Monday, August 25, 2008

You Shoulda Heard Me from the Sidelines!

Hey Cats,

In midst of a busy season i must pause to tell you that Atley had his first soccer game on Saturday and scored two goals! After one of his goals he came over to the sidelines, ran by, and shouted, "i love you mom!" as he ran past. It was really cute and i hope he still does it the day he plays in his first World Cup. :) He just loves organized play! Anyhow, he was the smallest, youngest kid out there but you would have never known it. There were some kids that were most likley 1st graders but that didn't stop him from runnin' under them and stayin right up on the ball. I, of course, yelled the whole game from the sidelines. It was so much fun. However, the best part of the game for me as a mom was at one point when Atley was sitting on the sidelines and a kid from the other team got hurt and went running over to his parents. Atley, as soon as he noticed, got up and went over to him, bent down and put his arm around and talked to him to try console him. I don't care if he never scores another goal, so long as he continues to grow a heart of compassion for others.

I was thinking today about how, even in our children, we begin to see their little spiritual gifts develop. I think about Kenna and they way she loves to worship and Atley with how he loves to cheer people on and take care of them and you just really begin to see their little gifts and abilities develop early. It's just really cool. We don't deserve any of it.

As a side note, by dear daughter spent most of the game with my small trial size bottle of lotion rubbing it all over whoever would let her...not sure where that fits in the spiritual gift test!

Much love to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, that is just really sweet. I teared up reading it. I love being a parent, it's so cool! My kids aren't showing signs of spiritual gifts necessarily, yet. But my sweet little daughter, even at 11 months, is already very concerned for her brother's well being. He was crying a couple of weeks ago, and she bent over and kissed him on the forehead and I just nearly couldn't pull myself back together afterward. Kids are awesome!!