Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Slavic Friend Scores

Well, I survived my first Chuck E Cheese experience. It could have been a lot worse. We went to celebrate my Latvian friend's son's birthday. While there I made a Ukrainian friend--I most be deficient in my East Slavic friend count. You all better check your Slavic friend scores--I hear that low numbers lead to significant health problems!

Since Mandy presented us with some hilarious Ava/Ately stories I thought I might share one of my own. Lately I've been explaining to Kenna that when she gets older there will be things that she will be able to do that she can't really do now: crochet a scarf, help mommy clean the bathroom, shave her legs, etc. Well, the other day she needed help wiping after using the potty and when I came in I discovered that she pulled out way too much paper. I started rolling it back up and explained that her bottom was too little to need so much paper. She promptly replied, "Mommy, when my bottom gets bigger I will use more paper!"
Now seriously--who ever wanted a bigger bottom so they had more to wipe and could use more paper! The things kids think of...

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