Well that pretty much describes my mood as i blog. I am really not sure that i even have anything productive to say. I am nearing mommy burnout as my husband is in a three week stretch of be being gone TOO MUCH! Thank the Lord i am heading to Nashville this weekend for a break. Jessica A. has to go to a teacher's conference and has a hotel room for her, myself and Nancy Haney to all stay in. There is a free shuttle from there to Opry Mills but today i went to the library, got some mindless reading, and plan on just stayin in the hotel and laying in the bed just clearing out. I am praying that I am allowed this time and that nothing happens to keep it from happening. We all just need to stop from time to time.
As a sidenote i have been having some pretty funny conversations on Facebook with Hooley. He and Rachel are back in the states. He is working at a church camp.
Love you cats!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
We miss you
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
thank goodness I threw in a pair of pants!
Kenna, Duncan and I went over to the house of my Latvian friend today. For those of you who don't have a Latvian friend--you really ought to get one. It makes life way more interesting.
Anyway, Kenna was playing in the other room when I heard her say, "Poopy!" My lightening-fast mother-instincts had us both in the bathroom before she could finish the last syllable. I got her on the pot and she made her deposit--case closed, right? WRONG! As I got her down to pull her pants up I noticed there was doo doo on the backs of her pants. I searched frantically and discovered a cowering and confused turd in her panties. Then to my horror I saw another dazed and bewildered turd smeared across the front of the bowl. They were pleading to me with their fearful eyes, "we don't belong here--help us!"
So, needless to say I spent some time in the bathroom tidying Kenna up and releasing the turds back into their suitable environment. Thankfully God had whispered in my ear earlier today to bring an extra pair of pants along in the diaper bag--it could have been worse. Why do they always seem to mess their pants when they're wearing a cute outfit? One of the mysteries of the world I suppose.
Ok--sounds like Bets and Byrd are in. Still need to hear from the other delinquents. I'll call Klepper--Byrd could you give V a ring?
Did I tell y'all that Mindy and Scott Heller had a little girl a couple weeks ago. I hope to go visit them here in the next week.
Talk later
Anyway, Kenna was playing in the other room when I heard her say, "Poopy!" My lightening-fast mother-instincts had us both in the bathroom before she could finish the last syllable. I got her on the pot and she made her deposit--case closed, right? WRONG! As I got her down to pull her pants up I noticed there was doo doo on the backs of her pants. I searched frantically and discovered a cowering and confused turd in her panties. Then to my horror I saw another dazed and bewildered turd smeared across the front of the bowl. They were pleading to me with their fearful eyes, "we don't belong here--help us!"
So, needless to say I spent some time in the bathroom tidying Kenna up and releasing the turds back into their suitable environment. Thankfully God had whispered in my ear earlier today to bring an extra pair of pants along in the diaper bag--it could have been worse. Why do they always seem to mess their pants when they're wearing a cute outfit? One of the mysteries of the world I suppose.
Ok--sounds like Bets and Byrd are in. Still need to hear from the other delinquents. I'll call Klepper--Byrd could you give V a ring?
Did I tell y'all that Mindy and Scott Heller had a little girl a couple weeks ago. I hope to go visit them here in the next week.
Talk later
be there or be square
OK Cats!
If I'm going to haul my two children down to Knox during Homecoming all by myself then we need to have some plans set in stone and promise...cross-our-hearts, hope-to-die... that each one of us will be there come hell or high water. Here is what I am able to do. I have some things on that Tuesday that I can't drop. So I figured that I would come down early Wednesday morning and probably stay until sometime Friday. I'm sure that Fulty will probably want to spend some time at Homecoming--I may want to go to one session but that's all. Basically I'm coming down to see you all! So based on Fulty and Steve's travel plans could we all try to be together either Wednesday or Thursday night? If we can't all find the time it's less likely that I'll want to come. It's special when we can all be together and I'm willing to make the drive if I know that you all are available.
Those of you who blog let me know what your schedules are like--and if anyone is keeping in contact with Vanessa and Klep--please pass on the agenda. I may even try to give them a ring.
If I'm going to haul my two children down to Knox during Homecoming all by myself then we need to have some plans set in stone and promise...cross-our-hearts, hope-to-die... that each one of us will be there come hell or high water. Here is what I am able to do. I have some things on that Tuesday that I can't drop. So I figured that I would come down early Wednesday morning and probably stay until sometime Friday. I'm sure that Fulty will probably want to spend some time at Homecoming--I may want to go to one session but that's all. Basically I'm coming down to see you all! So based on Fulty and Steve's travel plans could we all try to be together either Wednesday or Thursday night? If we can't all find the time it's less likely that I'll want to come. It's special when we can all be together and I'm willing to make the drive if I know that you all are available.
Those of you who blog let me know what your schedules are like--and if anyone is keeping in contact with Vanessa and Klep--please pass on the agenda. I may even try to give them a ring.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Ho Hum
Well there isn't much to report from our household. The road to our house was blocked for about 5 hours today as, I think, 3 or 4 cars went off the road because of the ice. My parents were down this weekend and they left today. We told Brevin they were going back to Ohio and about 2 minutes little he informs us, "I want to go to Ohio too!" Of course that made my mom cry, but it was cute! My mom, Swartz, Brevin and I are going to Disney for spring break. I am looking forward to that since we had such a good time last year. Unfortunately, I am sure it will be busier since we are going over spring break instead of the middle of May but thank goodness for Fast Pass!
Mandy- so glad to hear about your dad and step-mom! That is truly awesome and something I pray for a lot! And no we are not pregnant yet. I did another dose of 50 mg this month and I did ovulation tests and none of them came back positive so they said they would up the dosage next month since I am still not ovulating! So we will give it another go. I guess the Lord decided I needed to learn patience! Mandy, did you start your next adoption process yet- I know you mentioned something about that at Christmas? Well I hope we are able to get together in Feb. during Homecoming. I will leave you all with a picture of Brevin after we tore down half of our wall between the kitchen and living room.
Mandy- so glad to hear about your dad and step-mom! That is truly awesome and something I pray for a lot! And no we are not pregnant yet. I did another dose of 50 mg this month and I did ovulation tests and none of them came back positive so they said they would up the dosage next month since I am still not ovulating! So we will give it another go. I guess the Lord decided I needed to learn patience! Mandy, did you start your next adoption process yet- I know you mentioned something about that at Christmas? Well I hope we are able to get together in Feb. during Homecoming. I will leave you all with a picture of Brevin after we tore down half of our wall between the kitchen and living room.
Definitely Not in it for the Money...
Well as moms we are definitely not in it for the money are we? Mostly because there is none. Anyhow two quick stories to share before lunch time:
1. Each night before bed i sit with Atley in his bed and we talk about the day and pray. Last night after doing these things i layed him down and he looked up at me and said, "Mom, I just got too much of a good thing." Yes, he did. I made him repeat it. Guess he's a happy kid.
2. This morning we were all lounging in the bed. I was still in my tshirt and underwear and the kids were eating cereal bars. I was sitting up chattin with my mom on the phone. Well i was wrapping up conversation with my mom and stood up off the bed. As i stand i feel something wierd in my underwear. I feel and indeed Ava has smashed up her cereal bar and put in my underwear unbeknownst to me while i was on the phone.
Five minutes and one pair of clean underwear later, the dog pukes in the floor.
We're not in it for the glory either.
P.S. Bets, how's the babymakin mission?
1. Each night before bed i sit with Atley in his bed and we talk about the day and pray. Last night after doing these things i layed him down and he looked up at me and said, "Mom, I just got too much of a good thing." Yes, he did. I made him repeat it. Guess he's a happy kid.
2. This morning we were all lounging in the bed. I was still in my tshirt and underwear and the kids were eating cereal bars. I was sitting up chattin with my mom on the phone. Well i was wrapping up conversation with my mom and stood up off the bed. As i stand i feel something wierd in my underwear. I feel and indeed Ava has smashed up her cereal bar and put in my underwear unbeknownst to me while i was on the phone.
Five minutes and one pair of clean underwear later, the dog pukes in the floor.
We're not in it for the glory either.
P.S. Bets, how's the babymakin mission?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
In Complete Awe...
Good evening to my faithful cats (i am referring only to the ones who update...you know who you are.)
Anyhow, so this weekend Daniel and i were on a retreat with the Leadership Team from Crossings. It was really great. I really have NEVER expererienced what i think Jesus meant for church to be in a community form without all the "crap," so to speak.
Anyhow, so at the end of our time today we spent a little while praying for each other. I had asked that the group be in prayer for my dad. Now, for those of you whom i haven't caught up with lately, my dad has finally come to a place in his life where he has decided to accept God's grace for the first time. He has started going back to church and is spending a lot of time in the Bible and seeking out God's best for him. In the past few weeks he has been going through a really difficult time with his business and his finances. He has been seeking God's guidance but it has literally put him in a pit. He has told me this is the most difficult test of his faith he can imagine. This past week it was really beginning to take a toll on him. Well, this afternoon i asked our Lead Team to pray for him, so we did around 1:30 and then we all went to lunch. So i got home tonight and after awhile called my dad to see how they are doing. He seemed in really good spirits and after a little conversation he told me that he & Jill were baptized today! He said that he has been feeling like something just wasn't quite right and he felt like this was what the Holy Spirit was asking him to do. So the pastor of the church they just started attending baptized him and then together he and the pastor baptized my stepmom. So after i congratulated i thought and asked him what time today all this took place. Yeah, you guessed it; 1:30! Right as we were praying, God was already answering the prayer.
Cats, I don't believe that baptism is what saves you. But i do believe it is like a wedding ceremony. Today my dad & stepmom married Jesus. I just can't tell you how long i have prayed for this. I know there are a couple of my dear cats who long for this for their dads and i just want you to know that for so long i thought this was impossible. But God is continually proving to me that he is still in the business of doing the impossible. Never give up.
Love you cats.
Anyhow, so this weekend Daniel and i were on a retreat with the Leadership Team from Crossings. It was really great. I really have NEVER expererienced what i think Jesus meant for church to be in a community form without all the "crap," so to speak.
Anyhow, so at the end of our time today we spent a little while praying for each other. I had asked that the group be in prayer for my dad. Now, for those of you whom i haven't caught up with lately, my dad has finally come to a place in his life where he has decided to accept God's grace for the first time. He has started going back to church and is spending a lot of time in the Bible and seeking out God's best for him. In the past few weeks he has been going through a really difficult time with his business and his finances. He has been seeking God's guidance but it has literally put him in a pit. He has told me this is the most difficult test of his faith he can imagine. This past week it was really beginning to take a toll on him. Well, this afternoon i asked our Lead Team to pray for him, so we did around 1:30 and then we all went to lunch. So i got home tonight and after awhile called my dad to see how they are doing. He seemed in really good spirits and after a little conversation he told me that he & Jill were baptized today! He said that he has been feeling like something just wasn't quite right and he felt like this was what the Holy Spirit was asking him to do. So the pastor of the church they just started attending baptized him and then together he and the pastor baptized my stepmom. So after i congratulated i thought and asked him what time today all this took place. Yeah, you guessed it; 1:30! Right as we were praying, God was already answering the prayer.
Cats, I don't believe that baptism is what saves you. But i do believe it is like a wedding ceremony. Today my dad & stepmom married Jesus. I just can't tell you how long i have prayed for this. I know there are a couple of my dear cats who long for this for their dads and i just want you to know that for so long i thought this was impossible. But God is continually proving to me that he is still in the business of doing the impossible. Never give up.
Love you cats.
Fulty's Birthday
Happy Birthday Fulty-cat!
What are you now...22? :)
Just Kidding--You and Byrd seem so young when I stop to think about how you guys are just now turning 28!
Well Cats--I'm still in my pajamas on this fine Saturday morning. It's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra here in central Indiana (you can thank my dad for that word picture). Kenna is playing with play-doh as I type. Yesterday the play-doh occupied her for TWO WHOLE HOURS! Who ever heard of such a feat? She just sneezed two snot rockets out of her nose--one of which landed on her pajamas (yes, she's still in her pajamas too--but I guess now I should put them in the dirty cloths hamper). Duncan has been wearing a pair of socks on his hands for the better part of the morning because he keeps scratching his face with his itty-bitty nails. He has really dry skin--it must itch :( I just unceremoniously plunked him down in his bouncy seat--he didn't much like that.
Obviously I have nothing of importance to share with you.
Well, Kenna is cutting me a piece of play-doh pizza--She just prayed over my meal and is now encouraging me to, "eetsy peetsy peeze Mommy!"
Gotta go
arctic indy-cat
What are you now...22? :)
Just Kidding--You and Byrd seem so young when I stop to think about how you guys are just now turning 28!
Well Cats--I'm still in my pajamas on this fine Saturday morning. It's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra here in central Indiana (you can thank my dad for that word picture). Kenna is playing with play-doh as I type. Yesterday the play-doh occupied her for TWO WHOLE HOURS! Who ever heard of such a feat? She just sneezed two snot rockets out of her nose--one of which landed on her pajamas (yes, she's still in her pajamas too--but I guess now I should put them in the dirty cloths hamper). Duncan has been wearing a pair of socks on his hands for the better part of the morning because he keeps scratching his face with his itty-bitty nails. He has really dry skin--it must itch :( I just unceremoniously plunked him down in his bouncy seat--he didn't much like that.
Obviously I have nothing of importance to share with you.
Well, Kenna is cutting me a piece of play-doh pizza--She just prayed over my meal and is now encouraging me to, "eetsy peetsy peeze Mommy!"
Gotta go
arctic indy-cat
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
a new day
dearest cats...
I'm doing better since I last wrote. God's mercies are new every morning, thankfully. Thanks for your encouraging words. I appreciated Byrd's sweet prayer that she e-mailed me, Betsy's reminder that my kids will only be young once and Fulty's statement that she thought I was 'supermom' (flattering...but very far from the truth. I obviously put on a good facade!) Anyway--I knew you girls would come through for me and I appreciate you being my support team from afar.
I'm currently brainstorming some ways to use my creativity and love for making things in some enterprising way. Perhaps I'm on to something...who knows. I suppose I am in a stage of life that requires some patience, waiting and reflection. I hold tight to this promise in Isaiah, "he gently leads those that have young" 40:11 I may feel insignificant and that my important role as mother is overshadowed my never-ceasing duties--but apparently God thinks otherwise!
love you guys
I'm doing better since I last wrote. God's mercies are new every morning, thankfully. Thanks for your encouraging words. I appreciated Byrd's sweet prayer that she e-mailed me, Betsy's reminder that my kids will only be young once and Fulty's statement that she thought I was 'supermom' (flattering...but very far from the truth. I obviously put on a good facade!) Anyway--I knew you girls would come through for me and I appreciate you being my support team from afar.
I'm currently brainstorming some ways to use my creativity and love for making things in some enterprising way. Perhaps I'm on to something...who knows. I suppose I am in a stage of life that requires some patience, waiting and reflection. I hold tight to this promise in Isaiah, "he gently leads those that have young" 40:11 I may feel insignificant and that my important role as mother is overshadowed my never-ceasing duties--but apparently God thinks otherwise!
love you guys
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
An Unusual Request from the Lord
Hey Cats, quick story for you. Tonight i was putting Atley to bed. We were praying and he was saying thank you for various things. At the end of his prayer instead of saying amen he decided to say, "the end." After i laid him down he started talking about something then in mid sentence he stops abruptly midsentence and says, "Mom, Jesus wants me to go poop." What?
True Story.
Love yous
True Story.
Love yous
Monday, January 14, 2008
Where did Liz go?
I'm struggling right now...Eli's at work and I need someone to talk to. I don't want to call him upset so you guys are next in line. I feel like I am barely keeping my head above the surface in the daily, constant, never-ending task of caring for small children. I have little to no time to just sit and stare at a piece of fuzz on the ground without some little person needing something from me. I am everything to everybody but at the same time I feel like a nobody. I just need some time to simply be Liz...and it's not a matter of sending the kids off to be with someone else for a few hours. It's a deeper need than that. I need to find something that's just for me and makes me still Liz...instead of simply being the person who cleans the dishes, changes diapers, runs the errands and picks up the house. Why is the task of mother-hood so VERY important but yet still so 100% consuming of a woman?
Please don't write back with a bunch of suggestions or answers to my problem--I really just need some listening ears and some encouragement.
I'm struggling right now...Eli's at work and I need someone to talk to. I don't want to call him upset so you guys are next in line. I feel like I am barely keeping my head above the surface in the daily, constant, never-ending task of caring for small children. I have little to no time to just sit and stare at a piece of fuzz on the ground without some little person needing something from me. I am everything to everybody but at the same time I feel like a nobody. I just need some time to simply be Liz...and it's not a matter of sending the kids off to be with someone else for a few hours. It's a deeper need than that. I need to find something that's just for me and makes me still Liz...instead of simply being the person who cleans the dishes, changes diapers, runs the errands and picks up the house. Why is the task of mother-hood so VERY important but yet still so 100% consuming of a woman?
Please don't write back with a bunch of suggestions or answers to my problem--I really just need some listening ears and some encouragement.
Strange Gatlinburg Sighting...
Hey Cats,
This weekeend i was in the ever so classy Gatlinburg, TN for the Tennessee Christian Teen Convention. Daniel and i did our usual thing helping out backstage. Saturday afternoon we headed out to lunch. Traditionally we eat at Calhouns with all our buds, so we went in to put our name in for a table and what before my wandering eyes did appear but the one and only Brad Dodson in the flesh! It was so good to see him! We hung out for a little while, caught up on all the latest cat spawnings and the on the fact that Jenney is a Mary Kay saleswoman, :) and laughed a lot. It was really good to see him. He seems very happy. I told him to come to Homecoming.
Speaking of Homecoming, Liz McAllister get your butt down here! It is time for a little reunion and we all need to make some time for it as best we can!
This weekeend i was in the ever so classy Gatlinburg, TN for the Tennessee Christian Teen Convention. Daniel and i did our usual thing helping out backstage. Saturday afternoon we headed out to lunch. Traditionally we eat at Calhouns with all our buds, so we went in to put our name in for a table and what before my wandering eyes did appear but the one and only Brad Dodson in the flesh! It was so good to see him! We hung out for a little while, caught up on all the latest cat spawnings and the on the fact that Jenney is a Mary Kay saleswoman, :) and laughed a lot. It was really good to see him. He seems very happy. I told him to come to Homecoming.
Speaking of Homecoming, Liz McAllister get your butt down here! It is time for a little reunion and we all need to make some time for it as best we can!
Who is responsible for that nasty picture of the hairball?
I'll have to think about Homecoming. I'd love to come but don't know.
We'll see.
I'll have to think about Homecoming. I'd love to come but don't know.
We'll see.
Friday, January 11, 2008

Just wanted to know if any of these sexy women were going to show up at Homecoming? Thought maybe there would be a time we could all go out to eat together or something. I think I 'accidently' forgot to sign up for the Teacher Ed "Weaving a Tapestry of Excellence" workshop. Oops. Anyways, just thought we could meet up, unless someone thought things would get too 'hairy' with all the kids!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Occupying our Time...
OKay so we all know that finding ways to pass the time during the day with a toddler is possibly one of the biggest challenges of motherhood. So after Bets posted about Brevin's love of puzzles i wanted to tell you guys about something we got for Christmas that genuinely helps us pass time and the kids learn at the same time. It is a great way to learn shapes, colors, sorting and in general how to take turns. We got the Candyland Castle game and the kids love it.
Just thought i would pass it on. Always share your good ideas. We all need them!!
Just thought i would pass it on. Always share your good ideas. We all need them!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Out with the Old in with the...
So i am trying to count up the somewhat significant little things that have happened in the past few weeks and i can't so i will try to make a list to organize my thoughts a little better:
1. I turned 28 and cut all my hair off. Eight inches off the back.
2. I got glasses for an astigmatism i didn't know i had.
3. My son keeps asking me to drive to the moon when we get in the van. He REALLY wants to go. I told him if i had a rocket there are certain days i would gladly shoot him to the moon.
4. After finding my children up in the loft in the backroom on several occasions, we had to put the ladder away. Their angels have been workin overtime.
5. I had the best Christmas day of my life with my dad, his new wife, my sisters and their husband and husband to be.
6. My dad instituted a new tradition called "the man gift" and all the boys got new knives.
7. My kids received matching Schwinn tricycles from my dad.
8. I watched a GREAT movie; Juno. You should all go see it.
9. Atley wore his first pair of boxer briefs.
10. TRH is looking at the possibility of gaining at least 4 and up to 12 more units from which to operate.
Okay, that is the hodge podge. Now on to a short summary of how my first week in 2008was one of the most ridiculous EVER!!!! Saturday morning i arrived home from VA after driving three hours with my children alone in the van. Thankfully they slept most of the time. Saturday evening Daniel's sister (now known as the worst house guest ever) arrived here with her new Morrocan muslim husband and her two children. I went to bed early while they stayed up playing a game. The next morning around 6am Daniel left to drive the trailer for Crossings. About the time he walked out the door my phone rang. Rebekah, (our TRH mom living upstairs) was heading to the Emergency Room with more gal bladder problems. Although i am glad that she called me for help this left me ALONE to get ready for church with 5 houseguests, two toddlers and now a 2 month old infant! So i quickly put on my baby sling and got everybody moving. I can proudly say that we were on time. During church Rebekah called to tell me that she was sitting at a gas station in such terrible pain that she could no longer drive. So Daniel left church to go get her and take her back to the hospital. So i am alone again to get three kids and Daniel's family out of church and home for lunch.
**As a side note i will add that one of the many reasons why Daniel's sister is the worst house guests ever is b/c during this stressful situation not only did she NEVER offer once to help, but in turn stopped me with a hundred questions while i was trying to work things out. One of these questions was, "My husband can't eat what you made for lunch, is there something else i can get him to eat?" To which i prompltly replied that there was a Subway on the way home! Evidently he can only eat meat that has been blessed by a Morrocan priest of some sort. My chicken was unclean. So were my thoughts when she asked me that question.
Anyhow, so back at the hospital poor Rebekah finds out she has to have emergency surgery to have her gal bladder out-which also means i have a baby on my hands for at least the next 24 hours.
That afternoon Daniel's sister leaves and that night his mother, her new boyfriend Ralph, her son Storm and her neice Christina arrive. We expected only his mom and son. The other two where a... surprise.
I should also mention that in all this Rebekah calls after surgery and the anesthesia has made her absolutely crazy and she is hysterical at the hospital.
So i have to make several trips up to the hospital.
To make an already long story short, Rebekah ended up having to have another followup surgery so i ended up with the baby and Daniel's family for three more days. Most of her mentors were helpful during the hysterics but it was quite the week!!!!
Needless to say, 2008 has nowhere to go but up!
Love you cats!!!!
1. I turned 28 and cut all my hair off. Eight inches off the back.
2. I got glasses for an astigmatism i didn't know i had.
3. My son keeps asking me to drive to the moon when we get in the van. He REALLY wants to go. I told him if i had a rocket there are certain days i would gladly shoot him to the moon.
4. After finding my children up in the loft in the backroom on several occasions, we had to put the ladder away. Their angels have been workin overtime.
5. I had the best Christmas day of my life with my dad, his new wife, my sisters and their husband and husband to be.
6. My dad instituted a new tradition called "the man gift" and all the boys got new knives.
7. My kids received matching Schwinn tricycles from my dad.
8. I watched a GREAT movie; Juno. You should all go see it.
9. Atley wore his first pair of boxer briefs.
10. TRH is looking at the possibility of gaining at least 4 and up to 12 more units from which to operate.
Okay, that is the hodge podge. Now on to a short summary of how my first week in 2008was one of the most ridiculous EVER!!!! Saturday morning i arrived home from VA after driving three hours with my children alone in the van. Thankfully they slept most of the time. Saturday evening Daniel's sister (now known as the worst house guest ever) arrived here with her new Morrocan muslim husband and her two children. I went to bed early while they stayed up playing a game. The next morning around 6am Daniel left to drive the trailer for Crossings. About the time he walked out the door my phone rang. Rebekah, (our TRH mom living upstairs) was heading to the Emergency Room with more gal bladder problems. Although i am glad that she called me for help this left me ALONE to get ready for church with 5 houseguests, two toddlers and now a 2 month old infant! So i quickly put on my baby sling and got everybody moving. I can proudly say that we were on time. During church Rebekah called to tell me that she was sitting at a gas station in such terrible pain that she could no longer drive. So Daniel left church to go get her and take her back to the hospital. So i am alone again to get three kids and Daniel's family out of church and home for lunch.
**As a side note i will add that one of the many reasons why Daniel's sister is the worst house guests ever is b/c during this stressful situation not only did she NEVER offer once to help, but in turn stopped me with a hundred questions while i was trying to work things out. One of these questions was, "My husband can't eat what you made for lunch, is there something else i can get him to eat?" To which i prompltly replied that there was a Subway on the way home! Evidently he can only eat meat that has been blessed by a Morrocan priest of some sort. My chicken was unclean. So were my thoughts when she asked me that question.
Anyhow, so back at the hospital poor Rebekah finds out she has to have emergency surgery to have her gal bladder out-which also means i have a baby on my hands for at least the next 24 hours.
That afternoon Daniel's sister leaves and that night his mother, her new boyfriend Ralph, her son Storm and her neice Christina arrive. We expected only his mom and son. The other two where a... surprise.
I should also mention that in all this Rebekah calls after surgery and the anesthesia has made her absolutely crazy and she is hysterical at the hospital.
So i have to make several trips up to the hospital.
To make an already long story short, Rebekah ended up having to have another followup surgery so i ended up with the baby and Daniel's family for three more days. Most of her mentors were helpful during the hysterics but it was quite the week!!!!
Needless to say, 2008 has nowhere to go but up!
Love you cats!!!!
Return to normalcy
Well, it sounds like everyone had a great Christmas! We headed up to Ohio the Saturday before and Brevin and I stayed until this past Friday (almost 2 weeks)! It was nice and relaxing, but I was glad to be home also! We did get to see a few days of snow and Brevin enjoyed playing in that. He and his grandpa tried to make a snowman, but it wasn't good packing snow. He was very excited about all his gifts- currently he is obsessed with puzzles! Once he does them a few times, he gets really good at it. I had to share this story with you all- today we were getting ready for church. I was dressing in our room and Swartz was getting Brevin ready. He stripped him down and went into his closet to get some clothes. In a few seconds, Brevin brings his naked little body into our room and declares, "I pee on the bed." I say- What?!?! And so he repeats himself. Swartz and I both walk into his room and sure enough right in the middle of his bed is a puddle. One of those moments when you just have to laugh!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Two left feet...
Hello my dear JBC Cats!
Happy New Year! The Indy-cat is doing well. I had a great Christmas and New Year. As I've already told you--Eli got to be home for a huge chunk of the holidays. We made Christmas cookies, played in the snow, ate good food, enjoyed our children and spent time with family. Could it get any better?
Christmas morning was fun. Kenna loved opening any gift--she didn't care whose it was or what was in it--she just liked opening it. Duncan sat idly by with a bow on his head part of the time. If I were to sum up the gifts that my precious husband presented to me on Christmas morn it would consist of 2 can-openers, a new wardrobe of lingerie and a gift certificate for ballroom dancing lessons! Nothing like getting tools for the kitchen AND the bedroom in one setting. He endears himself to my heart more and more each year...speaking of...we just celebrated our 7th anniversary together. I woke up on the morning of the 30th and realized while I was in the shower that it was our special day. We may have let it slip up on us this year but that doesn't make it any less important. By the way--congratulations go out to Steph, Steve, Jenney and Eric for their anniversaries too.
Shamefully I admit that I did not stay up to ring in the new year. I wasn't feeling that well on new years eve--plus, the next day I was planning to take a road trip with mom, dad and the kids to join in the celebration of my uncle's inauguration as the mayor of Plymouth, Indiana. I'm now related to a mayor! I made a new years resolution to be nicer to Murphy. Kenna is starting to emulate my negative vibes towards the pesky feline.
So...2008...what will it bring? Who knows. Hopefully I'll get to see my dear cats soon. Perhaps I'll appear on 'Dancing with the Stars'. Maybe I'll open a few more cans than I normally do. Perhaps I'll simply turn 29 and discover the solution to global warming. Whatever comes I'll take it and feel blessed for all that I have.
Don't be strangers to the blogosphere Kitties!
Talk later
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Hope your Christmas was wonderful, Kitties! We had a great one, we went to St.Louis to see Steve's family, then flew back to Cleveland to meet my family on Christmas day. They were here until the 31st, and we had a great time. Adeline and Anderson cleaned up with Christmas presents from Nanna and Poppa, and they looked adorable in the ridiculous Santa outfits I made them where to every Christmas function we attended.
They are 3 1/2 months now, and more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I can't wait for you all to meet them. We will be at Homecoming, so hopefully we'll see as many of you as possible next month.
We miss you all and love you very much!!
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