Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Catty's in the News...

Oh cats. What a CRAZY few days. Your dearest Mandycat has been on the evening news twice in the last two days-only for good things mind you! We had 75 or so people and a news crew come out to the TRH Dedication & Open House and it all went really well. Then yesterday we moved our first family in, with the news crew present again. If you want to see the two news segments by the way you can but going to our website; www.therestorationhouse.net. Well, i am really tired and need to chill for awhile but just wanted to share with you. I will write more details later. Love you all.


1 comment:

Keepin Up With the Cats said...

Wow Byrdy,
Eli and I watched the news clips and we were really impressed. They gave you some serious coverage. How awesome!! We're really proud of you guys and all your hard work. You are a blessing and hope to this new mother. Can't wait to see you guys next weekend and hear all about it.
Love Lizzy