So here's what I've been up to. I am the proud new owner of a brand new Ruger .380. It's Ruger's newest handgun that just came out last month. It's very small and easy to conceal. It weighs 9.4 oz when unloaded and is just right for me. Steve and I are taking our conceal/carry classes and tests next month, and now we both have handguns officially. (He bought a Glock 9mm from a deacon at my dad's church over Easter.) You knew it was only a matter of time, and now it's happened. Fulty's packin' heat. My kids at church just love having a tatooed, nose-pierced, gun-toting children's minister.
Good to hear what you all are up to. Sounds like everyone is keeping busy. We are doing well, the babies are 8 months old now and they are the most fun I've ever had. I am now officially in my second trimester, and other than showing early, I really don't even feel pregnant this time. I have had some bleeding off and on, so they are monitoring me closely and I have ultrasounds all the time, but everything looks fine so far. My doctor's not really worried about it, so neither am I.
I am going to visit my extended family in Canton this weekend for my grandparents' birthdays, and my folks and siblings are coming up as well. Steve will be in Buffalo, NY for a worship conference.
That's about it for me. I need to get ready to go before Steve gets home, so I'll close it up. Love you all!
Hey Fulty...kinda makes me want one!
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