Wednesday, October 10, 2007

why do you hate ME!?!

So here sits innocent little Klepper, just working away at her new job, wishing she could access the Cat Blog but Hamilton County Schools has it blocked...unbeknownst to her, her friends have been bashing her behind her back!!!!!!!!!! :) meow

no, really, it stinks cause i thought i was all hooked up since i now have internet access at school, but that also means that most everything is blocked. so here i am in ohio at my brother's house with my nephews and he has high-speed so i decided to check out the cat blog taht i've been dying to see. it looks great and like a really good way to keep up! i'm glad to see pics of liz and the new baby boy! that picture of kenna kissing him is adorable.

well i'm really enjoying teaching sixth grade reading - the team i teach with is awesome, we have a good group of kids this year, and we just moved into our new wing the week before fall break - which made for some late nights with it being exam week, end of the first quarter week, moving week, and the first week of lockers...oh, my goodness. it's amazing how many things that HAVE to go to their locker for. but i am really content in my job and i can see myself doing this for more than just a few years...but we'll see what happens. Eric is plugging away with school; he didn't start off the semester too well cause he was out of the studying groove and it took him a while to get back into it. he's doing great again, though. he's also part-time helping manage a local band (nothing huge, but he enjoys it, helps him work on his leadership skills, and makes a little extra money). also, he got 10 hours of work study in the teacher ed department at Lee - my husband the little secretary!!!

so i'm chillin' at my parents house for a few days; but daniel (brother) is going to be in atlanta, GA this weekend to jump out of a plane at the air show so we're going to go down to it. i'm loving this fall break - it was much needed; if i'm not careful i can burn myself out real quick putting in so many hours at school.

i love and miss you all!!!!!!!
meow - klep

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