Wednesday, April 30, 2008

stiff neck

My Kitties...I have had the worse stiff neck in history the past few days. It is the most painful thing that I have experienced--second only to childbirth. I think I did something funky when I was shoveling out in the yard on Saturday. I woke up on Sunday and couldn't hardly function--praise the Lord for Advil. Then yesterday I was brushing my teeth and triggered it again. I had to skip BSF and lie around in bed most the mornign. Eli had to flip me and hold my head just so I could change sides--so humiliating and pathetic! Things seem to be better today...thankfully!

At my girl's small group yesterday we tie dyed T-shirts. I made one for Kenna, Duncan and myself. We are all wearing them today and we looked like a bunch of tree-huggin' hippies in the hardware store this morning. I'll have to post a pic when the kids get up from nap. I bought a bunch of seeds and hope to enlist Kenna when it's time to plant. I'm going to make a little gardener out of her.

Bets--glad to hear from you. I can't believe what a strange time you are having with this getting-pregnant business. I have a friend here in Indy that had a very hard time getting pregnant a second time. She just delivered triplets!! I'll be praying for you :)

Well, I hear the mail truck--one of the few minor highlights of my day.
Talk later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is solved.