Okay Cats, i know this is like two posts and two comments in one day but i have three stories i MUST share:
1. This morning the kids were playing unusually like angels with each other so i was able to get quite a bit done in transitioning our summer to fall wardrobes from drawers to rubbermaid tubs. Anyhow, so there were two coathangers laying out on the bed. Atley and Ava ran in the room, Atley picks up the coathangers and says, and i kid you not, "Ava lets play hookers!" Indeed.
2. We were at the zoo, our favorite free hangout. Zoo pass = best purchase ever. Anyhow, so we were on our way down to the playground and we passed a group of Sr. Citizen ladies about the same time that we passed the bronze statue of a turtle. Atley says, "A tortoise!" One of the little old ladies stops and says, "A tortoise?" Well, Atley wasn't paying enough attention to notice who said it so he says, "Hey, who said that?" Ava says, "I think it was one of them grannies." We all keep walking...
3. We finally get down to the playground at the zoo, play for awhile and decide to go over to the picnic tables to eat lunch. I get everyone's lunch all layed out, which we know is about like unpacking from vacation, and Ava, timely child that she is, says, "I'm starting to pee pee!" Now the bathroom is back up at the top of the hill, a good 75 yards winding AROUND the playground into an upscale port-a-potty trailer. Needless to say, i was less than impressed. I am not packing up the spread and tracking all or our rears up the hill! So what do i do in my Byrd-like ingenuity? I look around, make sure no one is watching and take my little pumpkin back behind the hen house, drop her pants and let her pop a squat in the soil. I'm not ashamed! Serves 'em right for not thinking of a better zoo layout! Hope we weren't caught on tape!
Now what should we do tomorrow?