Friday, September 26, 2008


It sounds like we all really miss each other and it seems ridiculous that we haven't made a better effort to get together. So I want to propose the idea of maybe getting together soon. I know that we are all busy with children, jobs, ministries, birthing babies and everything else the world throws at us but please consider carving out some time. I was wondering if Cincinnati might be a good middle ground for everyone. I'd also like to extend the invite to Anyssa Blackburn. I always enjoy her company--perhaps the Knox Cats could carpool, Vanessa and I could hitch a ride together and that would leave Fulty to come down from the land of Llamas or Alpacas or whatever the flip funny animals they farm up there.

Could we do it or is everyone really swamped this Fall? Let's chat about it and brainstorm. If an effort isn't made it will never happen. What does November look like other than the fact that Fulty will be welcoming a new one

I appreciated the post from V--I do wish that Corn Day could have worked out especially sense Fall seems to be the season for Cats. I'll be making Vegetable Soup tomorrow night, V--oh, and tell Scotty KiserBuns that I heard a George Michael song the other day and thought of him. Also, can't wait for another little Kiserbun--we are currently working towards squeezer #3. I'm hoping Clomid will not be the way we have to go.

Well, please let me know what you guys think


Anonymous said...

I would love to get together- depending on when in November- I am not sure what my restrictions will be as far as travel goes. We will be going to Ohio for Fall Break for the week so I might see how that trip goes. We are not traveling anywhere for Thanksgiving or Christmas because I figured those trips would be miserable with a huge belly. Nov. 8 would be out for me too because that is Prom of the Stars weekend. Anyways let me know what works! I will praying for you Liz and V- that things will be smooth and work out all in God's timing. I think we are going with the name Mia Grace. We had thought of Mia Elizabeth- but that just didn't flow when you tried to say it with a stern voice- we have definitely gotten our use out of Brevin Michael! Well, this is super long- I have my glucose test on the 13th so be praying for good results there. Apparently one of the medications I am on could cause me to fail the test, which I really don't want to, but we will deal with it if I do. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that sounds wonderful, but the 8th is out for me too, as that's my due date.