Wednesday, January 23, 2008

be there or be square

OK Cats!
If I'm going to haul my two children down to Knox during Homecoming all by myself then we need to have some plans set in stone and promise...cross-our-hearts, hope-to-die... that each one of us will be there come hell or high water. Here is what I am able to do. I have some things on that Tuesday that I can't drop. So I figured that I would come down early Wednesday morning and probably stay until sometime Friday. I'm sure that Fulty will probably want to spend some time at Homecoming--I may want to go to one session but that's all. Basically I'm coming down to see you all! So based on Fulty and Steve's travel plans could we all try to be together either Wednesday or Thursday night? If we can't all find the time it's less likely that I'll want to come. It's special when we can all be together and I'm willing to make the drive if I know that you all are available.

Those of you who blog let me know what your schedules are like--and if anyone is keeping in contact with Vanessa and Klep--please pass on the agenda. I may even try to give them a ring.



Keepin Up With the Cats said...

Liz, I am with you in that I probably will not go to any sessions- Brevin has MDO on Wednesday morning and I will also have Lauren. Thursdays I have two other kids during the day. I could get together Wednesday and Thursday evening- both would be fine. If we wanted to do something Thursday day I could try to switch and watch the other 2 boys on Friday instead of Thursday- it is usually pretty flexible if I know in advance what is going on. I would love to spend some time with everyone and let all our kids play together also!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Whatever...I work on Thursday's but as with Bets, if i know ahead of time could rearrange to work on Tues. and have Thurs. off. I will work on that for sure. YAY!! Yeah, somebody try to get ahold of the slackers and see what they can do.