Monday, July 14, 2008

I've been meaning to put some pics on for a while now...Liz - that picture of Duncan on the swing is so cute, I wanted to reach into the computer and eat him up!!! AAAhhhh!!!

The Kermit cake was amazing, too, much more difficult than my star patterns on cake molds! The first one (the bear) was for my friend Steph's baby shower, the flower was for a 7=year old little girl in the apartment complex here. It was fun...but that'll be it for cake making for me until next summer, I'm sure!

I mean to take some pics of my apartment at some point so you all can see where we live!


Anonymous said...

So i try to catch up with you domestic cats by growin a squash (which the rabbits devoured) and now you are on to decorating cakes. What the hell? I give up...

Anonymous said...

Nice cakes Kitty! Maybe you should make a squash-shaped cake for Byrd. Umm...that would look nice and phallic.

Anonymous said...

LIZ! I tell you where you can put your squash! Nasty cat!