Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking the Silence...

Well i have been waiting for Jenney to post after her little posting mishap but i guess i will have to be the one to break the silence! Maybe the rest of you sorry cats will follow suit! :)

Life has been busy as usual around here. The summer is moving out quickly it seems, althought it will be hot until like October! There are a few updates and some stories to tell.

We were at Chic Fil A the other night getting icecream and letting the kids play on the playground. Daniel took Ava to the bathroom. He came stomping out red faced and here is what happened: she was sitting on the toilet and Daniel had his back turned (that was his first mistake). He turned around to look at her just in time to see Ava peeing with her hand on her va-jay-jay and thus pee was spraying up in her face, on the wall and all over Daniel nonetheless. She finished and with an accomplished grin on her face said, "Look at my hand." BADD.

The second one is just something Atley said the other day that was really funny. Instead of dive, when he is referring to swimming, he said "die." I knew this to be true but the other day we were in the car on the way to the pool and he looked over at Ava very, very seriously and said, "Ava, if you swim alone, you die alone." Now i know he meant dive but it was hilarious anyhow.

Thirdly, we were at dinner last night and we were conversing about Jesus living in their hearts. At one point in the conversation, Ava got quiet, lifted up her shirt, looked at her chest and said, "Can you open it?" I told her no i cant open it and from there she said Jesus was in here and pointed to her belly button and began rolling her stomach and laughing hysterically. What to say in response????

A couple updates, Daniel will be 30 on Friday! Yes, 30! We are soon to follow! Old cats. Still crochety though! Daniel and Greg Adkins are coaching the 4 & 5 Upward Soccer team in Powell. Atley had his first practice the other night and absolutely loved it. You should have seen him in his mini shin guards and cleats! I will try to post a pic when i find my stupid camera cord. So cute. Cats, don't go around tellin people that i drive a van and am officially a soccer mom. Liz!

Finally, we are beginning classes to start fostering kids sometime in the next month. We just feel very called to that. Be praying for us. I will post more about this some time.

Well, i broke the silence so you people better follow suit!

Love you cats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mandy, your new title:
The Zucchini-Bread-Bakin' Van-Drivin'-Soccer Mom!
The Uber Domesti-Cat!

Spank Daniel 30 times for us--but please do it behind closed doors :)

You don't have to guess who wrote this...MEOOOW!