Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I love the cats

Kitties! I am currently in the process of packing up my house to move! I was thinking that during the past six weeks I have had a baby by c-section, put my house on the market, sold it, and will move before my six week post-partum time is up! I am astonished at how strong my husband must think I am!! Anybody have extra prozac?? I am scared for what God might be preparing my family for, foreign lands, etc.? Bets I read about the bed and Brevin yelling mommy, it is torture. I have put Gabriel back in his bed ten times once before he finally went to sleep. I am not looking forward to starting all over in a new house! Mandy, Gabe had the stomach flu last week, our children must of gotten it from the same place! Anyway, Fulty you look great, hang in there! Well gotta go pack, I hate moving!! love you all

1 comment:

Keepin Up With the Cats said...

Well, I can't believe you are doing all that! You must be crazy!! If you need any help, Brevin is at Mother's Day Out on Monday or Wednesday so I could help then- just give me a call. He went for the first time today- I guess he didn't have such a great day, cried a lot until they gave him the blanket he sleeps with. I guess he did a little better after that. I am sure he will get used to it. I am glad to know that I am not the only one with the sleep problems. I hope it will only take a few nights. I was so used to sleeping all night long that this is such a change. Hopefully just a small phase he is going through. Well this is turning into more of a post- talk to you later.