Thursday, August 7, 2008

Girls vs. Boys

Well it seems everyone is doing well- Vanessa I hope you are finding ways to stay away from the paparazzi. : ) Things are good here. I go to the doctor on the 18th- the weeks seem to be going by slowly when I am waiting for my appointment, but quickly when I think it is already into August. I will be 15 weeks on Sunday- pants are getting tight and I have to wear big shirts. I think I have felt the baby move a few times, but it is sporadic.

In other big news- I have been just watching Brevin to see when he has to poop- you can definitely tell with that kid. So then I will just strip him down and when he has to go he will go sit on the potty. It has worked pretty well. But today I had him come in from the deck to get ready for a nap so I told him to go pee. Well, next thing I know, I look in the bathroom and he is sitting on the toilet so I ask him what he is doing and he says he is pooping. I figured he was just playing around and I heard him grunting a few times, again he likes to do this fake grunt when I tell him he needs to poop. I leave him in there a few minutes and then I hear, "I pooped!" I was amazed and so excited! Now I just need to get him to not poop in his pull-up at naptime (I haven't given that pull-up up yet because I don't want him to wake up in the middle of a nap wet- although he is starting to not nap, like right now, and he just talks to himself all nap time and reads books- anyone else going through this??? He might do this a few days and then nap for a few days- it isn't so bad though).

Also, he came in the bathroom the other day as I was getting out of the shower and he studies me for a little bit and then says, "Mommy, you don't have a pee?" So I explained how mommy is a girl and we don't have those like boys. He said it again when he saw Lauren (the girl I watch) getting a diaper change. Oh I can just imagine where these talks will take us in 10-15 years!

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