Thursday, September 27, 2007

Maybe His Name Should Have Been Ludwig...

So maybe we gave Atley the wrong name. Monday we were coming home from the babysitter's house and he was really tired and pretty whiny. In the midst of his whining he says this, "Mommy, I just need Beethoven."

Needless to say, i promplty arrived home and turned on the classical music. Ludwig Jr... I mean Atley, played happily until dinner.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some pics for kicks...

So these are not as cute as the the new Politte babies! But we have had a great summer. Now if it will just cool down enough to enjoy the fall!

Love the Cats!

So I went to the doctor yesterday and they drew 18 viles of blood from me. The nurse told me if I was getting that much blood drawn I needed to shorten my name- she had to write the full thing on every vile. I go tomorrow for an ultrasound and to talk to the doctor. I guess they are looking for follicles or something. They said the test results from the blood work wouldn't be back for like 2 weeks.

No further success with the potty training. Tried to get him to poop again on the potty but he wouldn't go and of course 5 minutes after his diaper was on he pooped in there. He is starting to tell me "pee pee on the potty" during the day and I am assuming that he is going in his diaper so I suppose that is a step in the right direction. I think we will probably just go cold turkey- maybe Christmas time- and just switch to underwear- we shall see how things progress. Any advice from you all would be willing accepted! Not much else to report on- Brevin is enjoying MDO- and so am I! : )

By the way- thanks for the interpretation Mandy- I had no clue what a neener-cleaner was!

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Politte Twins

I'm sorry I haven't been able to blog since the birth of my two beautiful babies. It's been kinda crazy at my house. But rest assured, my children and I are doing well. We are home and learning the ropes. They are just perfect and were certainly worth waiting the 2 years it took us to get pregnant!

Steve has created a website for the babies, so go to this address: and use this username: happyparents and this password: babies

Can't talk long, I've got things to take care of. Love you all!!!


From the Indy Kitty

Another post from our dear tech-deprived preganant Liz. Just as a side note to translate for her: a neener-cleaner is a bathtub. Only Liz.

Hello Cats!
Clearly Klepper only hates you all because she called me yesterday to see how I was doing!! Just teasing--I didn't actually get to talked to her. I was cat-napping when she called. Dearest Byrd, I am so proud of you and can't wait to hear how things go with your first mother and child. This is where the rubber meets the road--that certainly has to be scary. However, I'm sure God has things planned that you have yet to imagine! By the way--the neener cleaner is up and running!

I am still pregnant and a bit jealous of Fulty that her Twinkies are out and have been for a week! But I must be patient. The doctor today didn't indicate any more development for me--perhaps he'll be an October baby. October 1st or 3rd--those dates have a nice ring to them. However, there is supposed to be a full moon this Wednesday--maybe Mr. Baby will get a little squirrelly!

Hope all is well with my other Cats. Bets, how is Brevin with the potty training? Any news from the doctor?

Much love
Indy Kitty


So i guess i just need to share with my dear cats some stuff playing through my mind on pretty much a daily basis right now. This Restoration House thing is really starting to take shape and it just might be the scariest thing ever. Seriously, like scarier than most things i have experienced until now. Saturday we trained our first group of mentors. We handed them a 50 page handbook and spent three hours training them. The funny thing is i am training them on something i haven't really done myself yet. It is a little odd to think of it this way. I mean this whole TRH thing is a theory that, although has been effective in other places in the country, may or may not work here in K-town. So this week my sister is moving out and then renovations on the upstairs will take place and then...lo and behold a strange woman and her baby will move in. We officially start taking referrals this week. For the last four weeks pretty much once to twice a week we get a phone call asking if we are taking referrals yet. For so long TRH has been so conceptual and so much time has been focused on raising the money to stay afloat and putting together the nuts and bolts of how all this will work on a daily basis. Now the time is almost here--it will actually happen in the next couple months and although i know we are doing exactly what God wants us to do i am not sure how i feel about it. Don't get me wrong of course there is excitement and all that but i have never felt this way before. I am neither overwhelmed or dreading it, i am not chomping at the bit to get started or ambivalent. I think i am just ready to see "it" happen. I am not completely sure what "it" is but i am hoping it is restoration for as many single mother families as it can possibly be. I just can't believe that what we have been working towards for two years now comes down to this unknown woman and her baby that will be moving into my/her house very soon.

So there ya go. If you got this far in reading...thanks. On another note, is the party at Nessa's still goin down this weekend? Liz, are you pushing yet? Klepper, you obviously still hate us. Bets will you be at Nessa's?

Much love.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Disney Hangover

Well, we are coming down off our Mickey Mouse high and trying to slowly slip back into reality around here. Although Atley still wakes up every morning saying, "Hey mommy lets catch a bus to Mickey's Castle!" Daniel says we should just start using public transportation. I told him to go ahead-alone. Anyhow, I dare say that our trip to Mickey's house was nothing short of magical. There has just never been anything like it. The kids had the best time and so did we. We just blew off the schedule and went hard and fast all week long. We ate hotdogs in the rain while watching the fireworks over the castle at 9pm one night then rode the bus home and walked around the hotel. Ava and Atley were mesmerized most of the time. Ava has a serious crush on Mickey Mouse. She has a stuffed one that she has yet to put down. He has even received a few spankins and a couple time outs for not lying down at night for bed. It is quite funny. Atley's new love is Nemo. He quotes lines from the movie and loves to do turtle talk with Crush. We drove buy a big Methodist church with a huge steeple last night and Ava said, "Mommy, there's Mickey's castle!" I think we are going to try to go every other year we loved it that much! YOu are all welcome to join us. We got a great deal through AAA.

But it is back to real life now...i still wish pwigwet, as Ava calls him, (Piglet) was coming to dine with us tonight as he did last week. But alas, it will just be us and our spaghetti i suppose.

I will post pics when i get them back.


Yummy! Cake batter!

Well I hope everyone is doing well! We went camping over the weekend with my parents in northern Kentucky. Brevin loves it- he loves being outside and it was relaxing for Swartz and I because he would much rather play with his Grandpa than with anyone else! We got back on Sunday and he pooped in the potty! Yippee. He didn't act scared about it or anything. Now if I could only get him to pee in there- that is another story. He is doing much better at MDO- seems to enjoy going and talks a lot about it at home. The other day we were riding in the car and he started saying "No, no mommy" so I turn around in my seat and he gives me the "evil eye" just like I give to him when he is doing something he shouldn't be doing- it was pretty funny. Mandy how was your trip? Can't wait to hear all about it. Do we have a day we are going out to eat yet? Klepper- would love to hear from you if you are reading this and Fulty can't wait to see pictures of those cute kids! Love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I love my cats


Sorry it has been so long! I just recently acquired access to a computer since we moved. We are settled in and all is as well as can be expected. The main reason I do not have computer access is that Scott decided to clean the inside of our computer and broke the processor, ouch that hurt alot!! Yet another outlet to adult conversation and interaction destroyed!! Lizzie you look great and I know you are so ready to have the baby out! Gabe is peeing in the potty pretty regularly, but it still has to be his idea. I am hoping to get down to business around Christmas time! Bets I will be praying for you in regards to the doctor. Also, I Jenney came by just last week, she is alive and well. Jenney if you are reading this I love you! She just recently acquired access to the internet, so hopefully we will hear from her soon! We sold our house, praise the Lord, and Scott was able to give up his dream of delivering pizzas for Papa Johns! Anyway, so much to say, but is anyone going to Chad's wedding? I would love to take a road trip! Well everybody hang in there and stay strong in our Savior! I love you. Vanessa

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Word from the Liz

Liz is still having some technical difficulties but she sent this to me to post:

Hello Cats
The Indy Kitty is still waddling about and 'nesting' like a regular ol' bird. The baby's head is down, I've dilated a whole finger tips width, and we're meeting with our doula. I'm in the home stretch!! Still no name picked out--but what's new with us McAllister's! He'll have one when we leave the hospital I suppose.

Whenever I fart Kenna promptly says, "Iz you Mommy"--translation, "Excuse You crass Mother!" I don't stand a chance! She continues to build her vocabulary and make her own modifications. Oscar the Grouch is "Okar" and she calls the Count "ah aH AH". I really don't know where they get these things. Today we went into the bathroom and a twinkie shaped turd dropped out of her skivies! Never a dull moment.

Love you all

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Questions that Need Answers.

Where the crap is Jenneycat? I think she must hate us.

Liz, is Eli sick? Daniel is sick as a dog. Puke and poopin without relief. We leave for Disney on Sunday.

Ness, how did the move go and are you surviving two?

Fulton, are you laying on the surgical table yet?

Bets, how is MDO going?

Don't be slackers cats.

Our family update goes like this: Atley turned three this weekend. Crazy. He is officially potty trained, peeing and pooping regularly as well as staying dry at night. He currently like to push really hard and say, "Nope, that wasn't it," if nothing happens. Then when it does happen he says, "I think he's coming!" A little strange, but hey if he is doing it he can say whatever the heck he wants. Ava is a sassy brother tormenter. I am just trying to keep my head above water in hopes that we can make it to our plane on Sunday morning.

Just a little note, yesterday afternoon i picked the kids up from the sitter and Atley was tired and whiny. We are driving along and whines out, "Mommy, i need Beethoven." What child says that? Lord help me.

Any other updates cat friends?


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Quick Hello!

Well, not much exciting is happening here. Brevin did much better last week at MDO- of course now he hasn't been there in a week so tomorrow could be an adventure. Just wondering how you are doing Fulty? Not too much longer- hand in there! Liz, I hope you are feeling well also. Vanessa- did you get moved yet? Mandy- your stories continue to having me laughing out loud! The poop story is a classic- Swartz was even laughing over that one! Well- gotta get some kiddos dressed! Hope everyone has a good day/week!