Hello my dear JBC Cats!
Happy New Year! The Indy-cat is doing well. I had a great Christmas and New Year. As I've already told you--Eli got to be home for a huge chunk of the holidays. We made Christmas cookies, played in the snow, ate good food, enjoyed our children and spent time with family. Could it get any better?
Christmas morning was fun. Kenna loved opening any gift--she didn't care whose it was or what was in it--she just liked opening it. Duncan sat idly by with a bow on his head part of the time. If I were to sum up the gifts that my precious husband presented to me on Christmas morn it would consist of 2 can-openers, a new wardrobe of lingerie and a gift certificate for ballroom dancing lessons! Nothing like getting tools for the kitchen AND the bedroom in one setting. He endears himself to my heart more and more each year...speaking of...we just celebrated our 7th anniversary together. I woke up on the morning of the 30th and realized while I was in the shower that it was our special day. We may have let it slip up on us this year but that doesn't make it any less important. By the way--congratulations go out to Steph, Steve, Jenney and Eric for their anniversaries too.
Shamefully I admit that I did not stay up to ring in the new year. I wasn't feeling that well on new years eve--plus, the next day I was planning to take a road trip with mom, dad and the kids to join in the celebration of my uncle's inauguration as the mayor of Plymouth, Indiana. I'm now related to a mayor! I made a new years resolution to be nicer to Murphy. Kenna is starting to emulate my negative vibes towards the pesky feline.
So...2008...what will it bring? Who knows. Hopefully I'll get to see my dear cats soon. Perhaps I'll appear on 'Dancing with the Stars'. Maybe I'll open a few more cans than I normally do. Perhaps I'll simply turn 29 and discover the solution to global warming. Whatever comes I'll take it and feel blessed for all that I have.
Don't be strangers to the blogosphere Kitties!
Talk later
1 comment:
Ava prays everynight, "Thank you for baby Duncan."
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