Monday, November 24, 2008

From Lizzy

Dearest Cats
The news never got better this morning regarding my pregnancy.  I'm scheduled for a d&c tomorrow and will be glad to have this all behind me.  I appreciate all your love and encouragement.  The crazy thing about this event in my life is the shocking amount of other women who have gone through the exact same thing.  My heart goes out to those who may experience the same sad news in the future.  Hopefully I can have encouraging words for them like I have received from so many others.  
I love you all and wish you a thankful time with your families

Friday, November 21, 2008

still playing the waiting game

Hey Kitties...
Just got back from the doctor and did not receive the heart breaking news we were bracing ourselves for.  I'm not out of the clear by any means but must wait until Monday to see how my blood levels look.  The explanation is this: because of my history of completely irregular menstration cycles there is a chance that the baby really is only 4-5 weeks along.  My hcg levels did not rise quite as much as they were hoping from Wednesday to today but my doctor is not ready to throw in the towel.  Mondays test will tell us a lot more.   If the hcg levels are still low then there is a good chance things are over.  If they rise then I'll have another ultrasound after Thanksgiving. 
Only time will tell.
Thanks for all your sweet words of encouragement.
I love you Cats and know that Baby Bear is nestled safe in God's palm

Thursday, November 20, 2008

sadness in my heart... eyes are puffing from crying.  Things don't look too promising for my little Baby Bear.  I have more tests and a visit with my doctor tomorrow.  I will let you know what I find out.  Until then I would really covet your prayers for a miracle and/or comfort.

My Little Kittens in Training...

I'm working hard to raise some sassy little cats up here in snowy Ohio. Adeline has taken to stealing the glasses off my face and wearing them herself. She really thinks she's cute. She went as a bumble bee for Halloween, and when I asked her what a bumble bee says, she looked at me and said very clearly in a sweet little voice: "meow". I knew at that moment she was a natural cat at heart. I'm still looking for cat-cues from Campbell, but doesn't she look sweet in her little cat sleeper? I have no doubt she'll fit right in, too. Anderson is ornery as ever. He is so cute and quite the daddy's boy. Mommy will do in a pinch, but if Daddy is around, he is much preferred. He is really into reading, and never tires of any of his books. He also loves to dance, and any beat will do. (Including the constant beeping of the microwave coming from the back of the kitchen in the KFC where we ate on Saturday.) He really broke it down for everyone in the dining room that day, he sure can cut a rug.
Miss you all.


Mandy- I think we need an update about the things you have been saying on Facebook....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sexy Van Momma

What do you guys think--can I still be sexy even though I drive a van?

Since we're talking about it...

Well, since Bets and Fulty were talking about babies and pregnancies I thought I'd fill you guys in on my status.  I went to the doctor last week and I have a due date of June 16th.  However, after a quick examination and some discussion about my irregular cycles I was scheduled for an ultrasound appointment on Wednesday to have the baby measured and to get a better idea of when my due date might be.  So it may be that Kenna will be sharing her 4th birthday with a little sister or brother.  Other than that I am as healthy as a horse--just a little more tired at night and hungry through the day.

We got a van...Byrd has already harassed me!  I've resigned to it and actually think it will be a lot better than bending over 8 months pregnant to ge tchildren in and out of a Taurus--plus, no sooner do we get the van and the Taurus starts acting up!  I'll try to post a pic soon.  Kenna was really excited and still gets excited about driving in it to places.

Kenna has been saying some exceptionally funny things lately--she's figuring out the world around her.  The other day she pushed her stroller to me and there was a little plastic Grover wrapped up in a blanket in the stroller.  She told me that it was her son--affectionately named, David Crowder.  Then last night there was a little kernel of corn on the table and she was calling it her son as well--she's a strange little bird.  
The other day we were talking about 'Baby Bear' (our inutereo name for the baby) and she told me that the baby was, "going to come  from between my legs and I was going to squeeze real hard!"--this all happened a few weeks after we had watched a Reading Rainbow about babies and we had a little talk about how they come out of the mom's stomach through your bottom between your legs--and of course she remembered that!  I'm kind of that mind that it's better to explain things the way they are to kids and not give cutesy little vague explanations.  

She just bear-crawled out of the bathroom with no shirt on and her pants and undies down around her ankles--I wonder where she gets this stuff??

Well, other than that we are leading a normal existence up here in Indy-town.  I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We'll be heading down to Johnson City to be with Eli's family the 26th of December (Betsy's b-day!).  

Oh, Betsy... please!

The pregnant belly can stretch much further than that!!! You look 10 weeks pregnant to me! The top pic is 32 weeks preg with twins, and the bottom pic is 39 weeks preg with Campbell. You'd be amazed how far out there your belly can stick!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Something else to look at

So I figured we have stared at that ugly orange long enough (not your face though Klep- you look beautiful). Klep- if you need some nice scarlet and gray, I have plenty of shirts here. Some of us have never grown fond of that orange. : ) I thought I would post something else for your viewing pleasure- my huge belly. I will spare you the skin shot- to me I look huge and not sure how I am going to make it 10 more weeks, but I know it is possible.
I am down to going to the doctor every two weeks now. My next appointment is the day before Thanksgiving and they are going to do an ultrasound. I am excited to see this little baby again! Things at my last appointment were good- iron was okay and my blood pressure was great. I hope they are like that at my next appointment. I am in the nesting mode- wanting to get rid of everything in the house. I haven't taken any of the tags off any baby clothes- I am waiting until this next ultrasound just to be for sure we get a girl confirmation! Liz, I made that cheese soup yesterday- it was very good! But now I need to go do some dishes- oh joy! Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

what have i become?

remember the days (basically the past 9 years) when we thought it so ridiculous how TN people are about their UT Vols? Sigh... and there i was at the UT homecoming game saturday (someone at school had free tickets!) singing Rocky Top right along with the rest of 'em!!!! aaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I guess it was inevitable when I decided to marry Eric Frazier, though!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sorry I haven't been on in a while; I've been reading the blog just not writing! Fulton, Campbell is a GORGEOUS baby!!! I want more videos, that was so cool! The best part was Coretha holding her miniature on her lap. :) Lizzy, congrats to you, too...I knew it was coming soon!! And I will say again...Duncan is absolutely precious - I kept oohing and aahing over his Halloween costume. Sigh. Did you make those costumes? Bets, glad all is well with your pregnancy, too. Brevin is quite the little man - getting all grown up. OK, is that all the child-bearing cats as of right now? Byrd? V? I am very excited to hopefully get to share the experience with Eric one day; for now, of course, it's just still not the right time.

I don't think I told you guys this yet: Eric got a new job besides his work study hours at Lee. He was an office assistant in the teacher ed department and they're all still saying how much they miss him...him always being the life of the party and all. I was praying for something more for him that gave him just a few more hours a week, paid more, and is more in his field and interests. Last year some professors were getting some big research project together and wanted Eric involved but then we never heard anything else. Then a month or so ago, they asked him to be one of the 'trainers' for this state-wide program called 'Wellness Steps'. It is gov't. funded to fight obesity and diabetes in adults and children. As long as their research proves its value, they continue to get funding.

So Eric started out just working with the adults twice a week; then the head guy pulled him aside and was so impressed with him that he offered him a job working in the after-school programs at some local elementary schools. he said , "now I don't know how you are with kids, but..." HA!! so now he does that, too, and they are so impressed with him and how he works with the kids and the people that the guy who is the head actually offered him a job to head the program up in Nashville!!! of course, that is not an option for right now, but definitely a possibility for future. who knows? at any rate, i know it is just another one of God's affirmations to Eric that he is doing the right thing perservering through school and that is was right for him to leave the business world to pursue this path even though it has been hard for him and for our family. I'm so proud of him and thankful for God's affirmations. And he's still doing his rock masonry on the side...he comes up with new professors all the time who want him to do some work. It's just small things here and there but every little bit helps us financially and plus he loves doing it.

as far as me...i just realized today this is my seventh year of teaching and I'm finally feeling like I"m starting to really get 'good', though there is always so much more to learn in this field. the school asked me to be the 'literacy leader' this year so I go to a lot of county-wide professional development things and we discuss literacy plans, etc. and report back to our schools. I enjoy it and I like the change of routine as well when I get to go somewhere besides Hunter Middle School! I've also enjoyed getting more of a grip on the lesson planning, my subject matter, and how things run so that I feel I get more chances to really focus on the kids and do what they needs me to for them. On average, my kids this year came in on a fifth grade reading level, so our task is to get them up to grade level and then up to seventh by the end of the year...or as high as we can!

I still am trying to figure out their motives behind some of the questions they ask...any insight into the twelve year old mind would be much appreciated. For example: I write an assignment on the board for homework and tack onto it "empty all the work from first quarter out of your folder and leave it at home." and a girl - one of average maturity and intelligence - says, "what if we already did that?" *&$#! what do you think? I said, "then put it all back in and then take it out again." duh. those types of questions are the most maddening to me. ? i mean, what are they really asking me?

Um...what else. Oh, about the cat retreat...bummer it won't work out. I was planning on it but it's ok, we'll do it in the spring. all this baby-making is throwing off our plans, people!! :)

the leaves are all changing down here and it's so pretty. yesterday i went downtown to get my hair done and driving into chattanooga and seeing the mountains with all the color and the sun on them was glorious. i'm starting to really like this town. my hairdresser ( a friend of a friend at school) asked me if I take vitamins. I said no and she said i need to get a hair, skin, and nails vitamin because she noticed she pulled out way too much hair when she shampooed my hair. now I've alway snoticed that i pull a lot out in the shower and after I pick it out but i just figured it was because it's long and dark so i notice more. but recently i have noticed it i don't know why i'm suddenly balding. a couple possibilities: practically half my diet is sugar :( i don't exercise regularly, i'm stressed with my job, i don't get enough sleep. hmmm...that should do it, i think. so, i'm working on fixing these bad habits. i used to be so good about that stuff and it has gradually fallen apart and it depresses me slightly. you know that powerless feeling you get sometimes about certain, things that you're not really powerless about? i feel that in regards to my body nowadays. i haven't told anyone that but you cats. it's something i'm dealing with right now. it's not a matter of vanity, it's health at this point.

well, gotta go do butt loads of dishes and make some dinner for my man. love you cats and i'm so glad we have our blog to suffice in each other's absence. :)

meow -

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You guessed it!

Can't pull anything over on you Cats!
You guessed it--I'm preggy-piggy again. The cool thing is how it all played out. I kinda had a Betsy moment. Let me explain...I had been trying for many months and nothing was coming about. I thought that I was going to have to take Clomid again like I did with K&D. So I made an appointment for a Monday. Well, on the Saturday before the appointment I decided to take another test (it was like day 46!) just so I could go into the doc and say I had just had a negative test on Saturday so it was OK to proceed. Well, as it turned out the test was a big fat + ! Funny how once you make an appointments you always end up preggy. So I'm really excited to have gotten pregnant on my own. Yeah for me!

So, on a completely unrelated topic...What do you guys make of this election (or is that too personal a question even for the Cats)? I don't know what to make of it and I'm still trying to sort through all of it in my head. Any resolutions on your hearts?
Well, my little K needs some snuggling and reading time. Can't miss such a dear appointment.
another new baby growing in a liz-cat?? Fulty--congrats she is gorgeous! V

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

She's here!

Well, Campbell Kennsington Politte was born yesterday, November 3 at 12:13 in the afternoon via C-Section. It went very well and she is healthy and perfect. She was 19 inches long and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. We are still at the hospital and will be until Thursday at the earliest. She passed her hearing screening today and has registered 0 everytime on the jaundice meter. She is nursing very well and is already much better at it than the twinkies ever were. Stevie P is still the cutest little dad, and I just love seeing men with their little daughters, there isn't much more precious than that in my book. Anderson doesn't mind Campbell, but really isn't that interested. But Adeline is enamored with her new little sister and just loves to touch and kiss her. It's so beautiful to watch a 13 month-old have such wonderful little maternal instincts.
I am feeling pretty good, as much as you would expect one day after a c-section. Just keep the drugs comin', right????!!!
Miss you all, and congratulations Lizzie!

1 guess, a cancellation and a congratulation! first. I'll be the stick-in-the-mud and officially cancel the Cat weekend in November. We heard from everyone but Fulty (for obvious reasons) and Kleppy. Jenney, I hope you're not disappointed and I hope you don't think we're completely flaky--especially since you canceled your Women's Retreat. Can you still go to it? We simply must make it a priority in the spring and those of you with small babies are more than welcome to bring them! We would not expect you to part with them at such a tender young age.

Speaking of babies--there was a little boy in my BSF class today named Campbell and I couldn't help but think of our dear Fulty and her new addition. CONGRATS Fulty--I saw pics on Coretha's Facebook and I think she looks like you. Such cute little lips. The Twinkies looked cute too! Do you mind us calling them the 'Twinkies'?

And last but not least--I have a little guessing game for you Cats. You get one guess to figure out what these three things have in common:
1. I have to take a hiatus from mountain biking--Bummer!
2. We may have to get a van--Eh...
3. Eli has the wonderful responsibility of cleaning Murph's litter boxes right now--NICE!

Post with your responses and we'll see who's paying attention to the Cat Blog ;)

btw--Hope you all voted!