Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cake Baking

Cats -

So I'm embarking on a new interest tonight...I'll be making a teddy bear cake for my friend Steph's baby shower. My grandma always made us our cakes and she left me all her cake decorating stuff when she passed away and I have just now dug it out. I'm so excited about it because I don't normally get to do these sorts of things!! I'll send you a pic.

As we speak, V and Scott are probably loading up the truck to head to Carmi. Eric and I so wanted to go over and help you guys load up but just couldn't make it work in the schedule. I hope Scott rounded up some guys to move furniture!!!

Got my haircut and dyed yesterday - I actually have a hairdresser now that I can call 'my hairdresser' or 'hair girl' or whatever! She has this fun little place called 'the french quarters' in downtown chattanooga and I feel so chic when I go down there. I get to sip on a coke and read magazines while my hair gets beautiful. it's more money than i thought i'd ever spend on my hair...but it was time to get beyond the $16 supercuts haircuts since I was getting what I was paying for. Plus, I figure I'd better have decent hair since I'm in the 'beauty industry' now. :) just writing that makes me giggle.

Lizzie, have fun in New Orleans...It cracks me up that you call your kids 'the squeezers'. :)

and bets, what's this about lake erie catching on fire once??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, there is so much pollution in it that it caught on fire. Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying your summer!