Ta-da...Lizzy-cat can blog now!
Well, this cat with 2 kittens is doing fairly well. My strength seems back to normal but the rest of my body leaves much to be desired--consisting of flab, stretch marks and expansion in places better left unsaid. Having two hasn't been too bad yet--the hardest things are making sure I'm not still in my robe and pajamas at lunch time and trying to wrangle Kenna in. She is certainly exerting her rights of toddlerhood. Duncan is a sweet little man--still sleeping, nursing and pooping. The other day I had him on the bathroom counter and he whizzed right into the sink--great aim! Having a son is proving to be an interesting experience. Men and boys are interesting creatures...do I hear an AMEN! Kenna will be 'Cookie Monker' on Halloween. I made the outfit myself! Duncan will simply wear Halloween socks.
Byrd, can't believe you're so close to having a mother come stay with you. I loved how you put the updates in your prayer e-mail. Nice touch!
Fulty, bless your heart! I wish I too could be there to help. Did you have your gallbladder completely removed?
Bets, Yeah for Brevin!!! I'm sold out on the all-or-nothing potty training way. Sounds like he's on the right path.
V, thinking of you. Got the pic in the mail of your two dark furry headed children. Where did that hair come from?
Klep, miss you! Hope you're able to post more often.
Love you all and look forward to sharing our lives together--no matter how far apart we may be.
much love
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