Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Dont know if you cats were praying or not but today the adoption agency called and told us that there are lots of baby boys in Ethiopia who need homes. She said the wait for a referral can be as short as 2 months for a healthy baby boy. So we will be turning in our application on Friday and watch what happens from here. Please keep us in your prayers. I just ask that God close the door if this isn't one he wants us to walk through. Ness, i just keep going back to something that you said to me back our sophmore year when we were trying to decide whether or not we should go to China. We were talking about not having a completely clear call about it, and you said, "Sometimes i just think God gives you a choice and will bless your decision either way." I can't help but think of that right now. I feel like God is going to bless our desire to be faithful to him whether or not that means another adoption. So, here we go. We will just walk through the doors until they close and pray we are faithful along the way. I do hope that it ends up with us walking off the plane with our new baby boy though. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kitty--Ness's advice is how we ended up in Indy. We just kept walking through open doors. Now look at us!
Keep walking through faithfully :)