Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well, well, well...

Sorry I haven't posted much ladies. I was hoping to wait to be able to post some good news on the pregnancy front but that hasn't happened yet. I go to see a specialist on May 5 so hopefully we will get some answers, although I am not getting my hopes up. We are counting down to the end of school here- only about 3 weeks left so that is great! Brevin has 5 more days of MDO. Speaking of Brevin- the other night I went outside to start some work in the yard and Swartz was in the bathroom so he and Brevin were going to come out when he was done. A few minutes later I hear him yell out the door, "I need some assistance in here." So I come back in to find out that Brevin appeared to him at the bathroom door holding his underwear that had a big turd in them. Swartz puts him in the tub since there is poop down his leg and on the bottom of his foot and I set off to find where this evil deed took place. I look all over the house for his shorts and don't see them anywhere. We ask him where he pooped and he can't seem to remember- although I am sure he was employing selective memory here. I finally find them in the laundry room with little poop prints all over- at least it was in there and not on the carpet. So as you can see, he still does not want to poop on the potty- but is doing great with the peeing (although his preferred place to pee is outside- luckily we live in the country)! I am hoping he will come around soon because I get a little tired of cleaning poop out of underwear- thank goodness he only poops once every couple days- and a lot of times he will wait until he has a pull-up on for nap time to go. Well enough about bodily functions- Mandy I need to get this stroller back to you- I promise I will drop it off soon! Love you all!

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