Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Love the Cats!

So I went to the doctor yesterday and they drew 18 viles of blood from me. The nurse told me if I was getting that much blood drawn I needed to shorten my name- she had to write the full thing on every vile. I go tomorrow for an ultrasound and to talk to the doctor. I guess they are looking for follicles or something. They said the test results from the blood work wouldn't be back for like 2 weeks.

No further success with the potty training. Tried to get him to poop again on the potty but he wouldn't go and of course 5 minutes after his diaper was on he pooped in there. He is starting to tell me "pee pee on the potty" during the day and I am assuming that he is going in his diaper so I suppose that is a step in the right direction. I think we will probably just go cold turkey- maybe Christmas time- and just switch to underwear- we shall see how things progress. Any advice from you all would be willing accepted! Not much else to report on- Brevin is enjoying MDO- and so am I! : )

By the way- thanks for the interpretation Mandy- I had no clue what a neener-cleaner was!

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