Hello Cats
I hope you all are well. I miss you all. Eli and I have been sort of discouraged with some things here regarding our church (nothing personally involving us) and it has made me feel for the first time a strong desire to pick-up and go somewhere new. Our time at this church has been for me the first time in my Christian walk that I have been exposed to church politics and the unpleasant qualities of people within the church--it makes me sad for I wish we could all be one big happy family.
There are a lot of good things about where we are right now but there are also some undesirables. If we end up staying for a longer stretch of time some things will have to change. I've never really considered our stop here in Indy as a permanent one--but as of now we have nothing else to go on. Some days I enjoy that we are in a stable 'holding pattern' but then some days I really wish I knew what was coming our way in the next 10 years. Hmph...
I got my hair cut today--nothing outrageous or buzzed. Let's just say, "Brown football helmet"--which is better than the ratty Willie Nelson mane I had. It's long enough that I can still smell it--which is good--for it comforts me. I'm a 29 year old hair smeller--is that kind of like having a blankie?
The kids are doing well. Duncan turned 11 months today. He's not far from walking. He got bumped on the mouth today and poured forth more blood than we've ever encountered with Kenna--we have a feeling we'll be spending some time in the ER with him as his years unfold. He knows no fear, has no restraint and is into EVERTYHING! I can't even open the bathroom door without him making a bee line to get in there to play with the toilet. The other day I discovered wet toilet paper on his hand from where he had found his sisters unflushed potty! He continues to growl and whack on things like a regular caveman. Kenna on the other hand is very much the little lady. She likes to draw my attention to the fact that she's sitting with her legs crossed like, "a little lady". I have no idea how I have ended up with such a prissy little thing as my daughter. You all saw how I was in college--I'm anything but prissy. Not Kenna--she loves dresses and frisking around like a little sprite. Her and I start BSF next week. I'm eager for her to be with other kids as well as learn some great things about Moses this year. Eli may be participating in Detective School in October. It doesn't mean that he is becoming a detective--it's simply training that will look good on his resume should he decide to pursue a detective position.
Hard to believe that Dunk, Adeline and Anderson will all be turning one shortly. Then Fulty will be spittin' out another and Bets not too long after that! Bets--when is your due date?
Is anyone else interested in Corn Day the second weekend of October? I haven't talked to Vanessa about it yet but I was thinking it would be fun to go with one or both of my children. Eli works that weekend.
I'm reading a biography about our nations 2nd president, John Adams. Byrd has already declared me weird but I think it's pretty good. I'm learning a lot of facts about our nation that most Chinese have committed to memory. I felt it was my civic duty to be informed and break the cycle of being a stupid American. If Jay Leno ever catches me on the street I will be able to tell him a lot!
I saw Wall-E the other day--very good and I recommend it. Eli and I also watch the 90's movie, Rob Roy and we learned a new name to use for our enemies, "Ragged-Arse Tinker Cattle Thieves"--I love Scotland! Another one to watch if you have $.99 to blow at Blockbuster.
Well...don't be strangers Girls!
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