Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Only Because Liz Made Me Feel Guilty...

So i am doing my duty and obeying our Liz-butt to chime in and say that i agree with Liz. I feel like if we are going to make the effort to get together it should be at a time when we can all actually attend. I talked to Ness the other day on the phone and she seemed to feel the same way. BUT if we plan something for the Spring me must ALL do our very best, come hell or highwater, to BE THERE! No half-assin'. Should i be more blunt?

Anyhoo, on to the latest. Um, Atley and Ava are either best friends or worst enemies depending upon the second. Thankfully they are most best friends. They are mostly opposites who manage to work it out well enough to really enjoy each other. They are pretty stinkin hilarious. The other day they were pushing baby strollers down the hall taking them to the dr. One had a sore throat and the other kept "spillin" (throwing up). Atley is amazing us at four years old. He is still SO into soccer even though the season is over. He and Daniel are always outside playing. The other day in the van we passed by a field where some people were playing and he said, "Dad that was a corner kick!" I think we are going to get him some more lessons at an indoor league here in town soon. It is just so good for him.

Ava is mother to all, as well as slightly baby obssessed. She loves to talk on the phone! She will go on and on and on with anyone who will listen. Yesterday she told my mom that last night there was a boy outside her window crying. He came inside and put grass in her mouth and she had Daniel come in and get him and take him back outside. Strange. Then a couple night ago she woke up yellin that there was a wiener dog in her room. It was her brown cowboy boots. Ugh. So now every night she asks if there are any animals in her room. I say, "No, just shoes."

Atley asked for a brother the other day. I asked him what country we should go to get one. He said, "the store." He obviously doesn't quite get it yet. We will be explaining to him about his adoption soon. He is probably ready. As far as where our next one is coming from, we are not quite sure. We heavily considered fostering but have several legitimate hesitancies. Not because we are afriad, but only because of the line of work we are already in. We are just not sure it is the wisest thing for our family right now. We are still considering Ethiopia though. But dont' feel heavily led in any direction right now. I am wanting to want another one but not all the way there yet. A and A are just so fun right now that i am not sure if i am ready. Plus, affordability is always an issue in adoption too. But, we will see what the good Lord wants. Heck, somebody could call in the next hour for all we know.

I am head to VA this weekend for Halloween. I have been a single mother sort of this week. Daniel has been gone every night not home until after bedtime. He will not be done with his night job of running light for the CAK muscial until Sunday and i am done. So i am headin home to my mamma for a hair do and some spoilin. THank the good Lord for mothers!

P.S. I think if we do have a cat retreat in the spring. We need to invite our dear cub Ryan Molden.

Be good!

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