Cats--I feel like we're having a little Cat Blog Reunion and I wanted to make sure that I made my presence known. A few comments for some Cats:
Yeah! for Bets--I'm so excited for you and will definitely have that little Swartzentruber baby in my prayers.
V--I can't believe you're going back to the ol' Carmi--I'm sure Prin is crazy!. And let the record be straight there were at least 3 of us who were left dangling with your mysterious we-might-be-moving news. It will be neat to have you closer. We'll certainly want to visit.
Klep--the elephant story had me rollin'. Just like a man to want to flaunt it!
Well, I'm posting a picture of our first swimming excursion. It was very overcast and windy but the kids seemed to enjoy it. I'm looking a little too boobilicious. Eli didn't seem to mind.
I've discovered a new hobby for myself--I think I'm growing a little green thumb. I've been landscaping and planting flowers in the back yard and I love it. It helps me feel peaceful and I like that I'm accomplishing something that makes the world a little more ascetically pleasing. I bought a peony the other day and decided to name it "Mrs. Eubanks"--gardening and working with the flowers reminds me of her and our time together. The other day I told Eli that I was going to go outside and "put Mrs. Eubanks in the ground". He thought that was a slightly strange thing to say.
I've been reading a book about how so many children and adults have 'nature deficit disorder' (not a true disorder--just a concept). Our generation and the generations that follow are glued to computers, tv, video games, texting and ipods and we have grown away from nature. Our society suffers from obesity, mental and emotional instability and many other life altering issues. I'm starting to think that nature, among other things, plays such a huge role in our emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing. It's important to surround ourselves and learn about the things that God has created--it is a way to be closer to Him. So, I've been teaching Kenna about some of the birds that are in our yard and the beautiful flowers. She really seems to enjoy it.
Well, enough of that--don't want to bore you with my nature-lovin'. Plus--Duncan's up.
Love you all
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