Monday, September 24, 2007

From the Indy Kitty

Another post from our dear tech-deprived preganant Liz. Just as a side note to translate for her: a neener-cleaner is a bathtub. Only Liz.

Hello Cats!
Clearly Klepper only hates you all because she called me yesterday to see how I was doing!! Just teasing--I didn't actually get to talked to her. I was cat-napping when she called. Dearest Byrd, I am so proud of you and can't wait to hear how things go with your first mother and child. This is where the rubber meets the road--that certainly has to be scary. However, I'm sure God has things planned that you have yet to imagine! By the way--the neener cleaner is up and running!

I am still pregnant and a bit jealous of Fulty that her Twinkies are out and have been for a week! But I must be patient. The doctor today didn't indicate any more development for me--perhaps he'll be an October baby. October 1st or 3rd--those dates have a nice ring to them. However, there is supposed to be a full moon this Wednesday--maybe Mr. Baby will get a little squirrelly!

Hope all is well with my other Cats. Bets, how is Brevin with the potty training? Any news from the doctor?

Much love
Indy Kitty

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