Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To Thee Oh Johnson...

Hello My Dear Kitties...
Well, it's 11:05 pm. Eli is held up at work and rather than tend to the mounds of dirty laundry in my room I decided to roast a marshmallow over one of my oven burners and make a s'more (or two!). As I was eating my s'more I read CCU 514--Cincinnati Christian University's equivalent to the Blue and White (we are now on their mailing list for some obscure reason). Anyway--CCU puts out a nice publication but I didn't know anyone in it and that got me to thinkin' how I miss the people of my alma mater. You must all be busy, like I myself seem to be, since no one has posted for awhile.

Let's see...what's been going on...Oh, Kleppy and I had a delightful time visiting the Politte fam. Jenney, Kenna, Duncan and I arrived to find a cute and preggy Fulty with her two bitty babies. It was a sight to see Anderson, Adeline and Duncan all rolling around on the floor together. Our visit was pretty typical for us Cats. I learned what 'bilabial fricatives' are from Fulty and got a facial from Klep. We supped together at various restaurants, stayed up late talking and even had a horrid, yet hilariously memorable, visit to the Lake Erie beach. Let's just say that babies and sand do not go together. Hopefully Klep can provide our group picture that a reluctant lifeguard took of our sorry selves. The kids and I also got to enjoy time spent with the Klepper clan. Mrs. Klepper graciously hosted us, helped with my children and introduced us to the family Chinchilla.

In just a few days Eli and I will be heading to New Orleans. I have a good book set aside and my grandma taught me this little quilting piece that I can work on--I'm now set for the 15 hour drive...yikes! It should be fun and I'm eager to have a break from the kids.

Well, Eli's still not home but I think I will retire to my bed to read.
Hope everyone is well
Love Lizzy

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