Sunday, October 28, 2007

only fulty...

well, I can't talk long. I need to go back to bed and rest. major surgery does that to you, you know. but it's ok, my parents just got here and they'll be here till at least Thursday to take care of the babies.
so friday was our 6th anniversary of getting together. Steve decided to take me and the babies to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. As soon as we got home, I started having horrible back pain. I thought I was going to pass out, and that it might be a heart attack. i told steve to call aunt debby (Jean Hanze's mom) and have her come watch the babies while I went to the ER. this was the worst pain I've ever been in my entire life. long story short, i just got home from the hospital tonight after having gall bladder surgery. why not? i don't have enough going on in my life right now. i needed some excitement.
thank goodness for morphine and vicodin. can i get an amen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kitty! I am so sorry. Truly, only Fulty is right. It is times like this i wish we cats lived closer together. I would send you a meal but i don't think you would like it by the time it got there. Love of love and prayer! Keep us posted.