Monday, May 19, 2008


Kitties...sometimes I don't know what comes over me. Let me explain: Our children's minister asked if I would lead the hand motions for our VBS songs this summer. I agreed and she gave me a dvd and song book this morning so I could learn everything beforehand. I got the dvd out this evening after dinner because I knew it would be something that Kenna would enjoy doing. So i queued it up and the kids on the dvd were singing, dancing and doing hand motions. Kenna, being the singing and dancing type that she is, followed suit. And then it happened, as it does every so often with me, I started to cry and get verklempt because the very thought of praising Jesus with my kids in heaven one day makes me a total mush ball! It also happens when we're driving in the car listening to K-LOVE and Kenna and I will be singing to some David Crowder song and I'll get all choked up then too. I know it's dorky but I think it all comes down to the fact that I wasn't raised sharing these sorts of things with my parents and there's a hole missing in my heart. BUT, on the bright side, I do have the chance to share it with my kids--and share it we will!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet, Liz. I love hearing these stories. My little ones aren't old enough yet to starting expressing themselves like Kenna is, but when I think about the amazing responsibility I've been given to raise these little people and teach them to love Jesus with all of their little hearts, I get really choked up, too. I keep telling Steve how overwhelming it is that the most important thing we can do is share Jesus with these tiny people. I'm so excited and scared at the same time. I just love to hear how Kenna is already responding to what you're teaching her!-Fulty