Monday, November 26, 2007


Well hello friends of mine who are not posting as often as they should. Maybe if i get the ball rolling with a general update it will encourage some certain slackers to catch up with the rest of us.

Currently, the copy man is here in the office and i am alone and it is sort of strange. As i type right now he is having a fairly extensive phone conversation. He talks through his nose and smells like a smoke stack. How's that for an update?

Also, today at MDO Ava told her teacher she wanted to go poop in the potty and sure enough she did. That would be the way she gets started--poop first. She is something else! You just never know...hold on the copy may is telling me all about his phone conversation...

...Aaanndd we're back. Okay well i know this isn't mountain moving news but hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and will decide to update soon. It doesn't have to be super exciting as you can tell from this post.

One more thing-Kevin Ennis and his wife Emily are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. I plan on being very bad. I haven't met Emily yet so should be interesting. You know how good i am with new people. :)


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