Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You guessed it!

Can't pull anything over on you Cats!
You guessed it--I'm preggy-piggy again. The cool thing is how it all played out. I kinda had a Betsy moment. Let me explain...I had been trying for many months and nothing was coming about. I thought that I was going to have to take Clomid again like I did with K&D. So I made an appointment for a Monday. Well, on the Saturday before the appointment I decided to take another test (it was like day 46!) just so I could go into the doc and say I had just had a negative test on Saturday so it was OK to proceed. Well, as it turned out the test was a big fat + ! Funny how once you make an appointments you always end up preggy. So I'm really excited to have gotten pregnant on my own. Yeah for me!

So, on a completely unrelated topic...What do you guys make of this election (or is that too personal a question even for the Cats)? I don't know what to make of it and I'm still trying to sort through all of it in my head. Any resolutions on your hearts?
Well, my little K needs some snuggling and reading time. Can't miss such a dear appointment.

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