Monday, July 21, 2008

In need of Light

Hey Kitties...
Do any of you get overwhelmed with the darkness that is present in this world? I do and I am currently in need of some more Light. I say all this because Eli and I have been discussing a situation that is currently going on involving some children that have been sexually abused. Such immoral, debase and despicable things have happened to such innocent children. Then this morning I was on Myspace tracking down some of our teenage girls to pass on some youth group information and I was so burdened with the darkness that was present on their pages. And these were all girls that live in Christian homes! It is vogue to be depressed, sarcastic and dark. I don't remember being like this as a teenager. What is going on? Please tell me it won't be this way for our children. Does anyone else worry about such things?

My heart just feels heavy with the evil and darkness that is very much a part of our world. It's hard being an adult!!


Well, on a lighter side. It's 2:02 in the afternoon and I'm still in my shirt I slept in and have yet to put on a bra--at least I put some shorts on this morning! Duncan has officially rejected all baby food and wishes to only eat our table food. He has grown up so much just in the last week or so. He can put himself in a sitting position, pull up, drink from a cup and now wants table food. Kenna just ate some cherries for lunch and she looks like Heath Ledger's 'Joker' character. I suppose I ought to wash her face off--it's kinda creepy.

It was good to hear from Fulty--I hope things slow down for you soon. Have they started looking for someone else to fill the position?
Bets--how's the pregnancy? We don't hear much from you anymore.
Vanessa--sounds like things are good for you in Carmi. Are things at the church well?

Well, I better go--stuff to do.

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