Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A List Should Suffice...if it doesn't too bad.

1. Yesterday Daniel went to JBC to meet with a new professor who wants him to be involved in the devlopment of the new Urban Missions program. As you may know, it is Homecomeing this week. Well, as he went to make the left turn to drive onto campus there was an man with an even more enormous, and i mean gigantic sign standing at the gate. The sign read in bright red, "Shame on you Weedman." Indeed. So it seems that this is over some sort of labor dispute and the new building. I think it is sort of humorous that they chose Homecoming for such a display. Steph, i know your blood pressure is likely rising right now. Stay calm. This too shall pass.

2. The other week i texted Liz during church b/c THE ONE AND ONLY David Palmer was sitting two rows directly in front of me! He has gained a bit of weight, but same guy that's for sure. Moment of silence for Lizzy. :) I been good all day.

3. Ava made a big announcement at dinner last night. She waited for complete silence, " A baby is growin in my belly...and his name is baby Jesus." A short theological disscussion followed.

4. My children have a new thing for trying to snap bugs around the house with salad thongs.

5. My middle sister is pregnant, finally! A spawn of Chadwick is on the rise. It's name however, will not be Baby Jesus.

6. Ryan Molden showed up to church with facial hair and i swear he was the cutest thing ever! He looked so much older and genuinely handsome. I told him so. He grinned. I love that boy. Can we make it a cat mission to find him the perfect woman?

7. Speaking of Ryan, evidently he enjoys reading the catblog and introduced a certain teacher ed staff member to it, just at the time that a certain someone's bubble picture was plastered for the cyberworld to see. I hear Mr. Robinette found it hysterical.

8. I still love being bad and would pay money to see Jenney's face at the moment she reads # 7, because it really is T-R-U-E

9. Ava's birthmom is doing really well at her latest rehab facility in Nashville. She is sending us letters almost weekly. It is really really cool, she says she's had a "spiritual awakening." I pray it is true. For awhile i was afraid that Ava would never see her again.

10. My little sister is likely going to tour with the African Children's Choir beginning in June. She will likely be touring all over Europe. I am supremely jealous.

11. Marriage is a lot of work isn't it? Shewwee. Nuff said.

12. So we keep talking about getting together in the spring but we haven't really put our money where our cybermouth is yet. April is out for me. What does everyone's May look like. Let's get the ball rollin'. If we really ALL WANT to do this then we need to ALL MAKE EFFORT to actually do it. My vote is a long weekend Thurs-Sun. or Friday-Mon. Is it unreasonable to ask for us to take a workday off? I don't think so since we seemingly only do this once a year. May is a bit away. So what does everyone's 4th weekend in May look like? Chime in or lose out. Bottomline.

Okay, that's it for now.
Meow. Love yous.


Anonymous said...

If I look at the calendar right, the 4th weekend in May is Memorial Weekend?? I am pretty sure we will have family in town that weekend. Other weekends should work but I can probably just do Fri evening to Sunday because of babysitting unless we get into the summer then I could go longer (that would start the last weekend of May for me).

Anonymous said...

My blood pressure started to rise, Byrd. And then I realized that Homecoming is next week, so if this kind gentleman will leave before the Council of 70 starts arriving on Monday, we should be ok. On that note, I will sadly be missing my first Homecoming in 14 years. The church can't afford to send I'd because giving has gone down. The entire staff took a paycut this week.
What about the weekend of JBC graduation? (I'm not sure the date, exactly.) seth will be graduating, so I'll be headed that way anyway.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long it has taken me to find the 'post a comment' button! It is hidden unless you drag the mouse over it--is it like that for everyone else?

Anyway, I think that if Byrd is going to harass me about past FRIENDSHIPS (note my choice of words!) she should at least get the name write. Wasn't his name John!

I can probably do anytime in May--just depending on if ELi gets this position or not. I'm game for Cat time.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was mixing up David Panzer with Palmer (I don't remember his first name because we always called him Palmer). Hope everyone is staying healthy. Brevin has a runny nose and woke up this morning with a cough- hoping it doesn't make its way to Mia- that is the trouble with having babies in the winter!

Anonymous said...

WHAT!!!! How could anyone ever confuse Panzer and Palmer--honestly, what an insult to my sanity!

Unknown said...

you all crack me up. his name is john palmer gregg. and i completely forgot about david panzer!! hee hee.

and the weedman sign has been up for a good month or more. the same 2 people (who are just being paid to sit there and don't have a clue what's going on) set it up and freeze their a$$es off next to it all day long. basically, a non-union company did work on the preaching center and a union company also did work....the union company has issues with jbc using non-union people - so they made a sign to make dr. w look bad. and it's still up for the council to see.

anyhow....that update was solely for fulton.

and if i'm still invited, graduation weekend would be good for me. but i'd be out for the 4th weekend in may. love you girls!!