Wednesday, April 9, 2008

White Trash

So, I've never felt more redneck and poor than this morning. Steve and I were playing with the babies this morning at 9:45 when I remembered: we have a WIC appointment sometime today! (We are on WIC because Anderson's formula alone costs over $250 a month.) I hadn't had a shower yet and the babies diapers both needed changed. Steve went to look up what time our appointment was and found out it was @ 10:00. This is wonderful because it takes 20 minutes at least to get there. Steve changed the babies' diapers and got them in their car seats while I got dressed and tried to grab what I thought I needed for the appointment. We all got in the van and were on our way. I was filling out the paperwork that I had to take with me in the van and Steve said "what's today's date?" I said the 9th and he said "crap." He had a courtdate this morning at 9:00 for a speeding ticket he got in Columbus on our way back from my parents' at Easter. I got the ticket out of the glovebox and it said "failure to report to your courtdate will result in the suspension of your license and the issue of a warrant for your arrest." Our plan had been to call and pay the ticket before the court date, but it slipped both of our minds. Now we are on our way to a late WIC appointment and worried about my husband being arrested for missing his court date. He asked me to read him the number to call on the ticket so he could take care of it, hopefully. I read it to him and he called it, but the call wouldn't go through for some reason. We tried it from my phone with the same result. I tried to call Steve's phone from mine and it didn't work. So now we've realized that for whatever reason our phones have both been turned off. So Steve spent the rest of the car ride trying to call Sprint and figure that out. We get to the WIC office and I run in and Steve parks and brings the kids in. The lady asks me if I have proof of employment, my WIC id, the babies' birth certificates, their shot records and their insurance cards. I didn't have to have any of that except my WIC at my last appointment, so naturally, I didn't have any of it this time. She just stared at me like "what did you think we would be able to do for you today, honey?" Dejected, we left and promised to call the main office and set up another appointment once our phones were operational. We carefully drove home so as not to get pulled over and the subsequently arrested. Our phones are suddenly working again and we still don't know what caused them to stop working. Steve called the courthouse and took care of his ticket and is no longer under the threat of arrest. I have showered and am ready to restart the day, except that my daughter has filled her diaper with what smells like formaldahyde. I need a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Fulty! I am so sorry. That is one hell of a morning, if i do say so myself. We all have days where we can't get our crap together despite the crap filling the diapers! Here's to hoping you have a better rest of the day. It sounds like it can only go up from here!

Much Love,