Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hey Cats,

I will not be able to do anything in November, the spring would work better for me! Bets===bring that newborn!!! I just finished our Halloween parties at Jumpstart and yes dressed in my infamous cat attire! I got a cat-call this morning from some moving guys! Makes you feel kinda good when you are pushing thirty! All is well here, just so busy all the time and Imiss you all dearly. This morning I was meowing at Eliana with my cats ears on and she meowed back!!! I died and had a proud cat-mom moment! Liz- we are having a party tomorrow night and I am making you cheese soup, I am so excited! My son still will not poop in the potty and I am about to go crazy! I think if he is not pooping by January I am going to make him poop his pants! I'm scared that he won't care and Iwill be stuck with poop pants all the time! Well, I love you all and have a great Halloweener!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah Brevin hasn't worn a diaper during the day for a year now. He would either poop in his underwear or wait until nap and go in his pull-up. I tried everything I could think of... mostly bribery. What finally worked was making him clean up his underwear and bottom after he pooped in his pants. It was pretty gross, but he hated to get it on his hands (which I made sure he did- I know nasty). It only took two times, he was in tears both times, but he has gone on the potty since. The first time he went on the potty he immediately said, "And I didn't get any on my hands!" I also told him he couldn't play on the computer if he pooped in his pants, so that might have helped too. Good luck- poopy pants are no fun!