Yesterday we went berry pickin'! I wanted to give the kids' teachers something that they could participate in giving them so this was a good option. We had a lot of fun. As you can see they ate as many as we picked. I kept telling Ava to stop eating them and wait until we washed them so then she started sneaking and eating them. At one point i turned around to see her with just the stem hanging out of her mouth. She was eating the tops and the stems! Ridiculous. From there we stopped at Shoneys on the way home b/c Atley asked if he could have Pancakes for dinner. Kids eat free on the breakfast bar so we thought we would treat them. Atley ate all his pancakes but the highlight of the meal was when we were leaving. I got up behind him after sitting the tip on the table and turned around to see him layin on the the floor by the salad bar licking a lemon that had fallen on the floor. He wasn't even holding it he was just laying on the ground licking the lemon on the ground. The cowboyish character that saw the whole thing laughed hysterically at him. We always manage to leave an imprint.
Well i hope everyone is doing well. Bets sounds like the pool is coming around. Lizzy, congratulations again on your accomplishments. Ness, only a few more days of school! Fulton, how are you? Jenney, i suppose is living in the world of Mary Kay.
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