Saturday, October 25, 2008


I just made Lizzy's cheese soup tonight and it was a hit. I knew it would be. I added some diced green pepper because I needed to use it before it went bad and I topped it with green onions and shredded cheddar, and it was delightful. Thank you, Liz. Also, I polished off most of a pumpkin cheesecake today while Steve was out with the men's ministry playing paintball. Oops. Well, the babies had a few bites, and there were already two pieces gone before I started on it. I know, I know, I'm diabetic, but there was only 1/4 cup of sugar in the whole pie (not counting whatever was in the store-bought graham cracker crust.) I'm good all the time, it was a moment of weakness! Don't judge me.

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