Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Finger up the butt


Please forgive my delinquency in blogging!! I am trying to get used to this working, being a wife, mothering two children, blah blah blah. Anyway all is well! Besides the fact that I may have internal hemaroids or an anal fischer!! Yes the joys of child-bearing. So I went to my primary doc last Friday just to get a referral for insurance purposes. I had to take Gabe because the appointment was at 4:00. I thougth surely he won't do an exam! I was wrong! Yes, my two year older witnessed the doctor put his finger up my butt! The kicker was Gabe was screaming for a piece of gum during the exam. I had a piece of gum in my hand to give him during the appointment. So picture me getting my butt examined and giving my child a piece of gum at the same time! Should I get a cookie for that or free lyposuction, or a breas lift? Anyway, that is my life in a nutshell! Everything is going well other than that! How about the other babies?? I hope to see you all during Homecoming. I am going to the teacher ed. workshop on Thursday, so Thursday evening would work well for me. Take care and love you all

1 comment:

Keepin Up With the Cats said...

V--how do you always find yourself in these kind of hilarious situations? How did you keep from laughing? You're something else.