Dearest Catty-Cats
Just thought I'd fill you in on my past few days. Eli and I competed in our adventure race on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. The race consisted of three segments: canoing, mountain biking and orienteering. We were only able to complete the first two segments before the cut off time--which in my mind isn't that big of a deal because no one else completed all three either. The mountain bike track was so muddy that it slowed everyone down quite a bit. But I felt really good after finishing the our part. A surprising bit of news came when we found out that we placed second in our division--the 2 person co-ed division. There were 8 other teams in this division. Overall the race was hard and really tested my patience and my ability to filter words (one really nasty curse word slipped out at a very trying time I'm ashamed to say). And it was also a great experience for Eli and I to do together. Eli only called me 'bull-headed' once--and I probably deserved it. We had fun together and look forward to more events this summer. In July we hope to do an off-road triathlon. I have my work cut out for me.
Let's see...I'm officially 29. I don't feel any different but I do think that I'll need every single one of the next 365 days to get ready for 30. I got some money so I plan on buying a swim suit--hopefully I can find a cute sassy one and that will help me feel a little younger.
Kenna is currently singing "He is the vine and we are the branches...his banner over me is love". It's very cute and makes me joyful that my children are growing up hearing and singing these songs--unlike my own childhood. I rented David Crowder's newest cd from the library, Remedy, and Kenna loves it. It's kind of techno and groves at times and she loves to sing to it. Eli got me the newest Waterdeep cd for my birthday. It's pretty good too.
BSF finished for the year today and I am so glad that Kenna and I have had the opportunity to be in such a great study of the Bible. We have both learned so much and I look forward to next year when we study Moses. Eli and I are gearing up for our trip to New Orleans. It is probably only about 6 weeks away. Duncan is officially weaned and I think I'll do alright leaving them with my parents. But probably on the way back I'll be desperate to get home as quick as possible. Right now the kids won't even give me a moments peace to type this silly post so needless to say I may be ready for a nice kid-free break.
Well, I better do dinner.
Keep posted yourselves
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