Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A story for Momma-Cats and China-Cats alike

Hello Dear Feline Friends~
I have a two part story for y'all. The first part of the story is for all you Momma-Tats (as Kenna would say). I decided to take the kids to the YMCA tonight after dinner to go swimming. I also decided to take our bath stuff and the kids' pajamas along so that they could get all ready for bed. Well, a great plan in theory but rather comical when experienced first hand. Just imagine my naked self in a shower stall with two small naked children. Of course the shower curtain was too small and didn't cover the whole opening of the shower. On top of that I had to put Duncan on the floor of the stall because there was no where else to put his wiggly self. On top of all that I had to wash the three of us, shave my legs and armpits and keep Duncan from crawling under the wall into the adjoining stall. At one point I looked down to find Duncan lying prostrate on the shower floor! The whole time I kept having these uncontrollable laughs to myself as we teetered on the edge of disaster--I kept picturing myself having to scurry soapy and naked to the next stall to retrieve my soapy and naked son. Once showered I then had to try to get a towel around myself while holding Duncan so that I could get to the locker room changing area without all creation seeing my pink-puppies.

As if that weren't enough....(this is for my China-Cats)...I make it to the changing area, sit the kids down, and reflect about how quick I'm going to have to act in order to get us all dressed before someone comes through to see the spectacle. Before I get the chance to start, a Chinese woman and her young son come into a completely empty locker room and proceed to dress themselves to swim RIGHT next to us. So I'm dripping wet, Kenna's standing on the bench buck naked, Duncan's likewise naked on his back on the bench squakin' like a fool, the China child is staring at my puppies as they peak out and the China woman is giving me the biggest most friendliest smile as though no personal boundaries have been breeched in the least. My old feelings of irritation arose (as I'm sure you all can relate to when hearkening back to your China adventures) but then I decided to put all hostile feelings aside and engage her about the Olympics and let her know that I had spent some time in the land of China! She was warm and friendly as all Chinese are and I was able to be a good example to my children. Not only that but I also saw something that I had forgotten completely about--the blue spot that young Chinese children have just above their rear-cracks...still a mystery to me!?!?

Anyway--I hope I can bring a laugh to you all in some form or fashion. Eli read the blog and asked what I was thinking to dare such an undertaking. My only conclusion...I wasn't!

Au Revoir Pee Wee


Anonymous said...

what a hoot! i love it! and am i wrong in remembering chad brown replying to a post on here many months ago? is it possible he and others might read this and know all about your peaking pink puppies? i hope so. i'm still laughing.

Anonymous said...

I would have paid the price of an Olympic ticket just to be a freakin fly on the wall! Oh Liz! You are as insane as the rest of us, except you are naked and insane, which i can't way we all are!
Love you! LOL LOL LOL!