Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Spring is finally here to stay...I hope. So i decided to change up the look of our dear blog in hopes that we will all feel inspired to begin posting a little more frequently. Myself included.

Speaking of changes, Ava is not sleeping in a big bed. Not good that i no longer have a baby crib in my house. Makes something start brewin in me that aint good. I probably should go any further with that discussion.

Daniel is on a spring cleaning mode so we have been pullin out stuff we didn't know we had and simplifying down to help us feel a little better about ourselves and our "stuff."

I got my hair majorly whacked off this weekend and i am sot of blonde again. It was time for a change. I have also lost 37lbs and counting. Got a lot more to go but every little bit makes me feel a little better.

I will leave you with a story. Today took both kids to Kroger. Never a bright idea but i am going out of town on Thursday and this was literally the only time i had to squeeze in a trip to the grocery. I had just picked the kids up from Phoebe's house and didn't notice that Ava's diaper was super full. She is walking down the aisle of the store and i notice the trail of pee on the floor. I take her to the bathroom, dig through my purse and find nothing. So she has to go commando in her DRESS the rest of the time in the store. We FINALLY got to the check out, (after taking yet another trip to the bathroom for Atley to poop)and Ava starts actin wild and wanting to get down. So i set her down through her screaming fit while everyone is staring at her. As i set her down she stumbles backwards, her dress flies up over head only to reveal her mini-cooch to everyone who might or might not want to see. At this point i am winning the mother of the year award in the eyes of everyone around, gather her up, wrangle Atley from making faces in the security TV, and make my exit. I am waiting for my phone call from DHS.


1 comment:

Keepin Up With the Cats said...

I like the new change. Very springy.