lovely winged insect friends. And I also thought of Fulty last night at dinner as I feasted on a chicken leg--complete with bone, skin, ligaments and fat! I love how I can go through my days and think of my dear strange Kitties and all their unique details of character and personality. We are all truly one-of-a-kind aren't we--just the way God designed us to be. I can't even imagine what peculiar little things remind you guys of me.
Well, the fam and I are off to Irish Fest tonight. We really don't know if 'McAllister' is an Irish name or Scotch so we celebrate both heritages when given the chance. We'll drink a Guiness for all of you and dance a jig! I hope it goes well though--I hear thunder in the distance, Kenna hasn't had a nap and Eli is fighting a digestional issue. I feel my toes curled over the edge of a deep precipice--any number of small disasters could send us all over the edge! I hope I make it back alive.
Well, gotta get going.
Glad to hear the Birthday party went well for the twinks. We're doing Dunk's mid October. I think we may do a Cowboy theme unless another creative sweep comes across me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
a success....
Well, I've kept 2 babies alive for a year, so I guess that makes this a success story. We had a great little (50+ people) birthday party last Friday night for Adeline and Anderson and they made out like bandits. It was like a second baby shower, so many toys and clothes! They are just too cute and amaze me everyday.
We had our last ultrasound (I think) yesterday. It was only because of the diabetes, they have to monitor the baby's growth. She weighs 4 lbs 11 oz (which is bigger than Anderson was when we brought him home!) and we have 6 weeks left. This has gone by so quickly, I can't believe we're bringing home another baby in just a few weeks! Where did the time go? I don't know if I told you all yet, but her name is Campbell Kennsington, and from the ultrasound it looks like she has great big chipmunk cheeks and lots of hair. I don't think she'll look anything like Adeline.
Anyway, things are going well up here in northern Ohio. We are going to the second to last Cleveland Indians game of the season this weekend. The weather is really cooling off and we are excited for fall. It's been really nice not working the last couple of weeks, I'm enjoying my time at home. I think of you all often and hope you are doing well. Love reading your posts and knowing whats going on in your crazy lives. Miss you, catties.
We had our last ultrasound (I think) yesterday. It was only because of the diabetes, they have to monitor the baby's growth. She weighs 4 lbs 11 oz (which is bigger than Anderson was when we brought him home!) and we have 6 weeks left. This has gone by so quickly, I can't believe we're bringing home another baby in just a few weeks! Where did the time go? I don't know if I told you all yet, but her name is Campbell Kennsington, and from the ultrasound it looks like she has great big chipmunk cheeks and lots of hair. I don't think she'll look anything like Adeline.
Anyway, things are going well up here in northern Ohio. We are going to the second to last Cleveland Indians game of the season this weekend. The weather is really cooling off and we are excited for fall. It's been really nice not working the last couple of weeks, I'm enjoying my time at home. I think of you all often and hope you are doing well. Love reading your posts and knowing whats going on in your crazy lives. Miss you, catties.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Congrats Bets!
Congratulations Betsy!!
We're excited for you to have a cute little pink girl. What is the official due date?
I think it's neat that out of all us Cats we all have had both a girl and a boy. Seems like a lot of my other friends have duplicate sexes. We can all relate now to what it's like to have both a boy and a girl. Fun times.
Right now my girl and boy should be called Sassy Britches and Pterodactyl! They are a hand full in their very own ways.
Not much has been going on with us. I'm busy with the usual--kids, house, youth group and BSF. As it turns out, Eli's mom and grandma are coming into town the same weekend as Corn Day so it looks like I won't be coming to Carmi, V :( Eli tried really hard to arrange the airplane tickets on other days but it was best for them to come in on Saturday. SO, perhaps another year.
WEll, I can't be on here long. THe kids are squirrely.
We're excited for you to have a cute little pink girl. What is the official due date?
I think it's neat that out of all us Cats we all have had both a girl and a boy. Seems like a lot of my other friends have duplicate sexes. We can all relate now to what it's like to have both a boy and a girl. Fun times.
Right now my girl and boy should be called Sassy Britches and Pterodactyl! They are a hand full in their very own ways.
Not much has been going on with us. I'm busy with the usual--kids, house, youth group and BSF. As it turns out, Eli's mom and grandma are coming into town the same weekend as Corn Day so it looks like I won't be coming to Carmi, V :( Eli tried really hard to arrange the airplane tickets on other days but it was best for them to come in on Saturday. SO, perhaps another year.
WEll, I can't be on here long. THe kids are squirrely.
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's a.....
GIRL!!! Well, we had our big appointment today and the tech said it was a girl. Apparently she saw 3 lines- I guess that is how you tell it is a girl. So we will hope she is right- the doctor told me she has never got one wrong so I am hoping we won't be the first! Everything looked good so that was a relief. Well, I need to attend to my son. He has managed to get sick- of course, since we are going to Ohio this weekend. But I should count my blessings because this is the first time he has been really sick since last year on his birthday. Thanks for the recipes Liz, I will try to post some of our favorites later.
Love you all!
Love you all!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Chicken Pot Pie
This is another favorite in our house. The kids love it and we usually have some leftover for lunches. Great served with salad and some fruit.
2 Pie crusts--Buy it if you don't want to make it
3-4 cooked chicken breasts--or leftover chicken from a whole chicken
1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables--cooked slightly
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 can milk
salt and pepper.
I usually run the chicken through a food processor just to make it a little smaller size for the kids but don't pulverize it. Or you can cut it up small.
Mix the cut chicken, cooked veggies, cream of chicken soup, half a can of milk, salt and pepper in a large mixing bowl.
Place the bottom crust in a pie plate. Throw the chicken mixture in the crust and place the top crust. Crimp edges and throw in the oven. Very easy and good.
Bake 375 for 35-40 minutes or so--whatever the crust box says to do for pies.
2 Pie crusts--Buy it if you don't want to make it
3-4 cooked chicken breasts--or leftover chicken from a whole chicken
1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables--cooked slightly
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 can milk
salt and pepper.
I usually run the chicken through a food processor just to make it a little smaller size for the kids but don't pulverize it. Or you can cut it up small.
Mix the cut chicken, cooked veggies, cream of chicken soup, half a can of milk, salt and pepper in a large mixing bowl.
Place the bottom crust in a pie plate. Throw the chicken mixture in the crust and place the top crust. Crimp edges and throw in the oven. Very easy and good.
Bake 375 for 35-40 minutes or so--whatever the crust box says to do for pies.
Portuguese Chicken
Ok...well here are a couple recipes that Eli and I really like and aren't too hard to pull together.
This first recipe is by far Eli's favorite. A great soupfor a cold day with some crusty bread and cheese. Keep in mind that Eli and I like all sorts of foods so you may not like our tastes--but we love this recipe. Plus, it doesn't take too long to make--30-45 including prep of the vegetables.
Portuguese Chicken (A Rachel Ray recipe)
4 potatoes--peeled and cut into large bites
4 carrots--peeled and cut in large bites
3 ribs celery--cut in large bites
1 large onion--cut in large chunks
1 cup of white cooking wine--you can find this in the vinegar/cooking section...adds flavor!
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbl olive oil
2 cups chicken broth
1 package of Johnsonville New Orleans seasoned sausages
2-3 cooked chicken breast--cut in chunks. I either boil some breasts or use leftover chicken from a whole chicken that I have roasted.
1 can tomato sauce
1/4 cup dry parsley
Place potatoes, carrots, celery and onion in a large pot. Add cooking wine, sugar, salt, olive oil, chicken broth and tomato sauce. Cover and bring to boil. Once at boil reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender.
While vegetables cook heat the sausage in a skillet then cut them up. When veggies are tender add the sausage and chicken. Cook everything together for another 10-15 minutes.
This first recipe is by far Eli's favorite. A great soupfor a cold day with some crusty bread and cheese. Keep in mind that Eli and I like all sorts of foods so you may not like our tastes--but we love this recipe. Plus, it doesn't take too long to make--30-45 including prep of the vegetables.
Portuguese Chicken (A Rachel Ray recipe)
4 potatoes--peeled and cut into large bites
4 carrots--peeled and cut in large bites
3 ribs celery--cut in large bites
1 large onion--cut in large chunks
1 cup of white cooking wine--you can find this in the vinegar/cooking section...adds flavor!
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbl olive oil
2 cups chicken broth
1 package of Johnsonville New Orleans seasoned sausages
2-3 cooked chicken breast--cut in chunks. I either boil some breasts or use leftover chicken from a whole chicken that I have roasted.
1 can tomato sauce
1/4 cup dry parsley
Place potatoes, carrots, celery and onion in a large pot. Add cooking wine, sugar, salt, olive oil, chicken broth and tomato sauce. Cover and bring to boil. Once at boil reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender.
While vegetables cook heat the sausage in a skillet then cut them up. When veggies are tender add the sausage and chicken. Cook everything together for another 10-15 minutes.
Hello my kitties!
Sounds like everyone is doing well! Fulty and Bets I am so excited for you upcoming little ones, Fulty you sooner than Bets. Giving me baby fever!!! All is well in the land of corn, you know not much happens that we are not soon informed about in the Carmi Times. I started working last week, and it is really nice working part-time, but quite the change with pre-school. I am adjusting to actually being at home again and cooking. Bets- there are very limited eating out places in Carmi, so I too am trying to cook. Liz--got any recipes for me!! I tried your homemade spaghetti, with stewing tomatoes, very good!!I would love for you all to come for Corn Day, it would be so much fun!! I am planning to be in Knoxville the weekend of October fourth, Byrd/Bets can you do lunch on that Friday the third?? We could meet at Northshore, I will probably stay in Maryville. Well, gotta go before my children kill each other. Love you all!
Sounds like everyone is doing well! Fulty and Bets I am so excited for you upcoming little ones, Fulty you sooner than Bets. Giving me baby fever!!! All is well in the land of corn, you know not much happens that we are not soon informed about in the Carmi Times. I started working last week, and it is really nice working part-time, but quite the change with pre-school. I am adjusting to actually being at home again and cooking. Bets- there are very limited eating out places in Carmi, so I too am trying to cook. Liz--got any recipes for me!! I tried your homemade spaghetti, with stewing tomatoes, very good!!I would love for you all to come for Corn Day, it would be so much fun!! I am planning to be in Knoxville the weekend of October fourth, Byrd/Bets can you do lunch on that Friday the third?? We could meet at Northshore, I will probably stay in Maryville. Well, gotta go before my children kill each other. Love you all!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hello, my feline friends. It sounds like things are going well in the lives of cats, everywhere. I have more of the same news. We just returned from a much-needed vacation to Lake of the Ozarks with 24 of Steve's family, (all in one house). We had a great time and did lots of shopping (I got a new Coach purse for a steal at the outlet mall) The twins were great, and quite a hit. Steve's family threw them a little 1st birthday party while we were there, and that was really nice. We are having another big party next Friday night for them, which should be fun.
Adeline is toddling all over the place, and Anderson is trying, but is much more wobbly. I dressed them in these really cute outfits today that someone from church got them as a baby shower present. I've been waiting, hoping that they would fit them at the right season. They are really fall/winter outfits, but they are 9-12 months size. It just hasn't been warm enough to wear them, and I was worried that when it finally is, they would be too small to wear. Well, today is a rainy, fall-type day, so I took the tags off and dressed them. It's hillarious! They are still swimming in the clothes. They can't find their hands because the sleeves are so long, and they're walking on the pant legs, too! They look like I might as well have dressed them in my clothes! Poor kids are still wearing 3-6 months in some clothes and they're a week and a half away from being a year old!
Well, next week I will be unemployed! I am so excited as it has really become difficult to keep up with my responsibilities at church, as well as chase 2 one year-olds around and be 30+ weeks pregnant. I will be free to help Steve in the worship ministry, too, which is really where I want to be serving.
Well, I need to go, my children are trying to kill themselves on the fireplace. Why is that thing so tempting?
Love you all!
Adeline is toddling all over the place, and Anderson is trying, but is much more wobbly. I dressed them in these really cute outfits today that someone from church got them as a baby shower present. I've been waiting, hoping that they would fit them at the right season. They are really fall/winter outfits, but they are 9-12 months size. It just hasn't been warm enough to wear them, and I was worried that when it finally is, they would be too small to wear. Well, today is a rainy, fall-type day, so I took the tags off and dressed them. It's hillarious! They are still swimming in the clothes. They can't find their hands because the sleeves are so long, and they're walking on the pant legs, too! They look like I might as well have dressed them in my clothes! Poor kids are still wearing 3-6 months in some clothes and they're a week and a half away from being a year old!
Well, next week I will be unemployed! I am so excited as it has really become difficult to keep up with my responsibilities at church, as well as chase 2 one year-olds around and be 30+ weeks pregnant. I will be free to help Steve in the worship ministry, too, which is really where I want to be serving.
Well, I need to go, my children are trying to kill themselves on the fireplace. Why is that thing so tempting?
Love you all!
Okay ladies, in an effort to not go out to eat so much, I have decided to cook more often. The only problem is- I seem to make the same things over and over. So I thought I would turn to all my domesticated cats. Do you have any great recipes that your family likes to eat- crock pot, casseroles, etc. Anything at all! We seem to have hamburgers a lot and that is getting boring. Liz- I have already made the tortellini soup a few times- we love it! So just throw your great recipes out there!
In other news- there are many times I think my baby is trying to kick its way out. I have felt this one move so much earlier than Brevin. It is so neat! We find out (hopefully) on the 15th if we are having a boy or girl so I will try to post as soon as we get home. Brevin has started MDO- apparently he likes to hit other kids- great! I know he does it out of frustration sometimes, but other times I don't think he differentiates playing with his friends and wrestling with his dad. He is definitely all boy- but there are no excuses for hitting so we have been doing a lot of talking about that in the last few weeks. Liz, your stories were cracking me up- the penis story had me rolling. Sometimes Brevin doesn't get his tucked all the way in after going to the bathroom and the tip will be sticking out- always good for a laugh. Mandy- I hope you enjoyed the beach. Fulty- I hope you are surviving and making it through these last few weeks. Ness- hope all is well in corn land- we still need pics of the house. Klep- glad to hear you made it up Mt. LeConte! I do remember our trip and playing charades. I saw Deena at church one Sunday after they moved back and go to talk to her for awhile, but I haven't seen her since. Love you all!
In other news- there are many times I think my baby is trying to kick its way out. I have felt this one move so much earlier than Brevin. It is so neat! We find out (hopefully) on the 15th if we are having a boy or girl so I will try to post as soon as we get home. Brevin has started MDO- apparently he likes to hit other kids- great! I know he does it out of frustration sometimes, but other times I don't think he differentiates playing with his friends and wrestling with his dad. He is definitely all boy- but there are no excuses for hitting so we have been doing a lot of talking about that in the last few weeks. Liz, your stories were cracking me up- the penis story had me rolling. Sometimes Brevin doesn't get his tucked all the way in after going to the bathroom and the tip will be sticking out- always good for a laugh. Mandy- I hope you enjoyed the beach. Fulty- I hope you are surviving and making it through these last few weeks. Ness- hope all is well in corn land- we still need pics of the house. Klep- glad to hear you made it up Mt. LeConte! I do remember our trip and playing charades. I saw Deena at church one Sunday after they moved back and go to talk to her for awhile, but I haven't seen her since. Love you all!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Byrd will be proud of me!
I know that you're at the beach and you could care less about what I put on my fee--but I thought you may like to know that you're young and inexperienced fashion apprentice bought some shoes that you would be proud of.
The ones on the far left I got first. I was really tempted to go with another shoe that was black, practical and conventional but I thought, "I can't let Byrd down--I must raise my fashion bar!" The other two I got for $6 each!! I got three pairs of shoes for under $30--amazing! I never find such deals.
Now, a new fashion question. When it gets cold can I wear trouser socks with the two shoes on the left? What can I wear with the green shoe? It is canvas and casual--just a simple colored thin sock? I'm so clueless and I hate cold feet.
A funny story for all...
Dunk was crawling around the house with nothing on but a dirty diaper the other day. I changed his diaper and then went in with him to the couch to give him a bottle. As I'm sitting there watching him drink his bottle I look down and discover his penis pointing straight up at my face (remember--he's not wearing a thing!). I screamed and discovered that I had some how forgotten to put his new diaper on!!! I started laughing hysterically and called Eli in to see the my precarious position. We got the boy wrapped up in a clean diaper and carried on with his bottle. Whew...
Hope you all are well.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ragged-Arse Tinker Cattle Thieves
Hello Cats
I hope you all are well. I miss you all. Eli and I have been sort of discouraged with some things here regarding our church (nothing personally involving us) and it has made me feel for the first time a strong desire to pick-up and go somewhere new. Our time at this church has been for me the first time in my Christian walk that I have been exposed to church politics and the unpleasant qualities of people within the church--it makes me sad for I wish we could all be one big happy family.
There are a lot of good things about where we are right now but there are also some undesirables. If we end up staying for a longer stretch of time some things will have to change. I've never really considered our stop here in Indy as a permanent one--but as of now we have nothing else to go on. Some days I enjoy that we are in a stable 'holding pattern' but then some days I really wish I knew what was coming our way in the next 10 years. Hmph...
I got my hair cut today--nothing outrageous or buzzed. Let's just say, "Brown football helmet"--which is better than the ratty Willie Nelson mane I had. It's long enough that I can still smell it--which is good--for it comforts me. I'm a 29 year old hair smeller--is that kind of like having a blankie?
The kids are doing well. Duncan turned 11 months today. He's not far from walking. He got bumped on the mouth today and poured forth more blood than we've ever encountered with Kenna--we have a feeling we'll be spending some time in the ER with him as his years unfold. He knows no fear, has no restraint and is into EVERTYHING! I can't even open the bathroom door without him making a bee line to get in there to play with the toilet. The other day I discovered wet toilet paper on his hand from where he had found his sisters unflushed potty! He continues to growl and whack on things like a regular caveman. Kenna on the other hand is very much the little lady. She likes to draw my attention to the fact that she's sitting with her legs crossed like, "a little lady". I have no idea how I have ended up with such a prissy little thing as my daughter. You all saw how I was in college--I'm anything but prissy. Not Kenna--she loves dresses and frisking around like a little sprite. Her and I start BSF next week. I'm eager for her to be with other kids as well as learn some great things about Moses this year. Eli may be participating in Detective School in October. It doesn't mean that he is becoming a detective--it's simply training that will look good on his resume should he decide to pursue a detective position.
Hard to believe that Dunk, Adeline and Anderson will all be turning one shortly. Then Fulty will be spittin' out another and Bets not too long after that! Bets--when is your due date?
Is anyone else interested in Corn Day the second weekend of October? I haven't talked to Vanessa about it yet but I was thinking it would be fun to go with one or both of my children. Eli works that weekend.
I'm reading a biography about our nations 2nd president, John Adams. Byrd has already declared me weird but I think it's pretty good. I'm learning a lot of facts about our nation that most Chinese have committed to memory. I felt it was my civic duty to be informed and break the cycle of being a stupid American. If Jay Leno ever catches me on the street I will be able to tell him a lot!
I saw Wall-E the other day--very good and I recommend it. Eli and I also watch the 90's movie, Rob Roy and we learned a new name to use for our enemies, "Ragged-Arse Tinker Cattle Thieves"--I love Scotland! Another one to watch if you have $.99 to blow at Blockbuster.
Well...don't be strangers Girls!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Trip to the Mt. LeConte
Anyhow, I thought I'd post some pics for you all. Don't they make you just want to come back to Tennessee, all you non-TN cats? Bets, this reminded me of the time I went with you and Randy and Greg and Steph during summer school that one year. Good memories! It also reminded me of the time when Ryan Moulden and Faith and Kristin and Erin-? went to hike Mt. LeConte our freshman year but they didn't take a flashlight, they got up there when the sun went down and then realized they had to come back down in the dark with only a keychain light. Remember everyone was flipping out and they didn't get back until like 2am or something?
Oh, I got a message from jamie ketchen the other day - she saw in the Oak Ridge paper that Deena is back in town and teaching at Oak Ridge elementary - I bet Jerry got a job there at Oak Ridge. I'm going to try to call her soon; how fun that Deena is back!!
Meow, cats...love you all!
- klep
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