Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hey Friends,

I’m going to try this again.  Kenna climbed under our desk while I was typing and something shorted the computer out.  I lost my whole blog!  Is it too hard to get a moment’s peace to myself?

Well, the last week or so has been eventful.  It all started last Wednesday when we woke up to nearly a foot of snow.  I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  We played, shoveled, marveled and cozied-up all day—it was glorious.  The only unfortunate part was that Eli had to go to work that day—crime doesn’t stop for snow!  He managed through most of the day and just as his shift was ending he hyper extended his knee and had to go to the occupational health center.  The doctor put him on ‘light duty’ which in our case turned into ‘spending time at home with your family’.  He got to be home for the Super Bowl and is in fact home most of this week.  I’m thankful for how well the department takes care of its officers.  It’s not a bad injury but one that will take some time to heal.

On Thursday we headed down to Bloomington to visit with some friends.  The kids stayed with my parents for the evening.  Eli and I went out with our friends and didn’t get home until 2:00am!  It has been a long time since I’ve had such a long carefree, kid-free evening.  No sooner had we got home and hit the bed Duncan woke me up crying at 3:15.  I went in to comfort him and discovered that he was laboring in his breathing and not doing too well.  I woke mom up and she told me that he had croup.  We tried several home remedies and when they didn’t work she suggested we go on into the ER.  I woke Eli up and we got ready.  Now, remember where my parents live?  Well, we had parked our van in the neighbor’s drive that night because not even my Dad’s Expedition could get through the snow-piled driveway.  So, at 3:30 in the morning, in my pajamas and shearling boots, through the woods and 12 inch snow, carrying Duncan, we headed into the hospital.  The doctors gave him some treatments that helped his breathing, we went home, slept for a few hours and then I got up with Kenna when she awoke from a restful night of sleep.  Sigh…it was a long night.  We have successfully lived through our first ER visit and I’m not all too surprised it was because of Duncan.  I feel it will be the first of many for that boy!  He is a maniac. 

Speaking of Duncan—the other day we were at Scott and Mindy Heller’s house and I discovered him sitting on top of their kitchen table!  He loves to climb.  Then the other day a friend came over and he was lifting up our coffee table—essentially showing off his muscles!  He was so proud of himself. 

Kenna is doing well too.  She loved the snow and has a little boy at BSF that she talks a lot about, Blake.  Her teacher says they play together a lot.  It’s pretty cute.  She’s also starting to get into her bossy, tattletale stage L  Not fun!

Well, it’s a new week, more snow and colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra (we can thank Terry Quillman for that lovely simile).  Since Eli is off we are heading to Abe Martin lodge tomorrow.  It’s in Brown County State Park and there is a small indoor water park that we think the kids will enjoy.  It should be fun to have a little get away. 

Eli is doing well.  He is applying for a detective position—in the child abuse unit.  It sounds like a sad and dark position but we feel like it is a stepping stone for Eli.  There is an organization that he is really interested in, International Justice Mission.   The detective position would be good step should he want to pursue working for this organization down the road.  We’ll see where the Lord takes us.  The nice thing is that if he gets the position it will probably be 8-5 with weekends off.  That would be a nice change of pace. 

We have also left our church that we have been in for the past 5 years.  Things are simply not healthy there.  It was one of the hardest decisions we have made in our married lives together but one that we felt was necessary for the health and growth of our family.  It’s almost as though Eli and I are entering into a new chapter of our lives.  I’m eager to see where things go.

Well, I feel like I could go on but this is getting to be quite long already.  I’ll keep you all posted as things unfold.  I miss you all dearly and hope you’re staying warm.  Don’t let cabin fever get the best of you!

Keep posting!


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