Liz is still having some technical difficulties but she sent this to me to post:
Hello Cats
The Indy Kitty is still waddling about and 'nesting' like a regular ol' bird. The baby's head is down, I've dilated a whole finger tips width, and we're meeting with our doula. I'm in the home stretch!! Still no name picked out--but what's new with us McAllister's! He'll have one when we leave the hospital I suppose.
Whenever I fart Kenna promptly says, "Iz you Mommy"--translation, "Excuse You crass Mother!" I don't stand a chance! She continues to build her vocabulary and make her own modifications. Oscar the Grouch is "Okar" and she calls the Count "ah aH AH". I really don't know where they get these things. Today we went into the bathroom and a twinkie shaped turd dropped out of her skivies! Never a dull moment.
Love you all
Hey, Ava has that dress your little cutie is wearing! We love Target!
aahhhh. this is fulty. i think i'm gonna die. i had a doctor's appointment this morning and i have not even begun to dilate. nothing is happening except i'm miserable and nautious and my blood sugar is all whacked out and i can't do anything but lay in bed and complain. i'm not supposed to still be pregnant! get these kids out of me!!!! they're 6 lbs each now, do the math-12 lbs of baby in there! I am not a pleasant cat right now.
Oh Fulty I feel so bad for you. I can't believe they won't take the babies since they are measuring that big already and considering your blood sugar is out of whack. Maybe they will come to their senses soon and get those babies out- but think on the bright side- the babies will be nice and healthy when they arrive!!
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