Thursday, January 29, 2009

Therapy Session

Well Cats, thank you for all the wonderful comments. We made it home yesterday after a relatively short hospital stay. I was glad to get out of there and be back in my own home. Mia is doing well, pretty much just slept and ate yesterday. Speaking of eating- I decided to breastfeed her, even though things didn't go so well with Brevin. She was doing really well in the hospital- she would nurse for about 20 minutes on each side. We got home and she did well- of course my nipples were getting sorer. By the 7:00 feeding it hurt so bad for her to latch on and even continue to nurse. I noticed she had cracked both of the nipples so apparently I didn't have her latched on right at some point. So of course I had told myself I wouldn't stress about it- but that is what I did- the thought of her having to nurse again would just bring tears to my eyes. So I just made the decision to stop. I feel I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but I guess not when it comes to my nipples : ) So that was a struggle for me last night but hopefully I will kick out these guilty feelings and just not worry about it. I know everything will be okay it is just hard right now because I feel like I "gave up." Anyways, she slept pretty well last night which was good and we are ready to start another day. I love you all!


Anonymous said...

Don't sweat it, Betsy. Sometimes nursing doesn't work out but somehow our formula-fed kids turn out just as smart and develop just as well. It's not worth it to stick it out if it's a painful experiennce, anyway. Glad to hear you're home. Mia's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Bets, you just spent 9 months growing a little being in your body, you gave birth and are recovering from surgery. You are a hero to your children and your husband. No worries about breastfeeding, my kids certainly didn't and beside the fact that they are heathens they are great kis. ;) I would like to bring a meal by for you at some point in the next week or so. I will give you a ring.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Bets, you just spent 9 months growing a little being in your body, you gave birth and are recovering from surgery. You are a hero to your children and your husband. No worries about breastfeeding, my kids certainly didn't and beside the fact that they are heathens they are great kis. ;) I would like to bring a meal by for you at some point in the next week or so. I will give you a ring.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so sweet- thank you for your encouraging words- it is just what I needed!
Love you all-Betsy